Hello to everyone! Just introducing myself, cause I'm gonna need you help!

one arm steve

New Member
Hello guys,

I'd like to introduce myself. I've been smoking for years but have only grown once in my closet in college. I recently moved back to my hometown; a place that prefers reggie brown over nice clean bud.

So I'm undertaking the endeavor of growing my own outdoors for the upcoming year. I'm going to need help with nice (but simple) organic soil mixtures, crimping/topping techniques, nutrients (I'll be using local guano from a cave), and so on (I'll read the stickies and search first, no need to ask a question twice). So you'll probably see my questions pop up in the cultivation section. Any and all info will be much appreciated. So thanks to all in advance!
Steve, :welcome: to :420: where we all have fun and help each other. I am glad that you are here my friend. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here that can help. I have a few links that might help you find something that is of interest to you.

For growing this is a good link How to Grow Marijuana

And photos are always nice for a journal Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Note from Cannafan: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

Speaking of journals How to Make a Grow Journal

For medical issues we have this MEDICAL MARIJUANA

For edibles Cannabis Edibles

For legal and activist things 420 LEGAL ACTION

And a FAQ to help with general things Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions feel free to ask as we have a lot of wonderful people with a lot of knowledge that are willing to help.
:peace: :Namaste:
:welcome: to :420:

Just a tip, when collecting Bat Guano wear a mask, use gloves and wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. I wouldn't want to see a fellow member breathing that stuff in or catching any nasty diseases from bats. They make good poop, but carry nasty diseases.

Good Luck! :peace:
Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone! It's unbelievable how much I've learned since starting on this site a few days ago. I'm looking forward to sharing my experience with you guys. I can already tell this is gonna be a wild ride, just hope I have something to show for it by November. :thanks:
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