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Leaves keep turning this color.
Ph 5.8
Gen hydro nutes half ts per gal
RH 65
Temp 75f
Calmag 5mil per gal
3.5 gal res
Ro tap water mix 70/30
Ppm 450
Day 12
Mars ts2000 at 65% 26 in
Any ideas what this could be?


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Leaves keep turning this color.
Ph 5.8
Gen hydro nutes half ts per gal
RH 65
Temp 75f
Calmag 5mil per gal
3.5 gal res
Ro tap water mix 70/30
Ppm 450
Day 12
Mars ts2000 at 65% 26 in
Any ideas what this could be?
I’ve always heard go 1/4 strength in hydro.
You’re good at 5.8.
@TurboBucket might can help.
5ml is a lot when your base nute is only 2.5 I run 1-2ml/gal cal mag to 5-7ml/gal base nutes.

The new growth looks ok. Personally I'd let it ride for a couple days. If it gets worse change the water and increase your feed to 3/4 tsp
How’s the grow going
Ok. I've tried everything and it just keeps slowly spreading. It's got to have something to do with the water I'm using. Ro. maybe I meed to let it sit out? I have a baby pineapple chunk and it was fine but 2 days after the roots shot and hit the water it's starting with the browning just like the others. I'm at a loss
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