Help me diagnose my plant


New Member
I'm getting clawing, and stunted growth. Fox Farm Soil with some perlite and dolomite lime (I should've used more perlite I think) also some minor yellowing lower leaves I think

No nutrients
18/6 MARS300 LED 18in over plant
65F temp
30-50% Humidity
PH 6.5 water (maybe I should go lower)

It's been about a month from seedling maybe a little longer. I've topped her once, trimmed lower leaves off once, started some LST to bend her over a bit too expose more leaves to light.

I water 3-4 days about 750ml of water (been trying to water less in case I've over watered)

My first grow, it almost looks like nitrogen toxicity or under/over watering... I think I covered everything. Pics below

Hard to say when it's under the led, but it looks pretty good to me. A natural light picture is really the only way to tell if the leaves are not the right color.

Here are some daylight photos. You can see canopying of some leaves. This has been about 2 months...Doesn't this plant look pretty small for 2 months?

How big is the pot and is it where she started?
PH is fine, IMO.
I didn't even think about the pot. I love you guys It was a 1 gallon equivalent I believe. I just transplanted her into the 3 gallon. Should I be buying a 5 gallon? Took some pics of the roots and the new pot

I don't use those pots, but it didn't appear heavily root bound. When I up-can, the roots rarely let loose of any soil.
I don't use those pots, but it didn't appear heavily root bound. When I up-can, the roots rarely let loose of any soil.

I believe since these pots kinda poke into the soil, you can expect soil to let loose when you take it apart. It looks like it needed to be done regardless, we'll see how she progresses
I believe since these pots kinda poke into the soil, you can expect soil to let loose when you take it apart. It looks like it needed to be done regardless, we'll see how she progresses

I think the major was trying to say that the pot was probably not the reason your leaves were curling under. Honestly it didn't look that bad to me. Maybe just a slight bump in nitrogen levels. Doesn't look like it's progressing so I would really worry too much about it.

I'm just a newbie, but that soil looks bone dry to me and she seem to be drooping a little, so she might be telling you to water her.

I can't speak regarding the nutrients though. I don't know how much is in that soil and how long it lasts.

Good luck with her :)
She's looking way better now, not sure which helped more the pot or the extra water now. Have some earth juice grow coming in pretty soon too. She's back on track! Thanks guys!

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