Help salvage this salvaged plant!

What is the name of your nutes
No brand name, if you would please refer to the first post in this thread, I have it all detailed. Thanks

Update. almost 36hrs after change of res. pH has been stable at 5.8 since yesterday. Increased a bit from the initial 5.5.
EC has been stable at 0.510 since yesterday, increased from the initial mix of 0.495. Water level seems stagnant right now. Hopefully the plant will start eating and drinking soon.

I have removed all the dried and excessively damaged leaves.


And a happy new year!

So a bit worrying today.
The pH has dropped. From 5.8 to 5.4 (it is possible that my readings yesterday were inaccurate, I did mix this solution to 5.5)
The water level has also dropped a little.
The EC is unchanged. Is at .510.

Ill let it be till the evening/tomorrow, then if need replace 1L of water with 1L of higher strength nute solution in the bucket ?

It has been a week since the full res change, and today will be 4 days since I topped up with a stronger solution.

the EC remains stable at .634, and the pH has climbed now to 6.1
Water level has dropped by another 1/2L + or so.

When do I top up or change the res ?
Some more LST today.

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