Shaft09's Hydro Salvage Grow

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You are correct in assuming the temps were in the low 70's. Good eye. I just gave the roots a whiff, and they smell good. I put some liquid seaweed in my tea, so maybe that is why the color looks as it does. Outside temp was 49 when walking the dogs at 6:40 this morning and looking at a high of 83 today. Water temp and tent temp are at 68 right now. Where do you think I should try are keep the temp in the res?

I have 2 air stones in the res and I'll try and do as you say and move the pump outside the tent. Temp in the house is 69 right now also. If you need anymore info, please let me know.

Pop over when you have time. This is from AG's grow post #204 page 14.
Hey shaft,

You've got some really knowledgable guys over here, As far as your root rot issue, the temps should be down around 69 in the rez, you have a couple of options here, if you had your room temps down to 79 you rez would stay cool enough, I had this problem also. you can buy a chiller they are pretty pricey though. or you can make something pretty cheap. This is what I did, I bought 10 feet of 3/8" stainless steel tubing and I bent is into a coil, I put the coil in a bucket and connected plastic tubing to both ends of the coil and ran them into my nutrient rez. I hooked up a small submersible pump to one end of the tubing, this small pump sat in the bottom of my nute rez. the other end of the tubing dumped into the top of the nute rez. I filled the 5 gallon bucket that the stainless coil is in with water and once a day I would put a frozen 2 liter bottle of water in the bucket this kept my temps down. I never hsad a probem with root rot. I will try to post a pic later for you.
Otherwise I can post a link on how to make a chiller out of a window AC.

I have a new car heater core I could do that with, but an evaporator coil would be better. 6 gal of res water + a 5 gal bucket of more res water and nutes = too much nute use. Ambient temps in the Cali high desert will be frigid pretty soon, it was 49 when walking the dogs this morning, so I don't think temps will be a problem here real soon.

This would be an option next summer if I don't get a chiller next year.

Note to self; Don't grow weed indoors during summer in Cali High Desert!
it don't sound like heat is the issue, more likely its the organic material you are introducing to your hydro system. how are often are you changing out the nut solution, and when you do this, are you cleaning your rez? Your rez has to be kept clean most guys drain the rez and clean it weekly.

I have a new car heater core I could do that with, but an evaporator coil would be better. 6 gal of res water + a 5 gal bucket of more res water and nutes = too much nute use. Ambient temps in the Cali high desert will be frigid pretty soon, it was 49 when walking the dogs this morning, so I don't think temps will be a problem here real soon.

This would be an option next summer if I don't get a chiller next year.

Note to self; Don't grow weed indoors during summer in Cali High Desert!

the water in the5 gallon bucket does not have nutes in it, the bucket is just cold water, the nutrient solution passes thru the tubing totally isolated from the bucket water.
Ok, I gotcha. I went back and read it again. I also checked out your grow
last night.

Cool, hydro is cool once you get your environment dialed in. I wish I lived somewhere where it got cold in the winter. It's about 85 everyday of the year here. So to grow indoors I had to add an AC unit and chill my nutrient solution.electricity is expensive over here too. I would grow outside but I live in a crowded neighborhood.

how warm does the floor get the res is on, if the floor gets warm to the touch then raise the res off the flower about an inch, get some strips of wood and have one at either end, this will stop the heat from the floor heating the res up,

ive not got experience with led so cant help to much with that, but i do a dwc grow with a hid light and if my res temps gets to warm then i get slimey roots and problems, so i have to make sure my res is in the shade, if the light shines on my res then i have problems, so i use some thick cardboard and totally make sure the res is not getting any light shinining on it from above or the sides, once i did that my problems went away.

not sure what your adding to your nutrients either so ill have a good read from the start, but if you adding stuff that encourages the good microbes to thrive then this also causes the bad to thrive, if the bad become the dominant factor then this gives you problems, so i know with my dwc that i can only use nutrients and not additives or booster such as molasses, ive read mixed reviews and some say its ok to use and some say its not, i have used it and found it made no difference to my grow but i dont use it as it gives a place for the bacteria/microbs to grow good and bad, so it can help and it can make things worse,

but im not a hydro expert or even a dwc expert so i can only go off what i have learned and been through myself,

but i can safely say that adding anything other that nutrient can cause problems, so i dont add anything else apart from nutrients, since doing that and putting my res in the shade ive not had anymore problems, i dont clean my res often my dwc is just a small 2ltr dwc so my res is the same size as a 2ltr pop bottle so temps can raise pretty quick due to only having just under 2ltr of nutrients in the res at a time, if its possible to clean the res then its worth doing. my plants drink 2ltr in just under 2 days so i fill it back up with nutrients every 2 days and it seems to do ok,

hopefully someone who grows hydro all the time can offer more help and advice,
I do have a question about something nobody has touched on; what role does RH have on a grow in a tent? Mine is currently at 16%. I had been putting a square open container (about 1 gal) of water in the tent recently, then I stopped. Now I notice my little bud hairs and some leaves look like they are drying up. Is that something I should keep doing with RH so low? Also should i be foliar spraying too?
your signature link is not working properly yet, give it another go, make sure you copy the web address from the first page of your grow journal.

optimum humidity levels for vegetative growth are 50%-70% humidity. optimum humidity levels for flowering are 40%-50% humidity. i would pick up a cool mist humidifier from Walmart or somewhere and add it to the intake air for your grow area to increase the humidity. search cool mist humidifier
The way I manage humidity is to try to keep it as arid as possible. I would say my room averages 30-50% usually in the 30's range... I have encountered some minor issues with foliage with low humidity but easier to solve than issues with high humidity. Hope you find your rooms sweet spot :)
My wife had one of those humidity gadgets that wasn't being used, so it is in the tent now. Guess I'll have to wait about a week or so to see if it makes a diff. I'll try to get more pics uploaded later today so everyone can see the girls now. They don't look as good as in the previous pics.
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