Help salvage this salvaged plant!

Quick update.
I felt the root rot was getting worse. I do find it strange that the only affected areas are above the water line ? Was under the impression that root rot cannot get hold of on roots not in the water...

Anyhows, so I have topped the res till the top, so all roots are now submerged, the topup contained a mild nutes mix + bactorr 13 for a res pH of 5.9 and EC of 1209.

Hope this is ok ?

Hey all!

See if you can help out with this.
  1. A few observations. Irrespective of the EC of the nutes, and I have mixed from 0.5 through to 1.2, the EC keeps rising slowly, while the water level decreases.
  2. While usually the pH is a lot more stable, I now find it dropping mildly too.
  3. The leaves on fresh growth while looking healthy, seem to start drying out quite early on.
  4. I think the root rot is catching on.
  5. Worth noting that this plant is now almost a 75 days or so old, and its an auto.


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Hey all!

Hope everyone is safe and coping!
A bit has changed since the last post here almost 3 months ago! To think this auto germinated in coco and was then moved to soil, where it fell very sick, and then moved to a dwc... It sprouted on the 20th of October, 2019!
Half of the problem is me not knowing what to do! But i guess the heavy stress and nutrient deficiencies must have slowed it down, cause I since seem to have sorted out my mess and did finally to get her to flower!

So now my problem is I don't know when to harvest, I don't have a loupe of a microscope, and no way of getting one and this will be my first harvest! :)
She started flowering bout 4-5 weeks ago, and the strain is seedsman NL auto.
Currently the res has an EC of 1.2 (bg 0.3) with a pH of 6.2, advanced nutes pH perfect base nutes, water chiller @ 19*c and nothing else.

Im hoping I can get a little worthy smoke off her! And im so excited for my next grow, where im hoping ill have it much better!

Pictures attached.
Thank you all for your time, please be safe!


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Hey all!

Hope everyone is safe and coping!
A bit has changed since the last post here almost 3 months ago! To think this auto germinated in coco and was then moved to soil, where it fell very sick, and then moved to a dwc... It sprouted on the 20th of October, 2019!
Half of the problem is me not knowing what to do! But i guess the heavy stress and nutrient deficiencies must have slowed it down, cause I since seem to have sorted out my mess and did finally to get her to flower!

So now my problem is I don't know when to harvest, I don't have a loupe of a microscope, and no way of getting one and this will be my first harvest! :)
She started flowering bout 4-5 weeks ago, and the strain is seedsman NL auto.
Currently the res has an EC of 1.2 (bg 0.3) with a pH of 6.2, advanced nutes pH perfect base nutes, water chiller @ 19*c and nothing else.

Im hoping I can get a little worthy smoke off her! And im so excited for my next grow, where im hoping ill have it much better!

Pictures attached.
Thank you all for your time, please be safe!
All lookin' good there Sid. Glad to see you back and with some success. I would think that you have about three weeks to go. don't rush it, let them fill out. You will enjoy the Northern Lights.
Thank you so much Joe!

Its real nice to be back, been wanting to for a bit, but really wanted to come back with something, learnt so much and read so much here!
Quite exciting! So you reckon she is doing ok ? That would be super!
The politics of our world is so depressing, and this is the one thing that is making me day.

Be safe!
Thank you so much Joe!

Its real nice to be back, been wanting to for a bit, but really wanted to come back with something, learnt so much and read so much here!
Quite exciting! So you reckon she is doing ok ? That would be super!
The politics of our world is so depressing, and this is the one thing that is making me day.

Be safe!
Yes they are looking good. A little patience is required. Your garden is much healthier and serene place to be then outside nowadays. :peace: :ganjamon:
Hey Joe and all!

Quick question, top of the buds closest to the LED, burnt or ok ? Im using standard LED bulbs without the diffuser so have them really close up.

Thanks as always!
Be safe.


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Damn ok.. So how to check if colas are ok or not ? Do lift the lights or let em be ?
Here is a pic of the lights rig, now all shifted to my mums spare room when the lockdown happened here,...

im also in another bit of a pickle. I dont have pH down here, and my res change day before, the pH buffer with AN pH perfect base nutes have not worked this time, i dunno why. Resulting in a pH of 7. Can i use Apple cider vineger in a pinch ?

Ill elaborate since I have nothing else to do next post! :)


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Hey all!
Hope we all getting along fine, a quick update from here. A few pics from now, 5-6 weeks into flower.
EC @ 1.2-1.1, pH @ 6.1

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So with the weather changing towards the warm, figured ill need to get myself a chiller if I intend to pursue this with any chance of success, and bit the bullet. I had in the meantime also germinated and potted a BlimBurn GSC auto, mostly cause I had no expectations of this NL bearing fruit, I had messed up my grow enough... hehe..
While the 2 plants were in their individual buckets initially, adding a chiller made me need to adapt till I sorted out a RWDC build, but that was for later, and laters is now, and I dont think humanity still gets it.. but I digress.

Now I have overflowing GSC showing pre flowers, and waiting on harvest for the NL, so I can spread my GSC around.


Take care folks!
Hi Folks!
Hope us all are coping!
So here are some pics from today, how long from when I can harvest ? The GSC in the same container is now taking over and shadowing the right section buds.. But i figure I could pull a few more days, maybe a week.

Cheers and take care!


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Thanks my man!
By leaves you mean the dead leaves from this plant ? So i need to trim them all the dry bits ? Thanks!

Im also having to train the GSC almost daily to keep her out as much as I can... How much longer your reckon ? Week ?


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What an uphill battle from day one . My first grow went pretty similar , for what it is your doing a pretty good job considering the pleasure of issues , good on you for staying ontop of it getting out there and asking, hats off to you man. It’s a huge learning curve. Like myself I did a lot of research then went to grow and it was a struggle . But your in the right place and each grow gets better and better my friend .
hope your doing well keeping safe . Don’t give up brotherman then ends almost here . See the thing about soil is if you overwater growth almost stops . And when you start a seedling in a big pot it takes time for that seedling to dig in enough to grow up . My soil grows usually start pretty slow , I lost 70% of my seeds to a stupid mistake . I didn’t properly prepare and plant and it was just an on the fly excited as sheeeit germination and I lost a lot of good beans . So your not alone on loosing a ton of seeds

Cheers :passitleft:
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