Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is my first grow journal so bare with me here. I am going to try to be as diligent as possible with uploading updates and being as detailed as possible, while trying to answer any questions. If anyone has any advice they can give me feel free to tell me what’s on your mind or if you think I’m doing something wrong. I work very long hours and some days I don’t get to see my kids because of it , my family does come first . I am going to try my best to keep frequent updates. I have about 50 days of material to upload before we’re at the current stage.. I started using Cannabis at a young age, I was put on the highest legal dose of dextrine and back in thoes days it was essentially Methamphetamine. I had sever “ ADHD and ODD” and I just could not sit still in class, these meds made me stay up all night so they decided to put me on meds to slow my heart rate down enough I could fall asleep at night, which is completely insane but in the 90s that’s all they had. So after a year I had lost so much weight from not eating my dad decided enough was enough and he took me off the meds, I was 9 at the time. Not to long after that I was back to not sitting still and interruptingl the class. One day I was around some older kids and they were smoking marijuana, and I was pressured into trying it . I completely loved the feeling but was worried about going to class, when I got to class I was able to sit there concentrate do my work and not bother anyone else. I immediately told my dad about it and got punished for it . It took a couple years before I started to smoke regularly, by the time I was 12 I was kicked out of my house and I had to grow up real fast, I struggled in life I got taken advantage of , bullied and treated like shit by most people , I had only a few good friends. But my dad was my support system and he was my best friend. I am now 30 years old with 3 kids and an amazing wife. Last year my dad has a major stroke and soent 3 days in the hospital, they did not make him comfortable and I suffered. It was the longest 3 days of my life , I was left broken and I had lost my best friend but most importantly my dad . He was 59 when he died not a week before his birthday. A year before he died we were talking and he said why don’t you grow you own medicine and it hit me , why haven’t I ?? So I started my first grow, with the help of my dad. My dad quit smoking years ago but he was just fascinated with the plant. 2 months before harvest he died and this was a game changer for me. I became depressed angry at the world. I didn’t want to get up in the morning, this was very hard on my wife and kids and I am so thankful she stuck by my side, she picked me up broken inside, and didn’t give up until I could smoke again After countless doctor appointments and medications and time. I finally wasn’t so angry in life, I find growing to be very therapeutic and relaxing. It had become very sentimental to me because of the time I spent with my dad doing it. This is my first grow log and I just wanted to start off with telling you guys about myself and why I’m here .stay tuned there’s a lot material coming ,
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to learn a lot from you all and maybe you can learn something from me . I am very happy to be apart of the 420 mag family .
Hey everyone, this is my first grow journal so bare with me here. I am going to try to be as diligent as possible with uploading updates and being as detailed as possible, while trying to answer any questions. If anyone has any advice they can give me feel free to tell me what’s on your mind or if you think I’m doing something wrong. I work very long hours and some days I don’t get to see my kids because of it , my family does come first . I am going to try my best to keep frequent updates. I have about 50 days of material to upload before we’re at the current stage.. I started using Cannabis at a young age, I was put on the highest legal dose of dextrine and back in thoes days it was essentially Methamphetamine. I had sever “ ADHD and ODD” and I just could not sit still in class, these meds made me stay up all night so they decided to put me on meds to slow my heart rate down enough I could fall asleep at night, which is completely insane but in the 90s that’s all they had. So after a year I had lost so much weight from not eating my dad decided enough was enough and he took me off the meds, I was 9 at the time. Not to long after that I was back to not sitting still and interruptingl the class. One day I was around some older kids and they were smoking marijuana, and I was pressured into trying it . I completely loved the feeling but was worried about going to class, when I got to class I was able to sit there concentrate do my work and not bother anyone else. I immediately told my dad about it and got punished for it . It took a couple years before I started to smoke regularly, by the time I was 12 I was kicked out of my house and I had to grow up real fast, I struggled in life I got taken advantage of , bullied and treated like shit by most people , I had only a few good friends. But my dad was my support system and he was my best friend. I am now 30 years old with 3 kids and an amazing wife. Last year my dad has a major stroke and soent 3 days in the hospital, they did not make him comfortable and I suffered. It was the longest 3 days of my life , I was left broken and I had lost my best friend but most importantly my dad . He was 59 when he died not a week before his birthday. A year before he died we were talking and he said why don’t you grow you own medicine and it hit me , why haven’t I ?? So I started my first grow, with the help of my dad. My dad quit smoking years ago but he was just fascinated with the plant. 2 months before harvest he died and this was a game changer for me. I became depressed angry at the world. I didn’t want to get up in the morning, this was very hard on my wife and kids and I am so thankful she stuck by my side, she picked me up broken inside, and didn’t give up until I could smoke again After countless doctor appointments and medications and time. I finally wasn’t so angry in life, I find growing to be very therapeutic and relaxing. It had become very sentimental to me because of the time I spent with my dad doing it. This is my first grow log and I just wanted to start off with telling you guys about myself and why I’m here .stay tuned there’s a lot material coming ,
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to learn a lot from you all and maybe you can learn something from me . I am very happy to be apart of the 420 mag family .