Hempy Headquarters

How long has it been in that pot? It looks about like mine when I let them get too root bound.

she is an auto.. shes been in that pot since birth basically. 38 days old.. i would up pot if it wasnt an auto. i did wanna try to contain the size here. considering ive seen healthy plants grown in solo cups, my stubbornness makes me believe i should be fine doing an auto in a 2 gal.

i am worried that it could be a root issue if this calmag thing doesnt resolve it.
I don't have a lot of auto experience but I always up pot my photo hempies and if I go too long before I do they tend to look about like those pics. For me it all depends on how long I veg them for, my most recent hempy was completely root bound and sad looking in a 3.5 gallon bucket, but turned around in a day or two when I moved it to a 5 gallon. I’ve also got a little one flowering fine in a 1 gallon pot now so I guess it’s totally variable.

I don't have a lot of auto experience but I always up pot my photo hempies and if I go too long before I do they tend to look about like those pics. For me it all depends on how long I veg them for, my most recent hempy was completely root bound and sad looking in a 3.5 gallon bucket, but turned around in a day or two when I moved it to a 5 gallon. I’ve also got a little one flowering fine in a 1 gallon pot now so I guess it’s totally variable.

they say you shouldnt repot autos.. but i would rather up pot it then have it die on me. if it doesnt turn around in the next two days, i will start addressing potential root problems. thank you for your perspective. im a bit puzzled with this one.
Up-potting a hempy is very low stress. If the roots have completely populated the perlite above the hole, just lift the plant out of the pot - wet or dry - the perlite will have totally encased the perlite. There probably will be some dangling roots that will be ready to take off into your new perlite.
Up-potting a hempy is very low stress. If the roots have completely populated the perlite above the hole, just lift the plant out of the pot - wet or dry - the perlite will have totally encased the perlite. There probably will be some dangling roots that will be ready to take off into your new perlite.

so there is hope after all. i have some 10L buckets around (although these are technically 2 gallon buckets, I didnt have a ton of perlite so theyre prob more like 6-7 L full. so theyd essentially move from a 1.5 gal to a 2.5 gal. now that deliveries are back to normal I have enough perlite if need be. thanks for the inspiration and comfort haha
Keep in mind that most roots won’t go into the perlite below the hole, so that volume must be subtracted from the volume of the container to get actual root volume. If you are in 6-7L, I would consider going up to 19L (5 gallons).

Are you seeing pistils yet?
Keep in mind that most roots won’t go into the perlite below the hole, so that volume must be subtracted from the volume of the container to get actual root volume. If you are in 6-7L, I would consider going up to 19L (5 gallons).

Are you seeing pistils yet?
i feel like im at such a crucial point in this plants life, its been throwing pistils for about 15 days but aside from like showing its a girl, its not really budding yet. i want to eliminate this problem asap.

option a
feed it the old nutes sans cal mag, wait a day and see, then up pot if no improvement

option b
up pot to a 5 gal and feed the old nutes sans cal mag tonight

which would you prefer?
If you have seen significant stretch already, you are unlikely to benefit from an up-pot, since the roots won’t really grow much after stretch ends and she gets down to the business of building flowers.
a perfect politician level response. i will hold off on the up pot if possible. lets say the correct nutrient solution eliminates the issue, how soon should i expect to see some level of improvement with the sagging?
You should see an immediate response in hempy.

Incidentally, could it be heat or light stress?
i thought about that as well. the lights on temps peak at 81ºF.. but usually are steady at 79º. I did raise the power of the lights a few days before this issue started too. i was at 70% and bumped them to 100%. probably 2 days before starting the calmag. so 48 hours ago or so, when they started looking upset, i lowered the lights to 85% and made sure they were at least 24" away from the top of the canopy. the other plants seem pretty happy.
If you just started the CalMag, I wouldn’t worry about the upper roots too much. A slight float - maybe fill to a couple inches above the hole - should suffice.
i wish i could double thank react you dude. thanks for helping me troubleshoot. the normal food, sans calmag, seems to have done the trick. her leaves are almost horizontal already again. gonna omit the calmag from here on out.
they looked sad again this morning. not as bad as yesterday but still not as happy as last night, or back to healthy again.

i think today i should check out the root ball for possible root issues?
hey hempsters.. have any of you experienced something like this? over the last 3 days these cream cookies plants have just looked really sad and weird.. the rest are doing fine. im not sure what deficiency or excess could be causing this? heres the short scoop

5 days ago i started adding calmag+ into my nutrients
i have raised the power of my lights slightly
the plant is drinking the same as normal but just looks really weird
ph pen is calibrated and no issues with ph..

im thinking maybe the plant just hates the calmag? or the fact that my tap water is 200ppm, maybe adding the calmag bumped up the calcium too high and the mg and some other stuff is locked out? the normal feed for this plant was 4ml each of gro/micro/bloom. i have cut back to see if maybe that helps to 1ml each yesterday. it seemed to help for a few hours but shes said again. any ideas?


i see a few droopy kinda hungry plants here ...
I don't have a lot of auto experience but I always up pot my photo hempies and if I go too long before I do they tend to look about like those pics. For me it all depends on how long I veg them for, my most recent hempy was completely root bound and sad looking in a 3.5 gallon bucket, but turned around in a day or two when I moved it to a 5 gallon. I’ve also got a little one flowering fine in a 1 gallon pot now so I guess it’s totally variable.

absolutely. all about the veg time and flip

i'm flowering 6 2L and one under 750 ml ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

i feel like im at such a crucial point in this plants life, its been throwing pistils for about 15 days but aside from like showing its a girl, its not really budding yet. i want to eliminate this problem asap.

option a
feed it the old nutes sans cal mag, wait a day and see, then up pot if no improvement

option b
up pot to a 5 gal and feed the old nutes sans cal mag tonight

which would you prefer?

what are you running for nutes ? i'm on mc and forget others need cal mag. i run RO, but 200 ppm is a good count for most places.

i'd get a municipal water report, usually posted online. it will tell you what is in that 200 ppm, and give you a better idea on the cal mag. otherwise when using, start at 1/2 or 1/4 dose, and adjust according to how the plant responds.
what tray do you reccomend me getting for a 4x4 tent, for the hempy buckets?

whatever fits under the buckets is fine. hempy is not expensive to run. that's the whole idea. i use cheap dollar store plant trays and knockoff tupperware containers under mine. :p
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