Hierba's 1st Indoor grow

Whoa, wait a minute...........whered the haze come from? mmmm silver haze, one of my fav's!!
Looking really good Hierba

Thanks fly,heres some info on the haze & sativa im growing

Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~70 days; Only female seeds.
Known Phenotypes: » new » none up to now (homogenous??)

The quality sativas are the ones that produce clear psychoactive effects, without the feeling of sleepiness or tiredness. The presence of THCTHCV, a compound that makes the stimulant effect of THC stronger, and the absence of CBD, are both responsible of making the effect quite long, it can endure several hours, all without a feeling of letargy or tiredness.
It is not easy to create plants with that quality and a big production and they are usually of low production.

Royale Haze fulfills both requirements; the effect is really sativa and is a great producer; for this, she will be on need of plenty of water, feeding, and just 70 days of flowering. The 10%-20% of the plants reach 75 days, even 80days, but most of them are ready in 70 days. The flavour is really spicy, with a subtle sweet skunk tone in some of them, rich and complex, tasty.

She can be cultivated without problems outdoors, even in cold and mountainous climates of Southern Europe, and can be harvested for the end of October. From the 3 sativas that we have produced, this is the best combining potency, sativa quality and high production. It is really suitable for a SCROG.

Location: indoor, outdoor; Type: mostly sativa; Flowering: ~67 days; Only female seeds.
Known Phenotypes: » new » none up to now (homogenous??)

The sativa cousin of MobyDick , has the same character relating to the lighting and feeding; the effect is of a better quality than her cousin, more mental and elevated, not so heavy. She needs lots of zinc, iron, nitrogen, magnesium and a PH not above 6.3, avoiding this way deficiency of iron or zinc. A well aireated, light and warm medium is fundamental to avoid this kind of deficiency. She grows a lot with plenty of vigour will be on need of great space to avoid seeing her limited. She has a great adaptability for a scrog and can be easily bended outdoors too if we don`t want the plant to grow very high.
The predominant smells are wood and pine with a touch of spices, with a strong smell after been cured; the THC level is quite high, a strong and clear effect. Extreme potency.

got the silver haze from a friend..All plants in the vegging room are for the outdoor season,I will start another thread next month with my outdoor adventure :)








Thanks guys.Yes,were enjoying the harvests:ganjamon:

Little smoke report of the sativa:

Smell of the buds: just like lemon,delicious smell,touch them and your fingers will smell for hours even if you wash them.

Great bagappeal,one of the best looking weeds ive seen.

High or stoned?: Super high for 3 hours,stronger than my white widow.

Tomorrow ill post some pics of the buds,you will freak out!! :p
wheres the nug pics? i cant wait to see

Aha!!I knew that i forgot to do something:hmmmm:

flyfishinrock said:
Nice job on the grow, theyre looking geat! Better than the widow huh? I liked my haze better than widow too actually, but mostly because of the taste. Did you make clones from her?

Its stronger than the widow,well,its completely different,since its sativa and the other indica.I use the widow at night and haze and sativa during the day.

Yes i took clones of her,got em all outside.I have a new strain for outdoors btw(was a present of a spanish magazine) somango x critical 47 from positronics(unreleased strain).
Hello my friends,

I harvested the last 3 white widow clones,I am very proud because the 3 clones made 175G of dried flowers(rock solid buds).They shine like diamonds and smell very very strong.

So this grow is done,I will update my other thread in the next days,thanks for watching,thanks for the help and thanks for making me an expert grower.

Summer is coming to my Island,if anyone wants to make holydays here(IBIZA)

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