How long until harvest?

Yes but remembering them at the right time always eludes me.

remembering the clean ones is mine ...

not posting the dirty one's is also a dance through the cow pasture ... :p
sorry for late reply work. You have got some great advice from bill/bluter i agree with them my friend.
Even if I'm looking for a head high? I wanted more of an up, day high. Sorry if I'm repeating but I'm just trying to make sure before I screw up
I'm just popping in here. wanted to say nice plant! I would be willing to bet you need a week or two she still may swell up .... and you can always harvest the fully matured buds now and w8 for the rest to finish up on your plants time. I've always found if i wasn't quite sure she is done I leave enough to grow that if she swells I don't feel like a complete failure because I cut her... I know I have cut a few to early when I was starting out and you always wonder .......... good luck !!congratz on the nice job!!!
For me the key here is that you are growing for your own medical for social anxiety. I didn't catch the strain but the leaves are sativa dom looking which is a good choice for that treatment. The more amber the stronger it gets and buds swell but it can also lead to more paranoia and body high. Frosty is more of an uplifting heady high. Some sativas don't really amber much no matter how long you wait. When 80% of the pistols have darkened and the trichomes are clouded you have a good energetic mental effect. You may have less yield and have to take an extra toke but the most important thing is the medical effect. For the effect you are looking for, I would chop. The only true way to answer is take a sample.
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