How they looking ladies and gents how long will you guys say until harvest


Active Member
How many days of flower are you currently at?

The cannabis plants in the photograph appear around 3 - 4 weeks in flower and appear might require another 5-7 weeks to mature.

In the photograph the buds are producing many new pistils. As the plants mature the white pistils shall change colour to brown / orange / red depending on strain. The trichomes are where the cannabinoids are mostly concentrated and when new the trichomes are clear then change to cloudy and finally ending amber.


You need a 30x jewelers loupe to see the trichomes and judge when to harvest. most people harvest from 5%-30% amber trichomes. harvest at 5%-15% amber trichomes for a "head high" energetic effect and harvest at 30%-50% amber trichomes for a "body stone" sedative effect strain dependent.

To maximize active thc concentration wait until the majority of trichomes are cloudy with 5% - 15% amber trichomes as a guide when to harvest the plants at greatest medicinal grade. I would wait until your plant has 5% amber trichomes and then flush your plant for 7-14 days for harvest. Flush the plant for 7 days prior to harvest will allow the plant to use up its final nutrients to eliminate leftover fertilizer in the buds. Flush the grow medium you can either use pH adjusted water or pH adjusted water with a flushing agent. You can also use molasses at 1-2 tablespoons per gallon as part of your final flush.

Here are a few photographs of the trichomes on my Brainstorm Haze #1 taken with a usb microscope so you can compare




Really need close-ups of the flowers, but from a distance I see a lot of white pistils, you're looking at many weeks. IMHO, 5 weeks or more.
Agreed. Honestly looks like it’s herm’ed on you. Thick pistils, not a lot of trics, and not really stacking like it should be at this point.
I had one do the same. Tajikistan Hash landrace. Still got some decent smoke off it, but never stopped popping new pistils, never frosted up.
I think Nitro tox was the cause.
Sucks, but it happens.
To me looks like about 3-4 weeks left for them to fully plump up.

Here is the process I generally look for before harvest. I never go off "schedules" or recommended flower times:

  1. early flowering white hairs will grow with the buds
  2. The white hairs will really start to fill in, especially on the lower nodes and the buds will start to gain girth.
  3. white hairs will start to turn orange, but the plant will still show new white hair growth as the buds continue to fill in
  4. white hairs will all turn orange/amber and you will see the calyx's at the base of the hairs starting to swell
  5. As the calyx's swell, the buds will also start to fill in and get dense, and you will see mostly amber/orange hairs as the white hairs will be probably only about 10% of the hairs
  6. My prefered harvest is when the orange hairs shrivel up and pretty much disappear, you will see very few white hairs or almost none. This is when I start looking at the lower nodes to see if they are also swollen. If they still have white hairs I wait until they also finish swelling and the white hairs are gone, and orange hairs have shriveled up.
  7. For most strains I've run, most Indica domanant strains finish (from 12/12 flip) between 62 days and 75 days, and with most sativa dom, og kushes, and others around 80-100 days, and for landrace sativa's or pure sativas, usually 115+ days...
I would say you are probably around step 4, I would give them at least about 3-4 more weeks.
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