Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing


I am going to the Cannabis Cup in Las Vegas March 4-5. :lot-o-toke:

Would love to meet any of you who are there, too.

Peace, Hyena
I think Dennise is going. I haven't considered it....but might.

I don't need much of a reason to go to LV...any one will do nicely. :party:

Hope to see ya

Peace, Hyena

It's Thursday and we have finally flipped.

But here's how we look:

I meant here's how we look preparing for a grow lab visit. :love: This is the mother of half the plants I'm growing. Soooo yummy.

So aggressive defoliating and scrogging continues. At this point I'm starting to bend branches down a foot to tuck them under the net but going for impossible density and it's working.


Just supercropping the entire back 1/3 of the grow to give the canopy one final pre-flip smashdown. I used to care about which plant or even which branch was which but now I just see a deep sea of green and it's awesome.

I replaced the three "300-watt" LED's with three "1000-watt" LED's which look almost exactly the same except for a load more LED's. Wanted to ramp up the edge light since this side doesn't have a reflective wall.

The old ones (300 watt):



The "1000 watt" LED:


Now here's how they compared side by side during the changeover. The 1000w is on the right.


To my eye the 300 is brighter. Oh well, we'll go with the three "1000's" and see if we notice some increase on this side during the stretch weeks.

Now a report of the defoliation. To my surprise, everywhere I pulled one fan leaf but not the opposing one, the resultant growth has been greater on the side WITHOUT the fan leaf, NOT the one where the leaf was left on! This is demonstrated in this picture:


I'm amazed at that. It gave me a new strategy in pulling leaves and even more confidence that this is producing many more branches. Can't explain it, though.

So here we are at "4000" total watts of light output...sorry if I'm skeptical of the stated rating on these LED's but hey, they were cheap as hell and they blaze.


It's time to flip these babies! I changed the HID bulbs from MH to HPS. Re-set the timers to 12/12. Shut them all off and closed the lab hatch, the first darkness any of these plants have ever seen. Hope they're not scared.

The flip is flipped. Flippin' groovy! Two months to buds!!

Peace, Hyena
Hello Hyena...looking beautiful as usual.something I used to do when I was growing is after the flip I used to keep the metal halide bulbs for 2 weeks of flower and then switch to hps. I was able to knock between 1 and 4 inches off the upward stretch that way. I had height restrictions so I did the experiment and it worked. Not sure that is of interest to you but it did keep the nodes tighter with no noticeable change in yield. Peace
Popped in to see the garden this morning and plum forgot I flipped 'em. Everything pitch dark. Shucks.

I have enjoyed the luxury of being able to visit whenever...only one of the many reasons 24/0 makes the most sense.

Closed the door. Sadness. Like getting in the car to go to the beach and it starts to rain. :trance:

Peace, Hyena
Go for a swim anyways, you made the drive to get wet, don't let some water stop you :rofl::rofl:hope your well mate.. :passitleft:
Thanks mate gonna come down south someday and party with ya

Peace, Hyena
Got in there today everybody's peachy. Hard to believe I'm going to murder them all...:yikes:

Peace, Hyena
The period for public comment regarding marijuana legislation in my state is closing so I submitted this to the committee.


1) Regarding the sensible legalization of marijuana, the main problems are usually those imposed by politicians and regulators. If you do not use cannabis, in a real sense telling other citizens how they can use it is no different than someone not of your religion coming into your church and telling you how to worship. If you do not respect this view you will create more problems and conflicts with the citizens, not lessen them.

2) Nobody who believes in actual freedom will stop growing marijuana because you say they cannot. You will simply continue to make normal citizens into criminals unfairly with no societal benefit. You MUST allow citizens to grow a reasonable amount of cannabis privately or all you are going to accomplish is to continue the hysterical over-regulation of this without regard for the God-given freedoms expressly articulated in the constitution. Anyone who rolls their eyes at that phrase should not be involved in regulating others in the United States.

3) MODEL COLORADO. Colorado is the only state thus far that has taken a truly fair approach to the CITIZENS and been able (so far) to overcome the tendency/need to regulate just for the sake of regulating. Please find that strength yourselves or all you become is a group of politicians meddling in the affairs of normal citizens.

4) Any body of new laws that do not allow the recreational use of marijuana is still not going to change anyone's behavior one bit. To think otherwise is ridiculous. So if you are involved in this process and you feel more laws will change people's resolute determination to use cannabis freely in a free country, you need to step down, because more regulations without acknowledging that personal legal use is the only true threshold that the citizens will respect is a waste of time.

Knowing the type of person who tends to be on any regulatory committee, I'm fairly sure whomever received my advice couldn't hit delete fast enough. But we try.

Peace, Hyena

Good Morning!

Popped in on the girls today and WOW is it a forest!


I believe there's a small zone where everything is absolutely optimum for cannabis growth, type and amount of light, nutrient mix, temperature and humidity, and apparently through reasonable instincts and dumb luck I have hit it. Not even one yellow leaf...anywhere...even way down under the canopy where there's almost zero light at all!

I didn't think this was possible no matter what you do, I thought some lower fan leaf attrition was inevitable, a metabolism thing. I have never, ever had plants this perfect. Not a single leaf tip on even the lowest leaves is discolored. So why?


The main difference is this entire grow has been maintained at a fairly low average temperature, between 65-73 degrees. Never touched over 80. I give credit to the time of year...it's soooo much easier to heat a room than cool it! Above the Arctic circle I think I would have no problem keeping a 70 degree grow room as long as I had electricity, but unless I figure out how to install an air conditioner that doesn't make any noise I won't be growing for about 3 months this summer.

I won't try another summer attic grow without AC. You only have to blow one juicy, beautiful grow to never, ever let it happen again. The idea of shutting everything down sucks but I still have a whole lot of very potent buds that are unsmokeable...they taste like absolute crap because I couldn't keep the temps down and that was a complete waste of time in my view. Sure, the stuff is great for edibles and I can make ten pounds of cannabutter I suppose but as I've said before, I didn't start growing to make cookies.

So now I believe flavor is the thing most critically affected by a too-high grow temperature, not potency. Right now the buds from my last, more temperature-friendly grow are the tastiest I've ever smoked. Other than temps, the other variables were virtually identical so there's the semi-scientific comparison and you can't argue with semi-science. :geek:

I'm high so I'm rambling.


Back to the grow, I have to say it's clear now the INCREDIBLE benefit of a few weeks of aggressive defoliation, combined with hardcore Scrogging. This canopy is now woven like a green quilt. The density is a 12 on a scale of 10. I have absolutely no idea which branch belongs to which plant in about 80% of the area since I ran them all around and through the Scrog net everywhere in a frantic tangle.


Every other day I pinch off probably 40 or 50 fan leaves to continue to pry the canopy open for some light to penetrate. The number of branches that are shooting up everywhere is literally uncountable. All this is somehow happening in a 5x7 foot area. I can already see a great difference in the branching compared to any previous grows, it's not even close. I worry some about how all these slender branches will be able to thicken enough to stay upright once they grow heavy buds but I guess we'll see. Most importantly, my math says this could be a massive yield because there are so many shoots everywhere.

They have been in flower for under a week. Maybe another week before they begin to show. So excited.

Peace, Hyena
Wow just beautiful!

After this grow you will have earned the title of master grower!

Thanks. I'm already a master debater. :thedoubletake:

Wait, what did you think I meant?

Peace, Hyena
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