Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Pots!

Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

That was wonderfully insightful and educational Icemud, with a delightful flourish filled with hope for the future.

We must have been on some sort of wavelength Icemud. I was standing at the stop waiting on my bus and a little voice told me to pull the iPad out just as you posted this. Let me read it over again to see what I was obviously meant to pick up there. The universe and I work together a lot. :battingeyelashes:

Good to see you again. :love:

We were cross posting Icemud, so I just saw the garden. It's frustrating when they don't cooperate. Give the stubborn one a bit more time. You know once she gets her roots under her again she's going to catch up.

There has to be some way to set the soil up for the challenge of LEDs. So you're definitely pinning your Mg concerns to the LEDs?

Yea It definitely seems that LED causes the plants to use more Mg and from the looks of it K. I believe this is due to Mg playing a vital role in photosynthesis as a regulator and also a center molecule in the cholorplasts. Being that LED is supposed to target the wavelengths that drive photosythesis harder (reds and blues have higher absorbtion rates than green/yellow) I think this is why plants under LED require more Mg. I am definitely not a biologist but from what I have read about Mg this seems to make sense.

I don't remember ever seeing issues with Mg or K when I was growing with HID lights, so I think that the targeted spectrum of LED is actually driving the plants harder, requiring more Mg. I also believe this may be true for K since K regulates many enzymes in the plant, helps regulate electrons in ATP, and other direct photosynthetic processes like water/co2 transport, regulation of stomata and such.

Yea I definitely love a challenge, but this harlequin is really giving me issues. I am going to give her some more love and maybe she will reward me in the end. She is budding slowly, so maybe things will work out in the end :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

So I figured it was time to update about my veg tent as well.

I started some seeds a while back of some Tangie x ???? that were gifted to me from my norcal grower buddie. I think its Kosher Tangie but its been about 2 years since I actually got the seeds and didn't write anything besides tangie x ?? on the bottle so not entirely sure what they are. Anyhow of the 8 that emerged through the soil, it looks like I have 2 different phenos for sure, one has very small leafs in a tight bundle and the others have longer stems, and very large leaves but few. Will be interesting to see what comes of these. Anyhow I'm happy to have the genetics live and well :)


As for my UVH OG, its not doing so good, it was thriving for a while, and then I decided to cut it in half because it was getting to big and thats when it started dying. Branch after branch I had to remove and not its on its last legs so most likely to night I will cut off the remaining branches and try to clone her to keep the genetics around. I really would like to keep this strain around because it has a very interesting taste and I think it might make for a good strain to cross with, but we will see.


Other than that, all the other plants are doing very well, the 2 black cherry soda's on the left are bushy and well, and I already have trimmed them in half 2x.

the 4 strains on the right are Ogiesel, harlequin, thin mint cookies, and the mystery purple cookies. So pretty much all the genetics I have right now are in this tent :)


I had thrips about 1 month ago and the shots of spinosad (captain jacks deadbug) completely got rid of the issue, this stuff is excellent stuff and OMRI listed organic :)

Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

That was one Huge update Brotha
what kinda Distance you running your lights at?
and theyre coming out with plasma lights now
I don't think the plasma is up to the led's yet but it runs on lower power than hid's like led's
but they are costly I saw a demo model a 200 watt one suppose to cover a 4x4 area
the price he told me was really high so high in fact that I didn't even make the effort to remember the cost
we shall see what the future holds Great Update Brotha :thumb:
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

That was one Huge update Brotha
what kinda Distance you running your lights at?
and theyre coming out with plasma lights now
I don't think the plasma is up to the led's yet but it runs on lower power than hid's like led's
but they are costly I saw a demo model a 200 watt one suppose to cover a 4x4 area
the price he told me was really high so high in fact that I didn't even make the effort to remember the cost
we shall see what the future holds Great Update Brotha :thumb:

Haha :) yep, I def was do for a big update, so figured why not :)

So right now the lights are approx about 11" at closest and about 15" away on average. I have been running them on 100% full on both channels. Since the ambiant room temp has been getting hotter due to the weather lately, i know next week as the temp heats up I will have to crank down the intensity as the tent currently is getting pretty warm.

Advanced is coming out with plasma light? thats kind of odd? I wonder why? I checked out the Gavita Plasma lights at a local hydro show and wasn't inpressed at all. I checked out the 300w lep and it only read about 400 umol/m2/s-1 at 18" away which technically isnt even enough to flower properly. The one thing that plasma does do very well is match the sunlight spectrum, which I like. It will be very interesting to see how this pans out for them.

I do have to say that having a mini sun in your garden would be pretty awesome though :) can't wait to see more details :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

no not advanced
im just saying ive seen a demo model of one

I say again no its not advanced :rofl:
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

no not advanced
im just saying ive seen a demo model of one

I say again no its not advanced :rofl:


Yea I really like the spectrum of LEP or suplphur plasma lights, but for efficiency they just don't seem to be there yet. I did see though that recently a 500w one is being tested which might be awesome :) I love lights :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po


I somehow ended up in bed last night very early, and woke up at around 3am.... wide awake....

Well, what better than to get into the garden and work on the plants :) hahah

So I decided in my veg tent, the black cherry sodas, harlequin, Ogiesel, and 2 cookies needed some larger pots as they are getting bigger. Also it wont require as frequent watering either so I decided to upgrade them from the 2-3 gallon plastics to 5 gallon square plastics. Not sure from here what will be next but getting the prepped either way :) for mothering or flowering :)

well not much else today to report, hope everyone is having an awesome day :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

I love that you understand them Icemud, because it flies right over my head most of the time. I count on smarter growers, that includes you, to digest the info and translate. Whew!
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po


I somehow ended up in bed last night very early, and woke up at around 3am.... wide awake....

Well, what better than to get into the garden and work on the plants :) hahah

So I decided in my veg tent, the black cherry sodas, harlequin, Ogiesel, and 2 cookies needed some larger pots as they are getting bigger. Also it wont require as frequent watering either so I decided to upgrade them from the 2-3 gallon plastics to 5 gallon square plastics. Not sure from here what will be next but getting the prepped either way :) for mothering or flowering :)

well not much else today to report, hope everyone is having an awesome day :)

Hahaha !! In bed by 4:45 asleep somewhere around 5:15, wide awake at 6:30. Right into the tent! We're not addicted at all are we? :laughtwo:

My day was pretty awesome at that. Thanks. Yours?
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hahaha !! In bed by 4:45 asleep somewhere around 5:15, wide awake at 6:30. Right into the tent! We're not addicted at all are we? :laughtwo:

My day was pretty awesome at that. Thanks. Yours?

We sound like we are on the same sleep schedule... (no schedule) hahah :) yea I had went to bed really early which is actually unusual for me as I am typically a night owl. Then woke up bright and early (well not too bright) at 3:30am or something.. haha... so figured, hey its cool, its quiet, and I'm awake, lets get some gardening done :) was actually quite a nice way to start my day :)

I've heard that MJ is addicting, I can say not really to most...but growing... well that is addicting :) hahah

I love my garden :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

We sound like we are on the same sleep schedule... (no schedule) hahah :) yea I had went to bed really early which is actually unusual for me as I am typically a night owl. Then woke up bright and early (well not too bright) at 3:30am or something.. haha... so figured, hey its cool, its quiet, and I'm awake, lets get some gardening done :) was actually quite a nice way to start my day :)

I've heard that MJ is addicting, I can say not really to most...but growing... well that is addicting :) hahah

I love my garden :)

My tent sits in my bedroom, taking up 1/4 of the total floor space. :laughtwo: I'm in there before I even hit the bathroom! I think everyone of us Elite Cannabis Obsessed growers finds us asking at one time or another which is more addicting. I'm gonna go with gardening. I can't tell you how many times I've realized it's 1 AM and the pipe's been loaded and untouched for five hours.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

My tent sits in my bedroom, taking up 1/4 of the total floor space. :laughtwo: I'm in there before I even hit the bathroom! I think everyone of us Elite Cannabis Obsessed growers finds us asking at one time or another which is more addicting. I'm gonna go with gardening. I can't tell you how many times I've realized it's 1 AM and the pipe's been loaded and untouched for five hours.

LOL, my tents are in my bedroom as well, well 2 of the 3 tents are. I definitely seem to have gravitated towards their daylight schedule instead of the suns :) lol. I run them at night to keep the tent cool. :)

Now just to save up enough to get a bigger room for growing :) would allow for me to do a lot more experiments :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

:laughtwo: The never-ending expansion "More Light!!" LOL!!
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hey Ice,

I just got back from a trip and was reading through my subscriptions. Great update and hope the wee one comes around for you. I would like to start a grow journal in two weeks but I have a pretty noob question about the photos. If you take photos with an iphone, how do you verify that any metadata has been scrubbed from the picture before you load it? I am a bit paranoid about posting pictures online.

Also I order my gentics from a 420 sponsor that only wants to sell the seeds as collectors items. So would i be in trouble if i posted a grow journal using the seeds I got from them?
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hey Ice,

I just got back from a trip and was reading through my subscriptions. Great update and hope the wee one comes around for you. I would like to start a grow journal in two weeks but I have a pretty noob question about the photos. If you take photos with an iphone, how do you verify that any metadata has been scrubbed from the picture before you load it? I am a bit paranoid about posting pictures online.

Also I order my gentics from a 420 sponsor that only wants to sell the seeds as collectors items. So would i be in trouble if i posted a grow journal using the seeds I got from them?

Hey Bamalabrat!!!

Awesome to hear that you will be starting a journal here, sweet!

I am an android user so I can't help with the iphone, On android its in the camera settings and allows to either include/remove the GPS metadata. I am not 100% sure, but I think I remember reading that 420 Magazine automatically removes the metadata/GPS data from photos when uploaded, but you may want to write to them and just make sure. I do know that 420 Mag is very good about protecting the members :)

I was nervous at first, about 4 years ago when I joined here, however I looked at it like this.... I am legal under state law, not pressing the threshold of legality by growing a very small garden. The chances that they would spend thousands of tax dollars to find me is very very unlikely and would be a waste of their time. Once I looked at it like this, yes there still is a risk, but it wouldn't make sense to go after someone like me when there are warehouses with tens of thousands of plants. I also don't own anything fancy that would attract them to forfit my assets so they wouldn't make any money off me, which is what it seems to be all about. They go after the big guys with lots of "toys" typically cause they get a percentage of all assets stolen/taken from people.

As far as seeds I am really not sure. If its a 420 sponsor, they usually it is ok to post about the product (positively). Not sure why a seed would be labled a "collectors item" unless it is just the "legal" way to get around sending seeds for something that still at the federal level is illegal.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

p.s. I also just got my lights in from Advanced LED today. So am pretty stoked. They are the first things to arrive.

Sweet!!! I am extremely happy with the Advanced LED brand, and I think you will be very pleased with your purchase :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

:laughtwo: The never-ending expansion "More Light!!" LOL!!

Right :) Now I have more light and need the room to hang them all :) someday I will have that property I dream of, with a outdoor garden, greenhouse, and of course indoor and outdoor MJ too :)
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

I know. I visit Cola Monster's greenhouses in awe.
Re: Icemud's Advanced LED XTE Grow - Harlequin - Ogiesel - Black Cherry Cola - Big Po

Hey Icemud, i'm subbed and loving it!!
I had a giggle to myself with Sweet sue's comment about skipping pages to get to the good bits!!
This happens to me quite a bit since joining, and yes, it's very addictive this hobby:woohoo:
This thread, Made me read every page, and your explanations of L.E.D. tech is excellent and entertaining.
I am using a 660 watt H.P.S with an undercurrent dwc system I built myself, far removed from your style i know, but I still grow in other mediums. My last couple of grows in soil were ok, but not nearly as good as my second D.W.C grow in single buckets, but far easier to manage with different strains . Definitely lot's to learn here from people like yourself:bravo: I will be reading up and watching closely, :thanks::thanks:
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