Information regarding Breeding Hemp and Cannabis for scientific purposes.


New Member
This is interesting information and arouses a ton of curiosity to the potential of breeding Hemp and Cannabis once for a resistant strain and crossed back to bring a little bit of the potency back up... It would be a major waste of time for most growers to fiddle around with but worth while for some breeders with nothing but tons of time and space to experiment. Here is the article I found............

What happens if you cross hemp and marijuana?

"--A brief discussion by David P. West with special reference to work by Small and Beckwith.

The question I'm most frequently asked concerns the so-called "pollination effect." This issue devolves around the notion that marijuana growers will attempt to hide their plants in hemp fields and what would happen to these plants.

Cannabis compares (I have done so often) with maize (corn): in maize you have the "sweet corn" type that people eat, and "field corn" type that is fed to cattle and pigs and chickens. Breeders of the respective types take great pains to prevent their inter-pollination.*
The same is true between high and low THC types of Cannabis. High THC ("narcotic, "drug" or "marijuana") Cannabis and low THC ("high CBD," "fiber," "industrial," "hemp") Cannabis readily cross pollinate. The offspring tend toward characteristics intermediate between the parents. Nobody wants them. They're "good for nothing."

Actual research demonstrating this was published in 1979 in the now-classic work The Species Problem in Cannabis by the Canadian researcher, Dr. Ernest Small.** Here is an excerpt of that report which I have annotated for clarity for the non-specialist.

Cannabinoid Composition of F1 Hybrids between "Drug" and "Non-drug" Strains of Cannabis

E. Small and H. D. Beckwith. 1979. In E. Small, The Species Problem in Cannabis. Corpus. Toronto. p 121-127

Abstract Twenty-five sets of F1 hybrids [an F1 hybrid means the plants grown from the seed of a cross pollination between types] , mainly between "drug strains" of Cannabis (those in which the resin is chiefly of tetrahydrocannabinol[THC]) and "non-drug strains" (those in which the resin is composed chiefly of cannabidiol [CBD]) were examined. The majority of these were chemically intermediate between their respective parents, showing no dominance toward either parent.
[So, in the plants grown from the resulting seed (the "F1" generation), THC went down with respect to the "marijuana" parent and up with respect to the "hemp" parent. The converse was true of CBD.]

...It appears that generally crosses between drug strains and non-drug strains produce plants of intermediate potency.

...[In studies of drug strains...] The importance of protecting the [genetic] stock against contamination from pollen by non-drug strains is stressed by the fact that the amount of THC may be halved in hybrid plants.


What these authors don't go on to discuss is what would happen next, in practical terms.

We know, then, that the first generation has been degraded by half. If that "mixed-blood" seed is grown hidden again among hemp plants that will again provide the pollen, then the next generation will again lose by half, gradually by this means (it's called a "backcross" by plant breeders) converging toward the hemp type. But it is unlikely it would get that far as the material would be undesirable after the first contamination.

This is why marijuana growers want to stay away from hemp.

This discussion excepts those instances of plant genetic work where such crosses may be made intentionally in order to transfer specific genes, such as disease resistances, between varieties."

They mention "Halved" for potency and there are some strains that would still rock socks with halved thc and possibly way more resistant to adverse weather changes and possible auto traits. Or could be total waste of time all around... 'scratches chin..... Interesting.
It sounds simply but really there are far more characteristics to look at in order to achieve a solid cross. One thing I know for fact with Hemp is almost all Hemp plants bolt early (Turn from female dominance to Hermaphrodite) but once in awhile you find the 1 out of 100 that has no male flowers throughout its entire life cycle. Those are the plants you breed with Cannabis for traits. How? You can take that Female Hemp plant and seperate it from the rest before any of them pollinate. Once it is isolated you select a few lower budding branches and mark them with tape or a label of some sort. You then take a spray bottle full of colloidal silver and for 10-15 days you spray those buds in particular until they start turning hermaphrodite , allow the flowers to mature... You now have feminized pollen from a Hemp plant. Collect the dry pollen in a envelope and tape it up air tight for storage and keep in a dark cool place , avoid refrigerators , freezers and cold rooms where moving the pollen in and out will cause moisture and condensation. Hell do not even breath on it in order to maintain its viability. When you have a female Cannabis plant ready to mate with just use a razor blade and slit a large enough hole to allow a Qtip to dig around inthe pollen and selectively pollinate the marked branches. The seeds created by this bizarre cross will be Feminized but since the father is a Hemp plant the phenotypes might be Hermi you never know if your female Hemp plant was a late blooming Hermi. I suggest this method for those willing to try experiments because it will lessen the chance of male or Hermi plants so you can pick and choose the Phenotypes you want to proceed breeding with the plants that have the desired traits you sought after. Once stabilized you will have plants that are truly unique that can handle indoor and outdoor conditions that get out of hand and still produce decent yields. If anyone is going to attempt this please send me a message I want to Subscribe to your journal.
Some very cool pictures WildRoseBud.

Especially loved the first one draped in snow...
Some very cool pictures WildRoseBud.

Especially loved the first one draped in snow...
I might be incorrect about some of the strains if I find out info that proves I am incorrect I will update and apologize for the mistake as I would like to keep this information as correct as possible.
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