Kp's Second Grow With Monster Cropped Clones

Knife party

Well-Known Member
I've been humming and haring about how I will grow my next run.

I have a 1 m x1.2 m x 3 m space with a 600 watt hps

This time I'll try defoliation and let em reach for the starts and thin as required for light penetration.

I'll try maybe 4 plants to use some of my excess clones up.

I have a pic from a few days ago I'll cross post here and later when I have a look at them I'll get a few pics of them with the hair cut


The ones that took a hit from over watering and light burn will hopefully be stunted enough to make the next cycle.

The ones growing the best have already put roots out the bottom of 3 ltr pots and will soon be looking for a new home.

The environment

75F under 18/6 100 watts of 6500 k led I'll add the bigger lights if I feel like they need it .
Soil perlite mix amended with blood meal and dolomite lime
Feeding 6.5 ph water and 50 ppm nitrogen folier spray
This is after they got pruned


Most of the clones look like this one where I needed to cut the wilted flower from the top and they had 4-8 shoots all the same height.

Below are the seedlings they all turned out pretty nice looking and you can tell which one was not under the led strips.





They have all been topped ready to bush them up and get some shoots catching up.

A few days ago I put the first 4 in to flower just today the stretch started.




Its unfortunate but with so many plants needing up potted some sacrifices needed to be made they were pruned more than a week ago and had the best looking un trained structure with 5-8 shoots.



This lot still under the blue lights is still getting thinned and trained the most unruley girls got super cropped. This lot I want to work on big root mass thick stems and get em all spread out to let that big light do its thing.

Thinking I'll push it and try to go one more week maybe even two before I up pot again with the goal too grow a couple of big plants to flower out in the other room and drop new plants in as they lose space in the vege room.

I did a little work in the veg room tonight, the was a couple that appeared to be getting a little tight in the pot so I re homed them.


All the bigger clones looked like that or with more root mass. So far that is the best I've managed for a transplant with the amount of soil that stayed in one clump after starting to use the perlite.

Other wise they are all progressing well
I'm running them under 100 watts of 6500 k leds only feeding blood meal and domelite lime dry amended each time I re pot with that I'm managing to keep it around 6.5 ph for the soil (using a soil test kit occasionally) I'm not being to picky with my water anything in the soil range is going in with out adjustment.

This time I'm going to wait on soil nutes until the plants look a little hungry.



I think so far they all look happy enough I got two of them trained out and pruned and two of the big clones pruned the bigger pots are 3 gallon and the smaller pots are 1 gal.

Today I picked up a couple of 5 and 10 gal fabric pots to try out on the bigger clones when they out grow the 3 gals.

As for the seedlings I'll wait to see pre flowers before I put any real effort into them but they are growing out really nicely a huge improvement on my first grow.

The 4 in the flowering room are still stretching and I'm starting to see the first signs of the plant changing over to flower mode pumping out single leaves on the tops they were already covered in pistols before they went in, I've done nothing to them since I trained them next few days I'll start feeding them bloom nutes.


Can see them starting to attach nicely now, not expecting this lot to get overtly big.



Here is the two I did some training on tonight, I thought I wouldn't supercrop again but there was not to many options with how wired these clones grow


The last one was already Y shaped from the flower stopping vertical growth id like to up pot but the roots are only just showing on the bottom of the pot


The one thing I will say the clones are a hang of a lot of work compared to the seedlings !

Looking good! The training looks good too.
How did you like your monster cropping experience?

So far it's been good they were taken a week after the seeds started breaking through the soil and the 3 that took first are bigger and bushier (apologies for my spelling) and I suspect when I get them into the big pots they will turn into fine plants.

I took my clones at day 21 of flower I read that they have really low survival rates so I took 16 clones then they all survived and I can bring myself to toss perfectly good plants so I did the only thing I could build another grow area lol

With more work last night I'll add some update pics, slowly taming those monsters.


The first one was getting to tell to fast and was going to plush the lights away from the smaller plants I think it's the second or third supercrop on this one I'm happy to see this time they are forming the big knots better than last time I tried it.


For some reason this one is not bushing up like the others I suspect it's been because it's had no training done on it before this session only pruning.



These two seedlings got their second defol hit them really hard and they are quite root bound want those low branches to catch up a bit they may even end up getting topped again while we wait.

The last two is all the plants



At the moment I'm only working on 2-4 plants a night so that they all get a rest and time too recover between sessions.

I can see some slight nitrogen deficiency in a few of them and some root bound plants I'll mix another feed tonight and still have time before the plants getting tight in the pots will cause to many problems. There will need to be a few more sacrifices to the flower room to make space with in the next week.

I checked in on the first lot in the flowering room they are stretching hard and covered in flower clusters I'll get some pics with out moving them out because it's a pain working around the bigger plant. I'll apologise in advance for the hps lines in the pics.





This lot is now being feed at 500 ppm although yesterday they got a splash of the big girls feed in each pot to get rid of the excess (it was 1150 ppm I think).

Well after nearly finishing all of the re potting it seems two more need to be sacrificed to the flowering room, one seedling and one more clone.


Just a basic feed for vegging plants dolomite lime blood and bone with perlite for the roots I've gone down half as much as I was using and found it to be much easier to work with.


They hold together nicely now and still get good root development.

And the group pics.



This time I've loosened the roots up and spread them across the soil in the hope that I get denser root growth through out the pot I'm not worried if they get a little shock from this treatment as it's now going to be Christmas time before I can do another big shift around.

Next thing for me to do is root clones from the remaining seedlings to get the sex of each plant I should be able to get more space from that.

I thought after a few hours in the flowering room id check on the new additions. The plant grown from seed was almost a goner !!! It's currently bathing in a tub of water to try and revive it never saw such a sad looking plant.

Looks like it will get a rest with the seedlings for a bit and try a different spot in the flower room
After feeding tonight I'm noticing the flowering clones flowers are developing much faster than mum did and the clones that had pistols before they went in did not stretch any where near as much as the first plant did. No pics from the big room tonight because it was lights out while I was feeding them.

In the vege room there has been no slowing down even though I messed with the roots it's had quite the opposite effect they are really growing more than before and even the monster clones are starting to look like normal plants with the new leaves.



I have space for two more in the big room thinking it will be which ever is hogging all the light the remaining female plants I want to grow out more much more.

The big clone has got to the stage now where it was trying to eat the bottom of the pot with its roots! She has now been put into her home for life the 10 gal fabric pot same deal as last time I spread the roots across the pot fairly shallow unfortunately I ran out of time before lights out so I'll have to replace the training ties tomorrow.

The big girl.


There is currently 3 more seedlings in the flower room to determine sex the first confirmed female is back in the veg room with a few more waiting on their turn.

A quick group pic.



Time for an update

We now have 3 confirmed females from the seedlings there is one in there that is still to show and two more in the vege room to flip for a week.

It looks like my seedlings have starved the clones on the edge of the room of light a little because there is a node where they stretched real bad.

First group 30 days from finish the little frost monsters


Already with the new lights this lot are plumping up faster and developing trichs faster than the first plant did hands down I think that they are 2-3 weeks ahead at least on the first plant.

Next group are 45 days from done



This group is all still stretching nicely except the one up the back that got a little shaded out by the big bushy seedling and got a little lanky.

Last two is the next two confirmed females



These two started showing after a week under the lights but as most of the seedlings so far they are showing some real heat stress at times I'm peaking at 100° in there most of the time though around 85°.

There is still one plant in there to show and two more too flip to sex them then I have some work to do on my big seedlings.

Sorry for the late updates

I'll do the first run 2 week clones first then move through the rest of the stages finishing with the big girls in the veg room.

Looking at my book these ones are ready this week but I am thinking that it may be a little later because of all the new pistol growth.





The trichs are mainly milky or cloudy with a few ambers and clears but the amount of pistol growth is concerning me surely it can't be ready to harvest yet maybe another week or two.

This time I have been alternating feeds between canna flores, pk boost, and the blue stuff I got from the hydro shop with extra trace elements in it molasses with every feed and a moderate stress watering regeme.

The temps this run have been high very high 85-106 ° lights on and 65-80° lights off the high peaks came from me forgetting to vent the heat out the plants have been real troopers and only show a little light stress from the hps with some leaf bleaching that I can live with.

I'm thinking that my ordeal with monster cropped clones will finally be over soon with half my room currently occupied with them and the last one in being so out of control it grew a foot past the lights even after being topped in flowering to try and stunt it.


This one I'll deal with after the other two get chopped.


I have found that I like the way regular clones and seedlings grow the most because of how predictable they are.



I have learned a ton from this big run of clones and seedlings the last two plants are finishing up in the vege room as these girls get done.

One last pic of one of the seedlings to show a little more ripeness.


You can see the tell tales of heat and light stress with the one that's almost done getting little fox tales popping
I can see 10-15% amber 60-70 % milky and a few clears, pistols are still only 10-15 % orange brown I keep thinking any day now and I'll hang her up just a little longer.

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