Lets Talk Coco! Organics & Salts

Thx a lot!!!)) I also have some Bacterial by nomercy, gonna use it this weekend for the first time! Hope bacterials will help...)))
i think you will be surprised how much the bacto benies help,plants love that stuff!, glad i could help:high-five:
Will most any mycos do or do you have preferences to the source of bacteria.
Will most any mycos do or do you have preferences to the source of bacteria.

Advanced nutrients Tiranchula and Phirana are great.
i recently found about the most intense tea concentrate you put 1/4 cup in a gallon bubble 24 hours, watch out for 2 foot foam towers! i rec doing it in a 5 gallon bucket, then you take this 1 gallon of concentrare stick it in the frig, then you add 1 1/4 cups to 5 gallons water, and that can be bubbled again foam party time, and this stuff is still strong as hell so i just us 1cup, so from 1/4 cup to 16 gallons they sell a 10$ size that will make 5 gallons of concentrate, so for 10$ you can make 80 gallons of very strong tea! best deal i have seen check it out " soil life" click the s,,, i love this stuff best and easiest tea ever imho oops its the link to the 1 gal size but they have 5 gal and bigger
Subscribed :)

Big thanks to KingJohnC who pointed this thread out to me, it's going to help massively with my grow :)

I'm growing autoflower Northern Lights with just Canna Coco Professional and Canna nutes. I'm on day three from planting the seeds directly in to the coco and still waiting.

1st Attempt - Autoflowering Seed Grow Using Canna Coco & Nutes please feel free to share your knowledge with me!!!
Hi guys! Just wanted to know why do you consider coco media as a super media ever??? I've been using it last three months and totally disappointed!!! Had a decent yield in soil before. It's weird statement that coco is super easy ph adjusted...how??? Maybe I do something wrong...I have anissue with ph fluctuating, i water my plant with 5.8 and got 5.4 runoff, ok...flushed 3 litres of 5.8...god damn 5.35 runoff, ok...5 litres...wtf 5.4 again, same ppm level but absol different ph, HOW DO YOU GUYS STABILIZE IT in this "magic" media??? Initially, when I was preparing the media I was able to flush it up to 10-20 ppm, I'm using Flora nova grow with CaliMagic by ghe, RO, first two weeks i used ca/mg 4ml/gl in conjunction with nutes, now i'm using 1,5ml per gl due to ro water, but lower level of PH haunts me all the time!...tried without ca/mg...abs the same fu...ing ph level......any ideas guys???(((
i dont know if i ever called it magic lol but its like any meidum,soil,hydro,it has its quirks, first tho how are the plants looking? are they sick?, 5.8 is the lowest i go i run up to 6.1, the coco you got could be pre stabilized ,some co. do that, i dont know anything about that brand, but i would not sweat the ph if the plants are healthy, how big are the containers?are they drying out between watering? have you tried using 6.0-6.2 to water with?, i honestly dont find my self ever testing ph anymore, i setup my coco with high minerals, i add azomite,soft rock phosphate,gypsum,calcium carbonate,garden lime,epsom salts, then some worm castings,blood & bone meal,liquid humate tea (bpn dark matter) and charge it with strong myko tea,let it cook covered a few weeks till i see fungal growth on top at that point i consider it ready to use, (im treating it like a high brix soil) and unless i see a problem with the plants and by that i mean more than 1 plant and more than a couple leaves i dont bother with ph,, i use coco tek from gh, i wash it throughly with hot then cold water till the ppms are the same in & out , do you have some pics of the plants? most ppl have few problems if they start with good well rinsed coco,and have a plan to deal with the coco's need for some Ca, either some garden lime slow release or calmag with the waterings, and some ppl have enough ca &mg in their tap water, ,so far you have told us about a ph issue of it being a bit lower draing out than going in, most of the time its the opposite the ph is higher, but your ph numbers are within a range that cannabis plants are usually happy,again are the plants showing problems ?signs of def or toxicity? hope this helps, i'll do what i can to help,again some pics would help:thumb:
ok i scrolled up and saw your pics from a month ago, and some more thoughts, if your tap is 45ppm why bother with r/o seems like the tap would be better,ro is acidic due to lack of minerals, nature intended plants and ppl to get alot of our ca,mg from water when you ph ro water you will find it nearly impossible to get a stable reading, water is not supposed to be that pure!, its great for car batteries, lol i would stick to the tap,if theres chlorine let it sit out a day or better yet bubble it with some mykos and a little molasses, , the pics you posted still look like nute or salt issues plants that size under led should only get 100-150 ppm nutes for a total of 200 ppm with the tap,led lit plants need alot less nutes,than ones under cfl/mh/hps
updated pics might help me figure out whats going on
Wow, thx BigIrishDoode for your detailed response!!!)
So...first of all I apologise for my English))...
yes, the plant looks like sick, leaves are getting darker and darker, toxicity? just like overfert...but actually i feed it with 650ppm max, alternating feeding with full-strength and half-strength nutes every other day, as i told earlier i use ghe flora nova grow/bloom, CaliMagic, and ph adjusters up&down by ghe, using air-pot 2gl, i water it in the morning when lights on and in a 12 hours coz its getting light fast approx in 12h, light regime 20/4 as it autofl (decided to try auto for the first time - crystal myth strain by fast4buds, all former grows were reg and soil). yes, i tried 6-6.1 ph but got the same result on runoff 5.3-5.5...very stable runoff during last 2 or three weeks, no matter what initial ph was))). My thoughts its due to of adding ca/mg to the compost, because of excesive amount of cations in it, i mean Hydrogen Ion (H+) which decreases ph a lot. without adding ca/mg i got apparent deficiencies of these micros, which caused stunned growth, yellowing on the edges and so on. as for my tap water...despite the fact that its 35-45 ppm (very stable all year round)...i refused using it coz its a bit yellowish (i think due to the rust) but the smell and taste are prety decent...sometimes it goes yellowish sometimes clear. as for the light...started with 150watt bluish, then 300 watt....and now 450 watt. all leds.
thank you in advance!







Hey BID... I put the Harlequin Jo clone into Coco/Pearlite the other day and it's taking off. I did notice I needed more hempy holes for it to drain well, but once I worked that out, it seems to love it.

I threw together a few 1 gal hempys with the same mix to try tomato and peppers in. The peppers are fine, but the purple tomatillos keep wilting right after sprout, but the coco is still damp. Any idea? I'm using it as a straight soiless medium and am using weak 1/8 or less strength nute water and disolved Vit B. Wondering if a humidity dome might help.

I am liking how this is working for the future Harlequin mom so far though :)
Got through the 8 pages, by page 4 I had already ordered 5kg bale of GH Cocotek.. reading more and more about coco and it seems like the way to go.. plus, having all needed materials around except for coco makes for an easy transition :thanks:

For beginners, I figure I will root my clones/seeds in my aerocloner. Now the wait for my coco begins :thumb:

I will be attempting growing Bushy Old Grower seeds, one Sour Boggle and one Sweet Cindy.

:peace: CA215
Got through the 8 pages, by page 4 I had already ordered 5kg bale of GH Cocotek.. reading more and more about coco and it seems like the way to go.. plus, having all needed materials around except for coco makes for an easy transition :thanks:

For beginners, I figure I will root my clones/seeds in my aerocloner. Now the wait for my coco begins :thumb:

I will be attempting growing Bushy Old Grower seeds, one Sour Boggle and one Sweet Cindy.

:peace: CA215
awesome! super glad your gonna give the coco a shot, and i'll be here to help anyway i can!:thumb:
ph issue solved...just stopped putting ca/mg to the compost last few feedings...as I thought before the bank of ca was full...now gonna give it (ca/mg) once a week or so...yeah its essential to give it in the very begining of the feeding program...personally checked!)
now that i think about it,i have never added calmag with every watering just at the begining and a few times during the cycle if they look like they need it, i have learned to always go light on nutes i find plants do better most of the time if they are slightly hunger rather than pushing the limits the best tasting,looking and biggest harvests have come from plants i thought i should or could feed more, i figure in nature theres no way they are getting regular doses of high octane nutes,and they grow massive and just fine, a few yrs ago i grew a 3oz plant with some cfl's and miracle grow for african violets i just reduced the amount to 1/4th the bottles instructions and in flower i did 1/2 and it did just fine,it was in regular potting soil,and i did add some molasses towards the end,not that i would recommend that but you use what you use what you have lol
now that i think about it,i have never added calmag with every watering just at the begining and a few times during the cycle if they look like they need it, i have learned to always go light on nutes i find plants do better most of the time if they are slightly hunger rather than pushing the limits the best tasting,looking and biggest harvests have come from plants i thought i should or could feed more, i figure in nature theres no way they are getting regular doses of high octane nutes,and they grow massive and just fine, a few yrs ago i grew a 3oz plant with some cfl's and miracle grow for african violets i just reduced the amount to 1/4th the bottles instructions and in flower i did 1/2 and it did just fine,it was in regular potting soil,and i did add some molasses towards the end,not that i would recommend that but you use what you use what you have lol

May I ask you? When do you usually start feeding your plants with bloom compost?
um "bloom compost"? whats that? well i load as many minerals as i can get away with in the begining, at about 1 week before i start flowering i lower nitrogen in the tea, when i flip i spray them with bloomit, and water with a tea of mykos,and balanced food if i have it i use the "transition" recipe of bpn farmers pride, i usually add a double dose of humate tea & liguid seaweed and sometimes i topdress a tbps of azomite, ,but honestly i put so much into the coco in the begining i could get away with just watering & bloomit (bloomit is a very new thing for me) so it was just water last time i let the light change take effect then i examine them to see what they look like they need,,im trying really hard these days to go light on the food it seems they do much better slightly hungry rather than pigging out at the all you can eat buffet:thumb:
:woohoo: The Hydrogen Consciousness said that I should COCO :woohoo:

Thank you for making this thread, BID :)

I read "Growing with coir" Last year and recently purchased some 600g Coir Dust tablets.

I have visions of a 3 Gallon Airpot with a deep wide catchment dish, Glowing with Coir...

I smell hydrolised fish, humic acid and B vit tonic, with hints of calmag in the Daily watering...

I am hearing "No Perlite, No Vermiculite" over and over, in the sweetest tones.

Can that happen?

Or am I just hearing sexy voices?

I reckon that a Haze designed for a wardrobe can handle a bit of tropical growth medium.

She was soaked in water for 12 hrs, Then in a Harpin alpha-beta seedsoak for 4hrs,

Then into a little Coir filled peatpot and plastic domed.

Took a week to show, now she's coming out, thinly but surely.

It's all an experiment and I have 2 backup sisterseeds just in case :)

I grow with 430 odd watts of dual spectrum Cfls.

slán leat :)
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