Limited Space & Resources - Zombie Ninja's PC Grow Box Experiment Journal!

:yahoo::high-five::thanks: Thank you for the reps Fishy!! I'm really happy about going back to work, it's a super easy job, and NO DT!!! wooohoooo lol!!!! I may actually stand a chance ;) I built axles for 18 wheelers for almost 6 years, alot of heavy lifting and bullshit involved, now I get to sit on my arse and build wiring harnesses, for the same money, I'm super excited :)

Yes! Congrats Zombie!!
What's up errrybody, been a busy week trying to adjust to first shift (after living on a 3rd shift schedule for the past year and a half) lol, but the new job is going good and my plants are as well. Last night the unknowns got nutes, and water for my WW and 2 Purp babies. Took alot of pictures, I was gonna try to put em up after I came in last night but I was simply too tired. I got a lil camera crazy, lol, but I hope you enjoy them :peace:

We'll start with my White Widow, this thing is thriving in my clay- compost-perlite mix, and has almost caught up with the two Purps I got from my buddy... I'm not sure what soil he is using, (something his dad uses, he's an old head and knows his stuff) but my soil seems to be kickin its ass haha:



Next are my two Purps, one is growing pretty awesome, one is being effin stubborn:





Next is my plant that used to be in the solo cup. This plant is looking good :)







Next is my runt, I topped it about a week ago I think, I'm still not seeing much secondary growth on this plant, maybe this strain just doesn't do much side branching, who knows? It IS green as hell and growing alot better. Any idea what would cause this stem to be so purple? The newer growth isn't as purple, so maybe it was just pH, or maybe it's genes? Idk, any input would be nice:





And last, but not least, is my sexy bushy bush lol... man, this thing is growing so fast, it's almost stupid! I think I had mentioned I topped this one right after I did it, but you can see it's coming along nicely:






And a family portrait of the Ninja household:


I'm glad everyone dressed up for picture day ;)

Tomorrow is my last day of the work week, woohoo!! Maybe I can get caught up on journal reading...5am sucks balls when you gotta go to work. LOL peace homies:peace:
At the frequency that the red stems are occuring on my grows, combined with the fact that one plant sitting next to another, grown in the same manner never develops these red stems, and I have supplemented quality cal-mag to attemp a remedy.... I have come to the conclusion that this condition is mainly a genetic trait and I don't trip on it anymore..........just my observation.
Hey guys, I know I've been a terrible journal keeper lately, it's been alot of little things I guess, just needing to re-charge my batteries, and getting used to a first shift schedule (waking up at 5am) after I've been on a third shift schedule (going to bed at 7 am) for the past two plus years, has taken alot out of me and I just haven't had the energy to be on here like I need to. I will get back right, just needed some rest, and I'm sure you guys understand ;)

A few things, I picked up a bottle of superthrive a couple weeks back, and good thing I did, because I had raised my lights the night before and I guess the heat from the way the fan was blowing across the lights (and the fact that it got well into the 60*'s outside)
had my plants almost laid over and looking about dead when I went to water them... I nearly panicked.. Luckily I had mixed the superthrive in their water and before I was even done tending with them for the night, the leaves had all peked back up and the plants were back to close to normal. I lost quite a few leaves from that ordeal over the next few days as I began to see the damage of what had dried out. Since then, everything has pretty much recovered fully and back to growing nice.

My WW and Purps are still growing nice, but small, I transplanted them into bigger pots, they all seem to be adjusting fairly well so we'll see.
I decided to put it off no longer, these plants were started on Nov 20th, I've topped all I'm going to top, so I flipped the switch to 12/12 tonight. I'm ready to make room for some awesome beans I've scored which I'll get into later ;)

But for now, The pics!! Hope you enjoy them, and please excuse my absence guys. I gotta lotta journal catchin up to do!!!

First, my White Widow... a little yellowing but I think it'll end up being fine.


Next is my 2 Purp plants:


Next are my three That I just flipped the switch on:





Sorry I didn't better ones, I snapped these last night. I hope everyone has been doing well!!!
welcome back my friend =)

think nothing of the of the great things about being a stoner is that even time itself passes easier ;)
nice looking little garden you got there mate =)

keep an eye on that superthrive. im sure its not mad for them, but it makes my plants go all floppy for a while (like a human after an intense adrenaline surge :rofl: ). i only put 1ml into about 35 litres of water these days.

and to be honest im not even sure how much this has got going for it over BPNs cold pressed seaweed extract. thats full of vitamins and hormones too. im pretty certain that it has everything a plant could need that isnt raw NPK.

and one person has said that superthrive contains a carcenogenic...but i have not yet had the time to research that =/
Yeah I got the superthrive mostly to give my plants after transplanting,or if I have a sick plant, I don't plan on using it every watering... I added >1 ml to a gallon and it was watered in at a diluted rate over the next few days, as I just added fresh water to refill my water jug every night and didn't add anymore superthrive. They are back on straight water and have been for a good minute, I haven't even given any more nutes in probably 3 weeks or a month. They could probably use a lil something lol... I've just been letting them grow and tell me when they need something. Less of everything as opposed to risk of over-doing anything ;)
Wanted to post an update and let you guys know I'm still alive lol... the internet has been out so my access to the world has been limited... but my babies are still doing fine :) Well, at least my 3 big ones are.. my 2 purps and WW didn't take well to being transplanted as I suppose the soil was underfertilized.. but I have them back in the house in the PC case vegging to try and survive... I also have 2 babies that are almost 2 weeks old that I got out of a bag of over-kured kush, I was happier about the seeds than the smoke lol. but anyways, I took some pics of my big girls, they are all on 12/12 now and looking pretty good. I've done about all the defol I'm gonna do probably, I'm just gonna sit back and watch the show from here ;)

I hope you all have been doing well and keeping then gardens green. Much love :peace:











Cut nutes by 40 % til those plants recover and are green as heck!

That's just it... I haven't fed them any nutes in almost a month... I did have a day about a week or so ago where I didn't get to water them and the got really droopy and lost alot of the bottom leaves to yellowing.. they are looking better now than they did a week ago though for sure. So I'm hopeful that the problem will sort itself out, because I'm definitely not over-nuting these plants. They have been getting straight water.
That's just it... I haven't fed them any nutes in almost a month... I did have a day about a week or so ago where I didn't get to water them and the got really droopy and lost alot of the bottom leaves to yellowing.. they are looking better now than they did a week ago though for sure. So I'm hopeful that the problem will sort itself out, because I'm definitely not over-nuting these plants. They have been getting straight water.

Give em a 40-50% feeding now.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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