Living Organic Soil - No Flushes - No Bottled Nutes - No Meters - Pure Enjoyment

Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

Looks great I'm subbed! Looking forward to seeing your tea brewer. What recipe are you going with for your tea if you don't mind me asking.
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

Welcome to the grow! I'm very new to teas, I'm totally in love with it thou! I use T&J Enterprise with their Yucca and biominerials. Their biominerals has a complex blend of all kinds of awesomeness! definitely check out their website. As i progress down this journey I'm sure I'll discover different things i want to include into the tea. I have on hand, earthworm castings, molasses, kelp, Azomite.

As for the tea brewer... i have a small three gallon with air stones to make my base. I'm building the five gallon air lift for a tea ready to serve! Got the plans by googling started here and ended up everywhere! From microbe organics and ----- to vortex brewer plus looking at different models for sale.
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

I'm definitely a sativa kinda guy, but i also enjoy a good indica. BLENDS BLENDS BLENDS thats my love right there! same with wine! beer I tend to go more hoppy but also enjoi a good variety. Ice cream... thats the stuff, BACON!!!! ok i'm obviously stoned ahahaha! LIFEISGOOD
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds


These are off blue dream, coco hempy, watering with cns17 bloom, kelp, calmag, silica, humic extract, ph is in between 5.5 6.0 I only have the drop ph kit so kinda hard to tell exact but i go for same color everytime.
I had some other plants going same style grow and couldn't figure out what was wrong

I looked every where at pics and read..... magnesium or phosphorus deficiency, ph, tent off gasing.... I just couldnt figure it out. It made my last plants lock out at three weeks and did not grow for the next four weeks, i then called it a lost, I got like four grams.lofl

anyway i found two leafs today... fuck
does anyone have idea?
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds


Ok I'm trying to point at the other leaf still on the plant the one i cut is on the opposite side. No new growth affected.
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

All four plants get same treatment. Only one had the two nasty leaves. Four different strains.
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

given where its at it could be a problem from the past showing now and its been fixed already, or it could be the plant pulled the nutrients from those leaves for use elsewhere, or a mild def. a good micro nute supplement should help, synthetic nute buildup needs a flush, use very weak nute solution ph corrected to your ideal range 4 times the volume of the pot the reason is mild nute solution will pull more excess than plain water due to like ions attracting like ions better make it 1/4 what you normally feed, do you have a ppm meter, shoot for under 1300 for a max runoff 8-900 is much better, always do a bug check with your 30-100x glass check backsides of leaves for critters & eggs anywhere you see spots i saw something on other leaves that looks like spots, mist with superthrive & kelp lightly for stress and foliar feeding hope that helps
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

Damn i totally spaced out the flush. And now i remember you said a flush is a good thing to start with! I'm so ready for these to be done and move on to a better style of growing! No ppm meter. I will get superthrive. Thank you!
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds


Ok so i started building air lift tea brewer! Used a kitchen sink drain and 1-1\4 pipe. 110L air pump But will probably drop down to something quieter. Will finish soon lol
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

no worries thats one of the reasons im here,:thumb:

damn I damn fuck dude ahaha fuck.....
so back when you told me flush the other plants well I just realized I didnt do a proper flush. damn.. probably only a quart of water to a 1 1/2 gallon pot... dumb i know....fuck anyway it gets better !!! these plants have been growing since the other ones but being in another tent i didnt flush them! so I pull them out and bam its like a white crusty salt bed in their lil drain res .... holy shit wow cant belive I didnt even give one thought to flush ... now I'm making damn sure to flush..

well now i ran 3 gallon of water with very low nutes thru them. the water was still so brown. I'm thinking maybe another flush tomorrow?

all i can do is laugh at myself
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

Ran three more gallons for a total of six gallons per plant! Water is getting clearer! UPDATE ON THE THREE SEEDLINGS HEADLINING THE JOURNAL ARE DOING GOOD, BUILDING ROOTS!
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

And hey if the brewer goes wrong, no worries.........i now a throne of an outhouse!
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

well it works! I have my small air pump on right now 15l the 110l works way better. Gonna but a 45l and try that one soon
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

thats cool braz! but why not just drop in the airstones for the rolling boil effect?
from what I read on micorbe organics .com it's one of best ways! i'm still gonna brew my t&j like instructions say but then i'm going to dump it in the brewer i made, from there i'll add other stuff. it's very good at adding D.O. constantly circulating and easy to drain! I know there is a lot of different ways, but I find this guy to be at the top of the knowledge chain.... others my not. lol
there is no glue, everything slides apart for easy cleaning. I drilled holes with a drill size .001 that makes 254micron sized holes. I still have a little tinkering to do!
Re: Coco w/ Amendments, T&J Tea, topLED, Dinafem Seeds

one of my girls favorite strains is memphis belle, sativa so perfect for me and my girl! well she has been chanting to find some seeds AND BAM TODAY SHE FOUND 6 , 3 IMMATURE AND 3 VERY GOOD LOOKING SEEDS!!!!!!!!! been waiting for this moment for over a year
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