Logitech's LED Screen Of Green

Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

To be honest with you Green the first five rows of plants are going to be small. I started everything off with one single feminized Gigabud seed. I had to wait for the plant to mature to a state of not only being able to pull one clone but three a week. Basically what I am saying is the first 5 rows really did not have a veg cycle what so ever. The second I saw one single tap root come out of the rapid rooters I would put them right into flower because I was short on clones.

I knew I would catch up eventually and now I have 15 clones in veg waiting to go down below 3 at a time- every seven days. Im actually super excited because I was kind of rippin my self off before but I had to do what I had to do ya know? It is a project in progress.

To answer your question, the plants will probably reach a height of 14-16 inches.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Sweet bro. THanks!

I took two cuttings last night. We shall see what happens....

Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Thanks labrat, your grow is looking real awesome too. My luck with DWC is terrible without a chiller and that is something I dont own.

Extra air stones and more frequent res changes should help.

I've seen res in the low 80s still return good results as long as clean and very well aerated.

Alternatively, here's a pretty cool little chiller for a reasonable price. There's also a smaller one (CL-85) which seems perfect for a single 5 gallon bucket or one this size (CL-150) for one of those 8 gallon tubs.

CL-150 Titanium Chiller by AquaEuro USA* - AquaCave
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Extra air stones and more frequent res changes should help.

I've seen res in the low 80s still return good results as long as clean and very well aerated.

Alternatively, here's a pretty cool little chiller for a reasonable price. There's also a smaller one (CL-85) which seems perfect for a single 5 gallon bucket or one this size (CL-150) for one of those 8 gallon tubs.

CL-150 Titanium Chiller by AquaEuro USA* - AquaCave

Hey Soniq, would regular healthy doses of H2O2 increase the odds of avoiding root problems with the higher temps?
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

I've heard of several people doing that with success.

Personally, I think prevention is preferable. If you can't control root temps like you want then starting with RODI water and regular cleaning is more important that killing anything that might have started growing ;) Different strokes for different folks ;)

And now back to your regularly scheduled 360 watt grow ;)
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

I've heard of several people doing that with success.

Personally, I think prevention is preferable. If you can't control root temps like you want then starting with RODI water and regular cleaning is more important that killing anything that might have started growing ;) Different strokes for different folks ;)

And now back to your regularly scheduled 360 watt grow ;)

I believe that, I was using my tap water before. Things would start real nice but mid way through veg I would get the slime. H202 did not help, I would change the water constantly but the roots would carry over whatever it was they had in them. I did not have the RO/DI filter I have now, perhaps I should give it another spin. I have a 600w HPS doing nothing as of now......ummmmm.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

and on a side note.....

My clones are rooting in 7 days! It is crazy, I have never ever, not once, not in my entire life, seen a clone root this quickly!! I have more clones rooted than I need. HGL really built a solid veg light, that is something I can stand by - I knew it would serve me well for that purpose, thats why I did it. Seriously though I have 15 rooted clones with more ready tomorrow. I put three plants in a week! That means some of these clones are looking at a 5 week veg period. Im fucked! I cant have big plants! LOL, I think I will mess around with the solo cups I put them in. I know once the roots get to a certain size and can not grow, the plant simply stays in the same state until repotted. So my goal is to find the right small container to plant them in so they only grow about 2-3 inches during veg. Am I making sense, Im pretty high?


The plants in the small square containers go in this Friday, everything else is on stand by.


Seven days later.....and roots. Badda bing.

I had an idea here. Once the clones root, leave them in the little sponges you start them in, until you are about 7 days away from needing another clone, then slap it into the cup, let it grow a scotch, and transfer over. Problem with that is you get a half ass-ed established root system, and when you go to transplant it all falls apart in your hand.

I think I wasted me time with that. I have had ladies in cups for weeks, and yeah they do stop at some point, but they grow mighty tall before then do, 12" or so. Hmmmmmm......you need a hormone that stunts the growth right after they take root....

Damn bro. I didn't help. lol

:thumb: for the fast cloning though!!!! You have the environment justtttt right!

Peace brotha man!

Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Very nice all around grow, you got this all dialed in. great job....
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Hey whats happening 420?

Well today marks the start of week six. I originally said six weeks and these plants are done but by the looks of them now I know they are probably going to need 7-8 weeks grand total which isnt a bid deal, I have the space to run two more rows but I under estimated. There is just no way these buds will be ready in 7 days, they are still swelling, the triches are crystal clear. Anyways hear are some pics.







For sure three more weeks including the rest of week 6. My impressions of these lights are still good. For a little while, this row of plants seemed to be on pause. Not sure what triggered it but now they are picking back up. The buds are continuing to swell as the days go on. They are getting RO/DI h20, Pura vida bloom with AN overdrive. 1000ppm.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Those are some very nice looking ladies you have. Very nice job...
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Here is my last Giga I grew under the 126w light I now use for veg. This plant was 7 weeks, 5 days old when chopped. I just want threw my old pics, looked at dates and figured it out. So my ladies now have 2 weeks 5 days to go and by the length of the buds now, I feel pretty damn safe saying they will surpass the HGL light.


This smoke was some of the best I ever had though, it was great. 30 grams dry.

Do the buds look different in size to anyone else? Since now all we have are pictures, to me my current ladies have longer buds that need to fill out. That should happen in the next 19 days, fuckin better..lol.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

One more question, how does 420 feel about the name zimbabway for a name of a strain Im trying to breed.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

great journal. i have used leds for flowering , for two grows . i am still learning though. i have a 90w ufo and produced 28grms for 4 small plants. note the conditions were not perfect and i chopped early. but i am looking to add two more lights , and start some type of perpetual something or other. thanks for the inspiration.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

One more question, how does 420 feel about the name zimbabway for a name of a strain Im trying to breed.

Sounds good

Because it inflates your brain ;)

(making fun of Zimbabwe's trillion dollar note and 50% per month inflation rate ;)
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Been quietly following this for awhile just wanted to drop a note saying thanks for doing this journal and information you and the other thread barons have provided both on LED grows specifically as well as in general. This place (420m) is garden of knowledge, I can't get enough!

So about 3 weeks till harvest, can't wait.

/me goes back to quietly watching from the back of the class room.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Been quietly following this for awhile just wanted to drop a note saying thanks for doing this journal and information you and the other thread barons have provided both on LED grows specifically as well as in general. This place (420m) is garden of knowledge, I can't get enough!

So about 3 weeks till harvest, can't wait.

/me goes back to quietly watching from the back of the class room.

Thank you very much, I am very very pleased with these lights. They seem to be doing what they are said to do. Cant ask for more then that.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

They are looking good, it's like waiting for a date, if she's fine enuff, worth the wait. How many nodes did you go before you tipped them? It looks are two or three, but kinda hard to see the forest through the weed.

Thanx for this they are looking good. What are you doing with the extra clone warriors?

My veg room is backed up with clones. It is hard to fit them all under the intense foot print from the LED. Its like a waiting room at a doctors office, each one is waiting to by seen by Dr Bloom. I am not topping my plant anymore, I feel doing so makes more popcorn when all I want is a solid cola off each plant.

Ill have a lot of clones for my outdoor season this year, I am so excited about that. Growing outdoors is like growing trees in under 6 months ummmmm I cant wait!! Thanks for stoppin by.
Re: 360w LED Perpetual SOG sponsored by growledhydro.com, Pineapple Express and Gigab

Check this out 420...!

Wouldn't it be fun to grow a plant like this?


lol...pretty wild aint it? If I had all the panels in the world each plant would get a set up like that. Except I would never use that POS from hgl to flower a plant, makes me puke a little.
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