Thawk's Multi Strain 2L Hempy SOG

Also if this is your first time, then I will you tell you to watch your ph and don't rush your waterings. As long as your plant ets the right water, you will get decently smokable bud, even if you use CFL's in a cabinet for lighting.

Anyways guys I will be back with the room tonight so I will try and get a solid update up either tonight or by tomorrow. Should have quite a bit to show and tell :)
Nice little setup Thawk!

Just finished some agent orange a couple months ago!

I love that strain if you find the right pheno. I got really lucky to find one out of two beans popped.
trippy high like the description says. and heavy yields

subbd from here on
cheers and keep em green buddy
Shotta- I am a big fan of the agent orange as well but I haven't really had enough good plants come off yet to put it over hammerhead. I only had one nice agent so far... But now that the Hempy is going, hopefully that is at an end...

I also figured out the I just need to hold the iPad a certain way when I take the picture.
As far as an update goes I am going to get to that tomorrow, things were not properly tended too while I was gone and I may have lost all of my new seeds, in addition the cloner was running without enough water for days, and some of my solo cup plants went completely dry and may have died. I know now that I am not going to be able to take more than a couple days away at any point.

On the brighter side my replacement purple wreck and purple buddah are on the way and also the sour diesel. Also a pineapple chunk is peeking above the surface, I am going to go make a second look now to see if any of them have an hope. Hopefully will have a better report tomorrow, keep it green.
Well it wasn't seeds in solo cups, just plants in flower in solos that I never transplanted... There was one casualty. As far as seeds it looks like they may have stayed wet enough to not die, I see a white taproot without any of the yellowing i have seen on dried out dead taproots on all, so hopes are still alive. Unfortunately, one of the skywalkers bit the dust. I think I am going to put he seedlings into Hempy solo cups to start off... I have too many problems with thrips to use any more soil at all, from now on all moms, clones, and sprouts will go by the Hempy method. Is this ok or do you think I should transfer the root cube over to a different medium?

Pics coming tonight.
Haha ask and you shall receive. Sorry guys I have had company in town and no time to get everything done, but I snapped some pics yesterday morning and everything is looking pretty good. I have not seen any more action from the seeds, but I will give them at least another week before I really start to lose hope... I think the pineapple chunk was just a little bit ahead of the pack... I like to think optimistically. Here is a pic of the veg right now
as I said precisely I am switching the moms over to Hempy, this is what I have so far, starting at the top left and going clockwise they are Afghan Haze 33, Agent Orange, Bunblegummer, and Hammerhead. The rest are still on the way, about to take the super lemon haze mom today.
going to take lots of clones today.

the flowering things are looking pretty decent, I am having some thrip issues with a couple of plants but soon the soil will be gone so it shouldn't be much of a problem. The opium has them the worst as of right now
but it is still looking pretty good, and the third dimension is coming along pretty nicely
, the canopies are just so far off on these... The afhan haze has a couple of nice looking nugs on the way but comparably it is almost a waste of space.
Much more excited for the ones in the smaller containers, but the hammerheads on the way that I grew very bushy are looking nice.
I can't wait until the big plants get done so I can lower down the hps, it could definitely come down a whole foot for the younger girls. Speaking of, here are the two tubs of soil plants that will be finishing up in something like 5 weeks...

And here are the first hempys, I am very excited for these, the growth on them is remarkable compared to the others... I'm very excited to see what they can produce...
the second tub is slightly older.

Will update again this weekend, am planning on making hash later, will try and squeeze in some quick updates and pics. Good growing guys.
Hey guys, time for an update, will add pics after I get off of work tonight. Let's start with the veg room... The clones are all coming nicely, with a couple roots starting to poke out on some of them. The new mothers in the Hempy buckets are coming along nicely, they really do grow much faster than soil does, it's amazing. I am really excited to have a healthy bubblegummer mom, I have three of them right now just to be sure... I don't want anything awful to happen. The seeds that showed up last weeks have all popped, and as of yesterday both of the RP sour diesels have sprouted, now to get them into some Hempy solos. I'm very ready to get the rest of the soil plants out of the room, the thrips are so annoying.

As for the flowering, everything seems to be coming along nicely. Starting with what's coming off first, the SLH and AH33 are both very close to ready, just waiting for the tricks to turn some to give them the chop. The OP and the 3D are very shortly behind. They might even finish at the same time, which would be nice considering I am running quite dry right now haha. The other SLH is way behind, not even worth talking about right now, but the three HHs that are in 5 gals are looking very nice and seem to be getting quite frosty. Both of the soil flowering tubs are coming along nicely... It was kind of a rushed process so I have noticed that there are quite a few buds that will end up a little undeveloped, but I'm not too worried. Finally the first two tubs of hempy's are looking great, the first tub is getting defoliated tomorrow, and all of the plants are done stretching. So far the frostiest plant is the lone power kush that I have in there, pic tonight. The afghan hazes are a little taller than all the others, but other than those I have a pretty even canopy formed.

Good growing
Hey guys sorry there has been so much delay but things just keep coming up not to mention this site makes it as difficult as possible to post pics. Anyways here is the veg room, the new mom takeover is coming along fine, they are starting to get pretty large, catching up to the soil ones pretty quick. I got both of the sour diesel sprouts moved into solo hempys, hopefully they will respond well. Hopefully clones will be ready by the beginning of next week so I can get the 5 gals out of the flowering room.

The flowering room is looking fine, the big 5 gals are just in the way at this point though... Going to cut most of them by the middle of next week... Too big of a waste of light once the new clones are ready... Did stick a shot of a SLH nug in there though, it smells awfully good

The next pic is the power kush Hempy in the first batch... Tis pic was at 19 days 12/12, BPN looking good.

More coming tomorrow, thanks guys
Thanks guys, I gave another BPN watering to the hempys today before I left for the weekend. The ppm was 1450 which is a little bit high for my taste but they have had no problem pushing 1500 before so hopefully all will be good. Decided to hold off chopping the AH33 and the SLH until I get back, just in case there is extra densing up to do. The OP and 3D should be ready next week too. All of that mixed with 40 some clones bing ready for transplant, I'm going to have a busy return home!

@juicy that harvest of yours looked nice, what was your weight? What was your biggest cola?
Thanks guys, I gave another BPN watering to the hempys today before I left for the weekend, and defoliated the second tub. The ppm was 1450 which is a little bit high for my taste but they have had no problem pushing 1500 before so hopefully all will be good. Decided to hold off chopping the AH33 and the SLH until I get back, just in case there is extra densing up to do. The OP and 3D should be ready next week too. All of that mixed with 40 some clones bing ready for transplant, I'm going to have a busy return home!

@juicy that harvest of yours looked nice, what was your weight? What was your biggest cola?
Haha a forest... More like a wild jungle... I have let the soil plants do their own thing, haven't given them the time I really should've... Kind of a personal test to see how much taking no leaves or limbs hurts yield. But there are some nice nugs in there here and there, hopefully I will be able to show some pics of the dried SLH and AH33 that I cut on Sunday by the next update. Anyways I am in the midst of transplanting all of the clones out of the cloner into hempys right now, some of the roots have gotten way too long...

The rest of veg is doing ok, will have more about it in next update. The flowering seems to be doing nicely, I recalibrated my ph meter because it showed a whole 2 digits off, the plants seemed to enjoy their last watering more than usual. More close ups in next update with pics of the OP hash tips and the 3D.

Power Kush Hempy is looking ok, worried about the nug size due to the bottom limbs, but it is frosting up nicely

More pics soon, keep it green guys
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