Lost In The Fog

I thought I was alone with these overpopulation ideas.... We are a dying species but we act like we don't know it....
Today is a very happy day! I got a package in the mail!

Thought I do it real professional this time and thread the holes in the aluminum....

That turned out real well.... I guess it will be bolts and nuts!

Had an appointment with my doctor today. That went well, she wants me to cut down my meds and try yoga for my pain instead. While I was sitting there and holding in all the good things I have found out with my new favorite strain of the forbidden fruit. I think I could have helped all the people siting in that waiting room with it... its sad and depressing.

Well enough with that. Ups tells me that the drivers will arrive on Wednesday. Happy days ahead, god weather and working 50% for two more months...
Thought I do it real professional this time and thread the holes in the aluminum...

I don't believe I ever saw anyone ever try to run a thread tap in a drill before, lol. Now I know why.

Had an appointment with my doctor today. That went well, she wants me to cut down my meds and try yoga for my pain instead.

Now this might just be MY opinion... But I think that people who come up with that kind of bullsh!t ought to get hit with a dump truck full of cinder blocks - and then have someone tell them they ought to use some kind of <fill in the blank, as long as it includes ZERO medication in any form> to "magic" the pain away. They'd probably stop such things, afterwards.
I felt I had to post this screen dump, its from our State TV channel SVT they are starting up a new show this evening.
It's suppose to be about four English young muslims that go back to Syria to join IS?!?!?! WTF is this??? This is what my tax money goes to?

I am in noooo way muslima fobic in any way but this is enough!
Now this might just be MY opinion... But I think that people who come up with that kind of bullsh!t ought to get hit with a dump truck full of cinder blocks - and then have someone tell them they ought to use some kind of <fill in the blank, as long as it includes ZERO medication in any form> to "magic" the pain away. They'd probably stop such things, afterwards.

Now, now, Mr. TS, yoga isn’t going to Magic the pain away, but over time it may help people deal with pain by offering a low impact way to get in stretching, exercise, and also a bit of meditation. Chronic pain can cause a use it or lose it syndrome in regard to activity. You stop doing things because of pain, and pretty soon you “can’t” do things because of inactivity making pain worse.

Is yoga a miracle cure, no. Is it a cure, not even. But things like diet and exercise, and yes even yoga, can have a very important place in a pain management program.

I also have adjusted my expectations for what pain relief means to me. I don’t expect to not be in pain, my body is too fucked up for that to be a reasonable expectation, but I do want to be functional and have the pain at a manageable level.
I don't believe I ever saw anyone ever try to run a thread tap in a drill before, lol. Now I know why.

Now this might just be MY opinion... But I think that people who come up with that kind of bullsh!t ought to get hit with a dump truck full of cinder blocks - and then have someone tell them they ought to use some kind of <fill in the blank, as long as it includes ZERO medication in any form> to "magic" the pain away. They'd probably stop such things, afterwards.

Haha, laziness have no limits! I use the drill all the time on work, but it's usually thin sheets then in steel. But this aluminum sheet is 5mm thick so it heats up pretty fast so I guess that's why it broke.

Yes, the doctors here are so afraid about the opioid mass prescriptions that's reported from USA and Canada. That they gone from writing out 100s pack to 2*50s pack instead, so you ned to go to the pharmacy more. It's a big state monopoly.
I don't believe I ever saw anyone ever try to run a thread tap in a drill before, lol. Now I know why.

I've done it hundreds of thousands of times. Did it in automation. Didn't have time to had tap all the holes we needed to tap. There are some tricks to it though. You must debur the hole with a countersink, and you MUST use some kind of high quality tapping fluid (Tapmagic). Not recommended in steel, and a gun tap (pushes cuttings forward) is a must.

And yes, we did break taps....it does happen.
I've done it hundreds of thousands of times. Did it in automation. Didn't have time to had tap all the holes we needed to tap. There are some tricks to it though. You must debur the hole with a countersink, and you MUST use some kind of high quality tapping fluid (Tapmagic). Not recommended in steel, and a gun tap (pushes cuttings forward) is a must.

And yes, we did break taps....it does happen.

X2 we ran taps in air drills on the line. Company decided it was cheaper to pay for more taps than the labor to hand tap them. NVM the time it takes to remove said broken taps I guess.
Now, now, Mr. TS, yoga isn’t going to Magic the pain away, but over time it may help people deal with pain by offering a low impact way to get in stretching, exercise, and also a bit of meditation. Chronic pain can cause a use it or lose it syndrome in regard to activity. You stop doing things because of pain, and pretty soon you “can’t” do things because of inactivity making pain worse.

Is yoga a miracle cure, no. Is it a cure, not even. But things like diet and exercise, and yes even yoga, can have a very important place in a pain management program.

I also have adjusted my expectations for what pain relief means to me. I don’t expect to not be in pain, my body is too fucked up for that to be a reasonable expectation, but I do want to be functional and have the pain at a manageable level.

Yes you are absolutely right! I'm in the process of starting to accept my fucked up neck now but I still don't know how much or with what I can expect to do or can do with it yet. I work 50% day, start at 8 and finish at 12, go home and have to sleep for two hours because I'm totally beaten by the pain and my nervs just fall apart from all pain. Got a constant ringing in my head from the nervs to. Life is a bitch. But now when the sun have returned and the warmth start coming back it feels alot better when you are trying to do something anyway.
Now, now, Mr. TS

Yeah, okay, that might have been just a wee bit harsh. But think about it, lol, who would you be more likely to trust - someone who has never existed in a world of pain or a person that has literally been scooped up off the pavement and wired back together as a preface to traction, months in a body cast, etc. when you're told to try something besides medication(*) to help with YOUR pain? Me, I'd be listening to B.

(*)including cannabis.

My response might have been what it was because his post caused me to - vividly - remember the day a 78-year old ex-prison dentist (warning sign #1, LMAO) from the Florida penal system said to me, "Yeah, I don't believe in pain medication, Novocaine, or even nitrous oxide. We didn't use any of that stuff in prison, and most (warning sign #2) of the people I worked on survived just fine. Myself, I used hypnosis on my patients (<DING DING D-D-D-f*cking-DING!!!>)." And then proceeded to... make the attempt... on me, then also made the ATTEMPT to pull one of my teeth. I actually managed to hold still through the first two attempts (the second of which cracked one of my (then) halfway decent chompers), but the third time caused him to miss not having one of those handy prison dental chairs with the straps, lol.

I've got nothing against yoga. In fact, an ex-girlfriend was into it pretty heavily, said it was one of the reasons she was so talented on the... pole at work. It just... If my arm is broken in a few places, and the doctor says to me, "Hey, instead of pins, screws, and an immobilization cast, how about I set you up with a daily meal plan? It'll include ice cream." Well, I'd probably end up in one of those rooms that have a guard outside the door ;) .
Got the drivers today! Time for testing! :goodluck:

Running low on wago....

The plants look astonishing under the WHITE light! Finally!!!

Why does accidents always happen when you are exited and want things to be done quickly?
Think I dropped the old board on one ore two plants, one is a little bent but will prob be fine. :hmmmm:

First glance at it I can tell the lights are tooooo far in the ends of the tent. But I am certain I will order
at least one more puc. Tomorrow the LEDvance ramps will be put in. Running and checking temps now
tonight but I am positiv that it will be much lower than with the blurps....

Any one interested in a used and worn 500w blurp board? :rofl:
Yeah, okay, that might have been just a wee bit harsh. But think about it, lol, who would you be more likely to trust - someone who has never existed in a world of pain or a person that has literally been scooped up off the pavement and wired back together as a preface to traction, months in a body cast, etc. when you're told to try something besides medication(*) to help with YOUR pain? Me, I'd be listening to B.

(*)including cannabis.

My response might have been what it was because his post caused me to - vividly - remember the day a 78-year old ex-prison dentist (warning sign #1, LMAO) from the Florida penal system said to me, "Yeah, I don't believe in pain medication, Novocaine, or even nitrous oxide. We didn't use any of that stuff in prison, and most (warning sign #2) of the people I worked on survived just fine. Myself, I used hypnosis on my patients (<DING DING D-D-D-f*cking-DING!!!>)." And then proceeded to... make the attempt... on me, then also made the ATTEMPT to pull one of my teeth. I actually managed to hold still through the first two attempts (the second of which cracked one of my (then) halfway decent chompers), but the third time caused him to miss not having one of those handy prison dental chairs with the straps, lol.

I've got nothing against yoga. In fact, an ex-girlfriend was into it pretty heavily, said it was one of the reasons she was so talented on the... pole at work. It just... If my arm is broken in a few places, and the doctor says to me, "Hey, instead of pins, screws, and an immobilization cast, how about I set you up with a daily meal plan? It'll include ice cream." Well, I'd probably end up in one of those rooms that have a guard outside the door ;) .

And the men in white jackets coming to get you... :rofl:
And the men in white jackets coming to get you... :rofl:

Wouldn't be the first time. Kind of hard to (legally) declare someone insane who knows all the "correct" answers to all the tests.
Well you know that high intelligence and madness is closely related... :p

I do know that madness is like beauty. In the eye of the beholder, lol. "Sanity" is just a term that really means "this person behaves and thinks just like the majority of the members of his/her particular group of people." One reason I've always hated crowds - they start expecting you to be like them. And then they start acting all surprised when you wade in swinging....
I do know that madness is like beauty. In the eye of the beholder, lol. "Sanity" is just a term that really means "this person behaves and thinks just like the majority of the members of his/her particular group of people." One reason I've always hated crowds - they start expecting you to be like them. And then they start acting all surprised when you wade in swinging....

This is so true! Crowds behave really strange and sometimes funny to watch. To se how group pressures make people do things they definitely wouldn't do alone and think they are convinced by a thing that they even know isn't true. That's why I stay away from crowds. I can't stand and watch people become this way I get so irritated and pissed of at them.
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