Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

A small update from the popcorn forest:

Table 2 has about 3 weeks to go.



Also, moms 3 and 4 are catching up to 1 and 2. Here's a couple of shots that shows some scale on mom 4



The Critical seeds are showing some life


The April table is planted


Good Growing

I also went through a little ping pong match in my journal a few days ago.

Different guy, but one of those "I've grown for years" guys. He started going off on Doc's kit right out of the starting gate.

I tried not to be as aggressive as you were, but kudos to you for that. :thumb:

I am in here to learn and share, and relax a bit, so I didn't want to let the guy upset me.

I grew a plant back in 78 that was 15 ft tall and it sucked.

Like my gf tells me, "size doesn't matter honey" :laugh: jk, I have plenty of boat, it's just tougher to hoist the sail these days.

Whoa, 78, does that mean I have been growing for 35 yrs?

I have been growing recently for little over 3 yrs. The first grow after a bag seed trial run was Northern Lights and I think my bud was as big as the one hiding his face, and I didn't have a clue about indoor then.

this bud was 16x10 ,,, hempy OC+,,, LST is our friend


and she had an almost twin sister
420fied has helped many patients seeking their own reliable low watt grow by his journal, i know he has helped me.

DrFever please start your own grow thread. with your large grow i am sure we could all learn from you if you employ a different tact.
Cleanup on aisle 420 coming soon ;)

Disagreement and debate encouraged, but should be respectful. Deference should be shown to the journal owner, whose house is being entered.

Don't like the color of the couch, go to someone else's house where the decor suits you better.

420 Management would much prefer the first offending post be "Reported" as opposed to self defense because its easier for us (but we do understand this need)

And now, back to The Showcase grow ;)
Hey Fied and other 2 liter-er-ers I use duct tape on my bottles its cheap and I dont have aplace to spray paint at so if your like me duct tape will work! Oh yeah Fied got pics up of that new reflector and I concur with prior post master is true SOG 2 liter MASTER for sure! :thumb:
Cleanup on aisle 420 coming soon ;)

Disagreement and debate encouraged, but should be respectful. Deference should be shown to the journal owner, whose house is being entered.

Don't like the color of the couch, go to someone else's house where the decor suits you better.

420 Management would much prefer the first offending post be "Reported" as opposed to self defense because its easier for us (but we do understand this need)

And now, back to The Showcase grow ;)

Sorry Soniq,

I know I should have just reported it but I have a hard time biting my tongue and turning the other cheek. My Father (rest his soul) was a Golden Gloves champ in the Marines. His Christmas gift to me for my 8th Birthday was an Everlast Heavy Bag, so you can only imagine how I was raised. I was always taught to stand my ground.

I apologize to everyone for the language.
Hey Fied and other 2 liter-er-ers I use duct tape on my bottles its cheap and I dont have aplace to spray paint at so if your like me duct tape will work! Oh yeah Fied got pics up of that new reflector and I concur with prior post master is true SOG 2 liter MASTER for sure! :thumb:

Thank you. I actually tried duct tape once and didn't like it. If it works well for you, by all means keep doing it.


First time caller, long time listener.

The last couple of days have been awesome interesting ! Ohh well. Shame to lose 4 pages !

Fied. I started my first reveg clones 3 days ago. In a cloner of your specification.

I am a member of another site, but admire your thread daily.

Keep it up and keep knocking the ill informed knockers. ( unless they female and photogenic) lol.

Hi 420. I read your post on how you do your mothers from seeds, but I'm curious what's in these 2 liters? What are the seeds here sitting in and what is that white stuff. Sorry, I haven't started my seeds yet as I'm still trying to get my water in order.


That's Hempy medium (80% perlite / 20% vermiculite). I pre-soak rapid rooter plugs in room temp water overnight and then cut them in half, poke a hole to accept the seed, place them in the Hempy 2 Liter, and insert the germinated seed. The tap root will eventually find it's way to the res. If I choose, I can later transplant to a larger Hempy pot or soil. Hempy plants (at least my strain) transition to soil without problem.
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