Mars Hydro 400w Mile High Club

This page is missing some pics. Here is mine under a marsll 400w in a space totaling 10 cubic feet.



She is heavy,i think she need another month to harvest,right?:cheer:
This page is missing some pics. Here is mine under a marsll 400w in a space totaling 10 cubic feet.



How do you like the reflector 48? I recently got one and im currently growing 2 young autos under it, do you think it'd be enough to flower with just one?

well with autos it really depends on pot size more than anything else I could have a 3.5L pot with an auto and yield like 15 grams or use a big ass 18L pot and with the same seed grow a 150 gram plant (you could probably grow one in a shot glass as long as it could get a little root depth). Auto flowers really do grow to the pots size and flowering times tend to shorten the smaller the pot.

So my little ones are now 2 weeks old they are about 20cm wide and under 8cm tall and on there 4th node to 5th node. Growth is just picking up and under growth has started so I am pony tail them a little or lst. I've been petting or w.e the shit is called to get the nodes closer and it seem to be working. Pictures later on as it's night time now.
I was hoping for another few weeks before flowering but just went down to check and they've started to get preflowers hopefully they flower for longer than on the card.
yeah all there lights seems to built pretty solidly and the customer service is top notch in my opinion. If you have pictures to post feel free we are all friends on this forum and welcome to the nut house \m/ (*_*) \m/
yeah all there lights seems to built pretty solidly and the customer service is top notch in my opinion. If you have pictures to post feel free we are all friends on this forum and welcome to the nut house \m/ (*_*) \m/
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