Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

for all who care i have just started my grow journal using 1200w TopLED grow lights
1x holy grail kush
1x cotton candy
1x blzbud

i followed grow journals using these lights before i parted with my cash so i thought others might want to do the same
link in my sig
Oh and that's a 3 gallon fabric pot she is in, the only one left in a soil mix, coco isn't going extremily great so far but she is in a fox farm mix and wow looks great, I expect her to almost double her size by harvest, in mostly gerth but think she has a bit more height coming as well, I can't wait till day 70ish :) will keep u all updated.. Important Question! I have both my MarsII 400w and reflector series 96x3w and plan to have em setup in next few days, but which one do I put her under??? Right now she is under the 300w old model and I think that little light will do her just fine threw harvest but should I upgrade her to the 400w????? Or the reflector 96x3w? Leave her be under the 300w? I really wanna try out my new lights but she is doing great and temps are just awesome, I have seedlings going too but none of them are ready for the new lights, I actually think a few days under cfls instead may be best for seedlings, so far I have been starting last few under the 300 n none has the vast growth I expect, but I am also running all them in coco where as I have been running soil, tried coco n didn't do so hot so went back to soil but I have a ton of canna nutes so I am trying coco again.

The only negative would be battling temps and humidity with the additional lights. However it would be more light to your plants so it could help your harvest.

If you are itching to use the new lights I say go for it. More light the better.
I checked that out thanks Denise!

But Sara told me I could hang 2 lights with one yo yo hanger?

I can't speak to that one Papa. I even asked if that was the case when I first got mine and was told no so I do not think I would want all that weight on just one.
for all who care i have just started my grow journal using 1200w TopLED grow lights
1x holy grail kush
1x cotton candy
1x blzbud

i followed grow journals using these lights before i parted with my cash so i thought others might want to do the same
link in my sig

No link mate. But im in whenever you post it
for all who care i have just started my grow journal using 1200w TopLED grow lights
1x holy grail kush
1x cotton candy
1x blzbud

i followed grow journals using these lights before i parted with my cash so i thought others might want to do the same
link in my sig

or at least it will be when i work out why its not there lol
I can't speak to that one Papa. I even asked if that was the case when I first got mine and was told no so I do not think I would want all that weight on just one.

I wonder if you could use one hanger to attach to the mounting hardware that comes with the lights.....hmmmm

I have heard that each yoyo can handle 11 lbs of weight. Not sure how heavy your light is but I don't think I would risk it. So if you used 2 for one light it would hold up to a 22 lb light.

Hey FranticFred, I don't know if that works on the website I'd recommend just emailing Sara at with any questions.
She has always responded to my questions I have sent to that email.

It's ok...and I will have to mail her at the other address...but I wonder how many potential customers have stumbled across her website and then got disgusted because they never received a response to their queries?Maybe it isn't even her website,but someone should either reply to questions there,or remove the contact form altogether and just post an email address.

That's all I am saying. :)
My lights have been here for few days and though I have not hung em yet I have hooked em up and they are just awesome! Thanks Sara so glad went with these! My 300w old model is just killing it a 32 day autoflower Mi5, it's done just amazing in just the 20ish give or take days it been under that light, can't wait till my other tent arrives and will hook up my reflector series and MarsII after move my 300w to the new tent :)the plant when it first went under the light after seeding under cfl and what it has done in the past 20ish days, this is the best auto plant I have had I believe!

Alex: is this the model you are referring to as the old 300w?
100x3w led grow light

If so,does it have just one switch for on and off?In other words,it won't allow you to turn on just the veg portion or just the flower portion?Sounds like it did well for you.How long have you been using it if I might ask?

I really would like a comparison between this old style and the 96x3w..
reflector led grow light 96x3w but maybe no one has went from the old style to the reflector series that could give me a recommendation.
Alex: is this the model you are referring to as the old 300w?
100x3w led grow light

If so,does it have just one switch for on and off?In other words,it won't allow you to turn on just the veg portion or just the flower portion?Sounds like it did well for you.How long have you been using it if I might ask?

I really would like a comparison between this old style and the 96x3w..
reflector led grow light 96x3w but maybe no one has went from the old style to the reflector series that could give me a recommendation.


Only the reflector series has a switch for veg and bloom. The difference between the old style and mars 2 is 3w diodes on the old style and 5w diodes on the mars2

Only the reflector series has a switch for veg and bloom. The difference between the old style and mars 2 is 3w diodes on the old style and 5w diodes on the mars2

You know what?I never even considered that the diff between the old and the Mars was that the diodes were different.I suppose that that isn't the only difference,but I appreciate you pointing that out.I wonder how much longer it would have been before I figured that out on my own?Probably months..Lol

The next question Fred's mind ponders is...are the old 3w panels customizable?

That is likely a question for Sara tho.
yes, it works, I got email from there everyday. maybe your email address refuse my reply, please email me : I can reply you very fast. thank you.

Sorry Sara..I must have been typing my post as you were replying.

My email service does not normally block emails I don't think,although anything is possible.They might go to my spam folder,but I don't think they get blocked...I just would hate to see you miss potential customers.

My reply to Papa is my question tho.Are the old 100x3w panels customizable?This is the model I am referring to: LG-G03A100LED

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