GoogleGenie Returns: Wedding Cake & Friends, Coco & RDWC, LED, ScrOG


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! It's been a long time - almost 5 years. But I'm back. I've been growing again this past couple of years and thought I'd share what I'm up to.

What strain is it?
Wedding Cake
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
80% Indica, 20% Sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage?
Just germinated seeds
If in Veg... For how long?
Plan to Veg for 4 weeks and flip
If in Flower stage... For how long?
Expect to flower for 8-10 weeks - or chop when the trichomes are 30% amber.
Indoor or outdoor?
If indoor...Dimensions (L x D x H) of grow space?
Veg Space : 120cm x 60cm x 160cm
Flowering Space A : 120cm x 120cm x 200cm
Flowering Space B : 120cm x 120cm x 180cm
Soil or Hydro?
Size of light?
1 x Mars Refelector (For Veg)
1 x Mars SP 250 (250w draw)
3 x Mars SP 3000 (300w draw)
Is it aircooled?
No. Simple extraction and intake through negative pressure
Temp of Room?
RH of Room?
PH of media or res?
How often are you watering?
Coco is watered small amounts multiple times per day. Coco will always be at least barely moist.
RDWC Systems will be topped up as necessary.
Water quality?
I collect rain water. Rain water is 0 EC. I'm able to collect and store up to 500L at any one time.
When i run low I dilute tap water with rain water to start at 0.3ec.
Tap water is a last resort for me. My starting tap water EC is 0.6. Tap water and LED lighting don't go well together in my experience.
What Fertilisers do you use?
These are all of the nutrients i use throughout the entire lifecycle. Obviously I don't use them all at the same time :)
Coco: Buddhas Tree Coco A + B or Ionic Coco Grow/Bloom
RDWC : Canna Aqua Vega/Flores or Ionic Hydro Grow/Bloom

Buddhas Tree Flower Burst (Early bloom)
Buddhas Tree PK 918 (Mid bloom)
Buddhas Tree Metaboost (Mid bloom)
Atami Bloombastic (Late bloom)

Buddhas Tree Solar Green Power (Veg and most of bloom)
TA Calcium Magnesium (At varying amounts through most of lifecycle)
TA Fulvic (Veg and early bloom)
Botanicare Sweet RAW (Mid to late bloom or to correct Mag deficiency)
Cannazyme (At regular intervals)
Drip Clean (Most feeds for DWC)
Advanced Nutrient Carboload (Used with bennies only to promote massive root growth)
TA Flashkleen (For flush)

Advanced Nutrient Voodoo Juice (Early veg and bloom)
Plant Success Great White (Most of Veg. Hand fed in DWC periodically)
Botanicare Hydroguard (Most DWC feeds)
Root Excellurator (Early veg and periodically in bloom)

How strong will nutrient feeds be?
When in coco, EC will range from 0.6 - 1.2ec (seedling to veg).
When in RDWC, EC will start at 1.0ec, may get as high as 1.4 during peak flowering, and will drop off to ~0.8ec, before the 5-7 day final flush.

I've been growing under LED exclusively for many years. Back in the days when much misinformation that they didn't work was flying around. LED does require some adjustments to my feeding regime, as did growing in a hyper aerated RDWC. I look forward to sharing my learning with you, learning more myself, and hopefully, helping the community along the way.
I run a perpetual cycle, where i Veg in Coco in a 1.5L pots and transplant my coco to 5" net pots and run last week of Veg and all of Flowering in a 4 node RDWC system.

I used to use clay pebbles, but I prefer using Coco now.

My RDWC system is connected to a chiller which keeps water temps around 65f.

I keep my EC low due to using LED lighting and because I run a hyper-aerated system. The plants take up nutrients more efficiently so they require more water.

Using this method, i'm able to consistently average 7.5oz per plant / 30oz per 1.2 x 1.2 flowering space.
Here is a picture of 3 ladies at Day 25 of flower. Here we have 2 x Blue Kush and 1 x Deep Cheese in one of my RDWC systems. They aren't the subject of this journal, but may make an appearance from time to time.

I top dress the coco with steel wool to ensure that if i encounter fungas gnat issues, they never leave the reservoir, and if they do, they steel wool does it's thing. I use Tanlin to kill the larvae. I do this whether using clay pebbles or coco as a preventative measure.

Fungus gnats are the only pest i really encounter thankfully, and this is because I use Coco in RDWC. This is somewhat controversial. I just love the environment that coco provides for the roots and makes the transition from veg to bloom easy. I am able to create nice, fat, healthy root balls, ready to go into the RDWC System. Within a day or two I have roots popping out of the pots, and reaching down for the water in the system.

As long as the water level is never high enough to over-saturate the coco i don't have issues. The times I have encountered gnat issues, they never cause any real problems due to the combination of Tanlin and steel wool. The only way out for the gnats is through the steel wool - rip. I hand feed the tops to kill any larvae in the coco.
I did encounter one interesting "high quality" problem from having such massive root balls.

One day i noticed that the inlet into the system from the chiller was a drip - on inspection, i noticed what appeared to be roots coming through the return pipe of the sysem. After draining the system and removing the return pipe i found this:

The roots from both of the back buckets, had made their way through the return pipe, all the way to the control bucket. I removed the roots you see above, and pulled the remainder through back into each of the buckets. Next time around i covered each buckets return pipe with a net mech, to try to stop the roots making their way back, but still allowing water to flow. I am considering building a system with larger buckets and larger piping - but for now, the mech seems to be doing the trick.
I did encounter one interesting "high quality" problem from having such massive root balls.

One day i noticed that the inlet into the system from the chiller was a drip - on inspection, i noticed what appeared to be roots coming through the return pipe of the sysem. After draining the system and removing the return pipe i found this:

The roots from both of the back buckets, had made their way through the return pipe, all the way to the control bucket. I removed the roots you see above, and pulled the remainder through back into each of the buckets. Next time around i covered each buckets return pipe with a net mech, to try to stop the roots making their way back, but still allowing water to flow. I am considering building a system with larger buckets and larger piping - but for now, the mech seems to be doing the trick.
Wow that's amazing.
Hey @GoogleGenie, hope you don't mind if I tag along? I have the attention span of a goldfish these days:hmmmm:, but would love to follow along, you've got some skills that I'd like to learn from!:high-five:

Day 27 of Flower​

Blue Kush & Deep Cheese
EC : 1.2
PH : 5.8 - 6.0

Ladies are a little nute burnt due to EC hitting 1.3-1.4 before my Day 21 res change. It shouldn't have gone beyond 1.2 ideally.

Nutrient Solution​

Starting water : Rain Water 0ec
Solar Green Power @ recommended
TA CalMag -> 0.4ec
Canna Aqua Flores -> 1.0ec
PK 918 & Metaboost -> 1.2ec
Hydroguard @ recommended
Root Excellurator @ recommended

EC Rose Top up solution​

Starting water : Rain Water 0ec

EC Dropped Top up solution​

1/2 Strength "Nutrient solution"

I make a batch of the necessary "Top up solution" when the water level drops in the system, usually a day or so after feeding the "Nutrient solution", and based on the EC of the system at that time, I make one of the above "Top up" solutions. So essentially i alternate between feeding "Nutrient" and "Top up" solutions.

I top up the system with 25L of "EC Rose Topup solution" when the EC in the system rises or stays the same.
I top up the system with 25L of "EC Dropped Topup solution" when the EC in the system drops.
When I use all 25L i make another 25L batch of "Nutrient solution" -> Eat, sleep, repeat
Following transplanting my veg into the 5" net pots, I've now put my system back together after a deep clean and moved the veg in. Here they are.

4 x Blue Kush 15 days into Veg.

In this system I have 2 clones in straight coco, and 2 clones in Rockwool/Coco. This is because my clones were quite big and i couldn't fit all of them in the aero cloner, so some of them went into a separate propagator into Rockwool. I usually take ~8 clones. The 4 best clones were - 2 in straight coco, and 2 in Rockwool - go figure. The rest were given a respectable burial.

And here are a couple of snaps of the underside of the bucket lids, you can see the roots are already starting to pop out.

Tomorrow I will fill up the system with "Week 1 Bloom" solution. I will continue to hand feed until the roots touch the water. As soon as all 4 touch the water, I give it a day or so and I will flip.

Blue Kush & Deep Cheese - Day 30 of Flower​

Target EC : 1.2
Target PH : 5.8

The RH here where I am now is 25-30% and it's cold outside. These are perfect conditions for a headache when growing under LED. In these conditions I usually need to drop the EC of the nutrient feeds, and top up the system with plain water more frequently. Otherwise these guys are going to catch a bad case of nute burn. If you want to know more about this, do some research into Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD). The EC of the system has been rising last few days as the temperature has dropped (was sat at 1.6), and the PH is dropping (as low as 4.8), which is also a suggestion that the nutrient solution in the system is too strong. And of course the tips on the ladies would also agree.

So i topped up with plain water to bring the EC down to 1.1 and the PH up to 6.2. Will keep an eye on this, as the PH may continue to drop for a little while (a day or so) where the plant is dumping nutrients into the system. I expect I may have to bump the PH up at some point.

If it does keep dropping I may change out the res with a fresh batch of low EC solution (0.8).
Enjoyed looking through your journal. Blue Kush, and Deep Cheese sounds tasty. Ever took Into consideration crossing the two? That would taste deliciously potent.
Thanks @ChronicTrees . I haven't ever done any breeding, i would love to one day. I don't really have the space for it at the moment. I work out of an incredibly small space where i can just about fit 2 flowering tents and a veg tent, and small space to mix my nutes.

I did try some Cheese Kush in Amsterdam once - it was delicious :Rasta:
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