Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Thanks mitten boyz, long time :circle-of-love:
Imo....I've had 2 mars 2 1600w for 2 months now. ...what I learned is plants not use to the led light or watt difference is they struggle in start...spotting will appear....i kept light high 30 inches or so....1st week...entering second week of bloom i lower light daily....i have found no spotting...i feel if the plant can will adapt...but some strains may not...genetics are a big roll too
my bloom i end up at 12 to 18 inches.....closer is always better....
i am very pleased with my 1600w....bigger buds...healthier...
Next time, you can share some photo with us. I am sure peopel will get jealous haha. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Wahtoogee, we will send the pics to paypal, that is the proof. :Namaste: But really feel so sad that all these things makes people have trust problems with others and just make things harder.
Sara, as everyone else has said whoever did that is a low-life scam artist... Screw them. That's BS.. I want to believe people are generally good in this world, but then you see this happen and are reminded that there are assholes out there. Don't give em a penny!!!!
If your plants adapt the new light without any problem, you can hang the light as close as 12 inches above the plants. :high-five:
How close can I get with the Mars II 900W ?

I switched from hid to led after several weeks in flower

I started out at 24" for a week or two to allow plants to adjust to the new 'sun'

I've lowered a little each day and am at 18" now and wondering how much closer can I get?
Thank you nobodyuknow :circle-of-love:
I run my 900w at 12 inches. But like you, what I do is start out higher, and lower it little by little to see how close I can get with it. Just make sure you have good air circulation between the light and the tops of the plants. Put your hand right above the tops and see how hot it feels on your hand.
Thanks Brunt FCA, :circle-of-love: nice input. please do not worry, the recommended hight 12~18 inches for flowering stage is still under control. haha. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Be careful with getting too close. "If the plants can handle it, what's the harm?" you ask. Well it may not be a big deal but the problem is the blending of the spectrum. Mars recommends their distances based on the fact at that distance your surface will get a good blend of all the lights. If it were a COB design, like their sun series, you could put the lights as close as the plants can withstand, like fluorescent and HID. I'm betting you can get them pretty close without any ill effects, just keep in mind the light spectrum's hitting the surface will be more discrete the closer you get.
Good Job TomiV :cheer:
My Mars II 700W still doing great job ;)


Auto Ultimate - LED Mars II 700W - 90X90 - Indoor
That is one thing we always ignore. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Brunt FCA, that is an interesting point re: the spectrum at close distance... Makes sense, didn't think of that. Good one!
No problem for sure nobodyuknow. :high-five:
I guess what I should've said is that I've gotten as close as 12 inches with no problems. At the time the light was all the way up and couldnt go any further, and I got lucky and the plant stopped stretching. I didnt have any burn issues or bleaching, but it did drink a lot of CalMag when it was that close.
Wait till Mars Hydro starts using the newly announced Sharp COB 100 watt, 14,000 lumen led! 6 on a board will burn a hole through your tent! :)

Each one is about 3" ... In a few years....!?!

I need your help. I have a 8'x4' veg tent with two 192x3w reflectors currently and I am looking at doing another 8'x4' tent for my bloom but I'm torn on the lighting. I don't know if I should do 4 144x3 reflectors or 2 mars 2 1200w..

Which would you recommend.-


Hello Madpanda, IMO two mars II 1600w will give you better yields for the flowering room, send email to me. we can talk more there. :high-five:

I need your help. I have a 8'x4' veg tent with two 192x3w reflectors currently and I am looking at doing another 8'x4' tent for my bloom but I'm torn on the lighting. I don't know if I should do 4 144x3 reflectors or 2 mars 2 1200w..

Which would you recommend.-


Cannot see it clearly, can you send a clear picture under the normal light dear? :circle-of-love: Please do not worry, we will figure the problem out. If I cannot, I know a lot experienced growers can. :Namaste:

Hey guys I might have a problem lol i took a look atmt plants today and on one plant it seems the tip of a leaf has a brown stain . Also one other leaf has a similar mark in the middle of it with a small hole .
What can this be and how can it be fixed ?
Thanks in advance !

Hey guys I tried to attach better pics . Plant I have is from some random seeds , its 2 weeks old today ,2.5x2.5x5ft grow tent, temps are consistent around 70degrees, 60-65 humidity, had her under the 96x3 Mars reflector 24 inches from the tops of the plants, it's in a one gallon grow bag with FFOF , I've been watering about every 3 days when the dirt starts drying up . I recently discovered a problem , most likely a nute issue which I was expecting .


Two on the leafs in the plants started to develop a yellow/brownish stain towards the tip , I tried to take the best pics I can to give you an idea .


I also have one leaf with a very small hole in the middle I hope you can see .

This is my first grow so I'm not to sure what's the issue . Any help/advice/remedies would be great !
Thanks 420ers !
Hey Sara,

I ordered March 7 and haven't received any information since then. I was told it would be shipped closer to the end of the month? Well, that is near past and I've emailed you at address in your sig and still no contact.

Any ideas how long the wait is to get a canadian shipment?

Hi sara, Check this picture ,

There is will be mine grow closet :) I'll grow 3 or 4 plant together in there.
So I'm thinking about 300w green led light. Is it enough for me?
Your always welcome gdrocks:high-five:
Thank you very much, Sara. I received Tina's email. lights are on the way. You and Tina are awesome.
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