Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I bought two mars pro ii cree 128 and one mars pro ii epistar 160. They have a noticeably different hue/spectrum from each other . Can't tell if there's any difference in growing because I vegged under the credit 128 bit from here on in I'll be vegging under the 160 epistar.
Hi Ahemait,it's nice to have you back here. Thanks for sharing with us

Those mars pro ii cree I bought on black Friday are being put to use now. Just flipped to flower tonight. Eager to see the results.
So far so good!
:420:The big day is coming,4/20 !!! what you guys want to get?Smoking weed?or you want get more lights for your growing room?Tell us your wishes, it may come true.:welcome: :420:

Hi Magic Sara! Hope things are going well with you. :thumb:
I have a few wishes, the main one being that I wish I had a 4x4x6 tent. The 2x4x5 tents I have are ok, but a bit more headroom would be nice, and honestly, I'm overcrowding the 2x4s.
And the side effect of a larger tent would be having to fulfill the wish of.... hang on.... MORE LIGHT... Every time I've upgraded my Mars lights, I wonder why I didn't upgrade sooner.
The only other wish I have for 420 would be that Sara would show up at my grow so I could share some puffs with her.
:420:The big day is coming,4/20 !!! what you guys want to get?Smoking weed?or you want get more lights for your growing room?Tell us your wishes, it may come true.:welcome: :420:

I'd prefer lights, I can grow plenty to smoke legally! I'd be happy to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new models in an organic garden : D
You mean the Mars Pro II Cree 128 and the Epistar 160 got different spectrum? They used different brand chips, but we choose the same spectrum, after I back to office I will confirm with our engineer. Then which light's spectrum you think is better?
I bought two mars pro ii cree 128 and one mars pro ii epistar 160. They have a noticeably different hue/spectrum from each other . Can't tell if there's any difference in growing because I vegged under the credit 128 bit from here on in I'll be vegging under the 160 epistar.
Hi Snarlweed,maybe I can do something for that.I will talk with my manager how we can help with that.
Haha, I also wish that I can visit your growing room, and taste some of your puffs, last time when I tried the oil, I didn't feel anything, and I do not know what I should feel, so I would like to try again.haha
Hi Magic Sara! Hope things are going well with you. :thumb:
I have a few wishes, the main one being that I wish I had a 4x4x6 tent. The 2x4x5 tents I have are ok, but a bit more headroom would be nice, and honestly, I'm overcrowding the 2x4s.
And the side effect of a larger tent would be having to fulfill the wish of.... hang on.... MORE LIGHT... Every time I've upgraded my Mars lights, I wonder why I didn't upgrade sooner.
The only other wish I have for 420 would be that Sara would show up at my grow so I could share some puffs with her.
It's always great to grow legally, I hope one day China also can allow me to do that, then I can share my growing with you guys everyday.
Hum, the new models are rock stars. I got your wishes, I will see what I can do for it.
I'd prefer lights, I can grow plenty to smoke legally! I'd be happy to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new models in an organic garden : D
Hahahahaha,when I was a little kid, my wishes was:no need to go to school.when I start to work:I wish tomorrow is holiday,or no need to week up too early .haha. This 4/20 is on a Thursday...
I wish I didn't have to work on 4/20. That's my wish haha.
I wish I can join you,smoke on 4/20 will be the wishes which on my top list now.
I get to smoke some cannabis on 4/20

And also celebrate a birthday too.
Hi Snarlweed,maybe I can do something for that.I will talk with my manager how we can help with that.
Haha, I also wish that I can visit your growing room, and taste some of your puffs, last time when I tried the oil, I didn't feel anything, and I do not know what I should feel, so I would like to try again.haha

Anything you can do would be awesome, Sara. :thumb:
When you tried oil, what type did you try? There are the thick oils and waxes that can be smoked, and there are the infused VG oils that can be vaped in e-cig, and there are the infused oils like sunflower that can be used in edibles. The infused oils like sunflower cannot and should not be smoked. The infused VG is mostly for e-cig vaping, but can be used for edibles as well, but should not be smoked.
I will assume that you tried one of the waxy oils? Sometimes the effects are not that noticeable the first times you try them. Some effects are subtle, some are more in your face. Probably the best way for you to try would be to consume with someone experienced, and then compare notes.
The first time I ever smoked, I didn't think anything happened. About 6 months later, I looked back and realized just how "medicated" I was, just didn't realize it.
You mean the Mars Pro II Cree 128 and the Epistar 160 got different spectrum? They used different brand chips, but we choose the same spectrum, after I back to office I will confirm with our engineer. Then which light's spectrum you think is better?

Actually, Sara, I have noticed a slight difference in the spectrum between the Mars II 400 and the Mars Pro II 160. If I hold my hand under the lights, which are mounted side by side, I can see a slight but very noticeable difference in the hue.
Now I'm sure this is just coincidental, but the plant that sits in the middle, and gets light from both LEDs, is the fastest growing.
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