Matanuska Valley's Grow Journal

Which Seed Would You Like To See A Grow Journal For?

  • Skunk #1 - Possibly Female

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • White Widow - Female

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • Skunk Special - Female

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Grapefruit - Female

    Votes: 9 22.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok this is where we are at with our grow today...
The plant in the white bucket next to the pink bucket is a Grapefruit that plant is about 12 to 16 inches tall now. The plant in the pink bucket
is Skunk Special...
The next pic is W/W
The 3rd pic is all the seedlings together and they are all doing very good. The only thing that I am doing right now to them is watering them and every 2 to 3 week I give them a shot of ALASKAN MOR BLOOM! Remember make it up 24 hours before using it on your plants....!

We got pistils on ours plants you can't see them in these pics but you will tommorrow tho and I will give a full update then WOOHOO.....!

MV... :smokin:



wangi high? said:
my plants are 13 days (soil not hydro) old and the leaves that are riged are turning yellow at the tipps / no i do not use nutrients but if i should what can i use. if u can explain how to post pics i can post one i have a digital camera but dont know how to post the pics???

i didnt get new lights because i dont know where i can get one for the work light. like what bulb and what watt and i dont know the diff between mh and hmp lights and if i can get each of those for a work light maby but i aslo hve 2 18" flouros and could this be because of over or under watering????


You can upload you pics HERE then make an inline post buy copying the url then click on the insert image icon and paste it like this

Is it poss. 2 grow greenhouse plants indoor? Same goes with outdoor/indoor?
nutrients, but know i see you were using a regular light bulb. which is most likely what it was. the flouros will make it better. looking good
wangi high? said:
its in a 3 gallon bucket and the dirt is just regular dirt but i though it would be ok

wangi high? You need to transplant your plants for 1,
That don't look big enuff for your plants. 2 your drit you can use it and yes it will work but you need to give it some Nutrients not alot eather or you will kill them...
Actually your plants look good you need to go to bigger containers and more dirt that all I think bro they look good...

Growing the optimal or near optimal Cannabis plant.
These factors can be manipulated to produce different physical variations in any seed stock selected.

THEY ARE: Light Intensity & Temperature Cycle, Nutrients, Humidity Cycle, Pruning, Cloning, Stress

The Light Spectrum should be as close to natural sunlight as you can get it . The Light Intensity should be as bright as possible while still keeping temperature around the high 70's to 80's. There are several kinds of lights that one can use.
Metal Hallide light for veg stage. I like 400watter just because of the Temperature factor for flowering and veg stage.
I recommend several fluorescent lights suspended around the plants also and for flowering, I use the same as above but, High Pressure Sodium in the 400 watter for flowering...
The humidity should be kept high (around 85%)

Nutrients should be provided 2 or 3 times a month with watering. A good fertilizer should set 24 hours befor using it in per mixed gallons jugs of aged water. During the FLOWERING PHASE ,Alaskan MOR Bloom fertilizer mixed to the same proportion works well.

Cannabis is very responsive to its environment, big changes in any of the growth factors (light, heat, food, water, ) can affect not only the growth of the plant but also potency and even sex. The whole thing is really a trade-off. If you want bigger, faster growing buds, then you should increase stress. However, too much stress will force Hermorphrodisim or even a male from a normally female plant.....


The first two pics are of Skunk Special this is what a female plant looks like
and ours plants look really good...
The next two are of Grapefruit
The last 2 are W/W






i see the pistils very good job. if i could just add one thing. HPS can cause alot of heat. if you are going to use one it would be a good idea to get good ventilation. calculate the cubic feet of your grow room. then divide by five and there will be enough cfm to change the air every 5 min.
wangi high? what kind of nutrients and how much should i use in like a gallon?

Here wangi high?

Vegetative growth needs lots of N, , . 20-20-20 with trace elements should do it; I like Miracle Grow Patio food.

Do not over-fertilize. It will kill your plants. Always read the instructions for the fertilizer being used. Use 1/2 strength if adding to the water for all feedings in soil or hydroponics if you are unsure of what your plants can take. Build up slowly to higher concentrations of food over time.

MV... :smokin:

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