Matt's 420 Grow Journel 2020

I’ve flushed them onv
Ok, miss read what you wrote lol

As for your soil, not a lot of info to be found quickly, just the advertising for it, but it looks from the description that it has added nutes in salt form. If so, a flush my help your girls.
[/QUOTE I’ve flushed once already and will do it again but I can’t flush to much as they will be over watered
Flush them again and check the pH of the run off, the description shows this soil as having a pH of 5-6, and really it should be in the mid 6s for your girls.
my run off ph is 5.8 and I only watered them two days ago if I flush again will this not over water them ?
You are in fabric pots, after flushing, put them in a area with good air flow and they should be OK, extra air flow will help dry the soil some in fabric pots
Ok I will give them another flush now what’s the best way of doing it mate just ph’d water at 6.5 and let it thoroughly drain through??
These are just generalized recommendations as I have no real experience with hot nute soils and don’t run into these kinds of problems.

Generally, with organic soils, the biggest problems are fungus gnats lol
These are just generalized recommendations as I have no real experience with hot nute soils and don’t run into these kinds of problems.

Generally, with organic soils, the biggest problems are fungus gnats lol
So should I flush again ?
I would use a water at pH 7, it will take more out of the soil, and then check the pH of the run off, if it comes out around 6, do it again. It your soil drains well and has good aeration, multiple flushes won’t hurt them
I would use a water at pH 7, it will take more out of the soil, and then check the pH of the run off, if it comes out around 6, do it again. It your soil drains well and has good aeration, multiple flushes won’t hurt them
Ok thanks mate
Repotting in a lighter mix won’t hurt mate

Keep this in mind too, even if you lose a plant but tried anything you can think of to help it, so long as you learn something from it, it’s not a failure.

Failure comes from giving up :thumb:
Repotting in a lighter mix won’t hurt mate

Keep this in mind too, even if you lose a plant but tried anything you can think of to help it, so long as you learn something from it, it’s not a failure.

Failure comes from giving up :thumb:
Practice makes perfect quote if it can ever be perfect lol and if cuttings are grown in coco could I repot into a light mix soil like biobizz light mix or should it stay in coco
Thinking of getting this one
Repotting in a lighter mix won’t hurt mate

Keep this in mind too, even if you lose a plant but tried anything you can think of to help it, so long as you learn something from it, it’s not a failure.

Failure comes from giving up :thumb:
What about this
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