MerryAnna's Swazi Adventure

Hey MerryAnna.
Your girls looking great man!!
Good luck with the Dp. Harvest mine tomorrow.
man what a great strain. Heads so heavy they hang down.
Hey MerryAnna.
Your girls looking great man!!
Good luck with the Dp. Harvest mine tomorrow.
man what a great strain. Heads so heavy they hang down.
They look YUM. can't wait to give them a proper outdoor summer grow, i only got the DP about April or so, and i couldn't wait for summer. I had some nice flavours that packed a lekker wallop on them off the winter grow. So, yeah, really looking forward to seeing what they get up to in the summer.
Ok, as promised, the FPJ recipe:

FPJ/E: Fermented Plant Juice / Extract. It's a way of quickly breaking down vegetable material into "bite-size" chunks for your lovely green friends. Hyper-speed composting, someone i know referred to it as microcomposting, but i haven't researched that aspect of it.
Essentially, you take a weight of beneficial plant material. Nettles, h/t fern, comfrey, kelp, beetroot, whatever (i'll explain how to pick one in a sec).
Then, mix 1/2 that weight of crude-as-possible sugar with the chopped veg matter, stick it in a container, 30ml LAB , cover with about 5 cm of water, stopper container loosely, stick in the shade for a week.
Say you use comfrey: 250g comfrey + 125g crude sugar + 250ml water in blender.
Grab a rinsed 2l cola bottle, funnel chunky plant gloop into bottle, rinse funnel with your 30ml of LAB, fill with water to about 1l mark. Stick in the shade (trust me, if you're in Aus/SA/South America, it's summer, cool, cool shade) for about a week, loosely capped. (I'll tell you about the Incident with Exploding Beetroot FPJ before i'd had my Morning Coffee another time. It was tightly capped.)
All the 'net-info says to wait until the bubbles have stopped before use. At first, you'll imagine a bit if bubbling, then wonder if that's it. It's not.
You'll KNOW when it bubbles, and when it's stopped. I burp mine once a day to get rid of gassy build-up (Beetroot Incident. It went everywhere. I looked like Gorbachev's bald bit for 3 days.)
When the bubbling has stopped, strain out the chunky bits. Reserve liquid, store in a well-sealing container in a cool, dark place. Use this liquid at 10ml per liter for foliar feeds in veg, early flower, 30ml per liter as a soil drench.
Notes on method etc:
*You use LAB because it's a known, beneficial anaerobic bacteria. This ensures that the juice ferments with good bacteria, and you don't poison your babies with a nasty, lurking spore or something.
*the tinier you chop the veg matter, the quicker it breaks down. Great big palm fronds would take +/-700 years to decomp if you tried to use them whole, whereas blended soft veg matter takes about 7-10 days.
*Korean Natural Farming & Dr Cho speaks of using things like cucmber shoots, which grow rapidly, to encourage rapid growth in cukes & other garden plants. It also encourages using only 1 type of plant per batch of fpj, eg only comfrey not that + lucerne (alfalfa) + cukes + radish. I have a very long list of plant ppm values ito N, P, K, etc, and above makes sense when the ppm's of the plants differ greatly. I'm scared of them working against each other somehow, but i'm a bit paranoid for some reason. Tell me if i should detail this more later.
* choosing plant matter: i've been trolling forums & the net for years, so i forget where i learned some stuff, but SUPER simply: green leaved "superplants" = good for N feeds, coloured fruit & veg (mostly orange ones like pawpaw & carrot, also beetroot) = good for K (flower). A bit too tired to remember P beneficials right now.
* crude sugar- the osmotic pressure gets better the cruder the sugar is, so white will work, but not as well as muscovado sugar. You can use molasses iso sugar, but because it's a liquid, not crystalline, again, osmotic pressure (she says as though she has the slightest clue as to what osmotic pressure is.. No effing idea, but it does something important).
* great plants to use: seaweed /kelp stimulates growth, has ooooooodles of nutes in. Beetroot: sugar boost plus lovely vitamins & minerals. Comfrey: N + trace minerals from deep within the soil. Alfalfa/ lucerne: massive N boost. Banana peels: K + sugar boost. Pawpaw: nice growth hormones + sugar + beta carotene.

Give me a shout if someone is interested in more info. Xxx
Hi, all.
I'm very invested in this moon phase thing right now. I've been planting with the waxing moon, and some of them are already poking their heads out. It feels like spring, all hot & humid & rainy.
By my calculations, the Swazi journal girls will have vegged for over 11 weeks by the summer solstice (21 Dec) - they popped on 1 Oct. 82 days veg: too long? Just enough?
Traditionally, photos are supposed to flip over after the summer solstice, when the nights lengthen again. Right now it's all speculation & fun math to ponder on, as these plants will do what they'll do.
By summer solstice, the DP around the garden will be in various vegging time frames - anywhere between 4- 10 weeks veg. I'm curious to see which stage of veg proves to be best ito overall yield & potency: the DP comes from an almost tropical environment. Heat & humidity & harsh sunlight. I know heat is bad for resin evaporation, BUT since it's used to these kinds of conditions... i'd love to see the resin production over summer. The winter DP i harvested packed quite a punch (i broke into my stash of DP that's been curing for over 2 months. Whooo-weee. Gorgeous, which is why i'm so poetic about DP right now ).
I pretty much just forgot whatever point i was trying to make, i keep getting distracted by the wind.
Cheery bye
Morning MA! My computer and my phone are literally both about to run out of battery (fitting metaphor - I'm completely knackered) but I just had to pop up here and say hi...

Very happy you've been having some time in the garden and tasting your cured DP ;). I'm envious of that veg time, I'm dropping seeds in water today so my veg time is going to be shorter than I'd like. There's so much going on round your garden - I'm looking forward to seeing how they all go too.:love:

moon cycle activity is absolutely where it's at, I'm late there as well with this lot (but still waxing, just). Will drop back later after recharge. Have a great Saturday!

Morning MA! My computer and my phone are literally both about to run out of battery (fitting metaphor - I'm completely knackered) but I just had to pop up here and say hi...

Very happy you've been having some time in the garden and tasting your cured DP ;). I'm envious of that veg time, I'm dropping seeds in water today so my veg time is going to be shorter than I'd like. There's so much going on round your garden - I'm looking forward to seeing how they all go too.:love:

moon cycle activity is absolutely where it's at, I'm late there as well with this lot (but still waxing, just). Will drop back later after recharge. Have a great Saturday!

Hi, Amy!
I've had a great few days - planting herbs & Herb, cussing at the pigeons roosting in my crop, getting steady work inquiries, making some topicals. (I still owe you that recipe, hang on for it). It's been lazy hot, good times.
On the seed soaking: definite must do. I'm trying a few new things with this grow, because we learn or we stagnate, right?
I've soaked all my seeds for years. Lukewarm water & epsom salts, i can't even remember why i started doing it. So, during september, which was a wet, springy month, i didn't soak any of my seeds. I wanted to compare results. The only seeds that germinated were those swazi's that popped up on 1 Oct. Usually, 9/10 seeds germinate after a soak.
After reading about the moon phases in your journal last week, i soaked the 1st batch (fri, planted sat) & then every 3 days. Less than a week, they're sprouting all over. So... moon + soaking = awesome combo. Thanks for the moon info, btw. I've been meaning to try it for ages, but i barely remember which day of the week it is (i've forgotten my own birthday 3 times. I'm CRAP at calenders, but i can read the weather and seasons like a book, wtf?). Anyhoo, i'm in the groove now (grabbed some radishes yesterday, root veg, i was like "no, no, the moon is still waxing, next week"). It's fun to rethink the last few plantings & work out the moon math, and it fits! I'm like a giddy kid on a sugar rush about this.
We're never to old to learn, or to be enlivened by a child-like sense of wonder & awe, you know? I made a promise to myself long ago - to jump through every sprinkler i can. It's very silly, but sooooo much fun. (Ps i really don't care who thinks it's silly. Grown ups are allowed to play, too. If you don't, you'll bore yourself to tears & death.)
Have fun recharging yourself & the batteries. ⚘⚘⚘
Hey where did everybody go
1) northern growers hibernating inside, too difficult to watch an outdoor grow in great climates with a blizzard outside
2) southern growers too busy with new growing season
3) it got really boring around here, me just posting notes & lectures iso pictures.
It's all good.
it's definitely not you you keep me laughing on a regular basis it may be because everybody I know has been really busy including you too I have not even been on here much lately but maybe when I get done writing this article that I am writing right now for a magazine I will post it on here after I am done bring some more people around real quick
This my project plant this time Because at 7 days it was 28ins tall and trying to kill her sisters so at 7 days I put her in flowering room now she is 27 days from seed
I am also running this plant for the contest this year because it will not matter anyways cuz I'm doing potency I don't need to worry about amount or how big it will be easier for me to take places but the damn thing still won't stop growing if you would like any other information on this plant let me know Platinum Girl Scout cookies is the strain
P1 phenotypes the plant is nothing special but I'm going to make it something special my goal this time is to break over 31% this time but we will see how that goes I am really pumping her full of nutrients
Hi, all.
This has nothing to do with ganja, just very excited to attend!


Hi there you there! I've not read any of the books... might have to now...

This looks super fun! Do you have your ticket already? When is it?

How's the garden? Hope you've dealt with your Pigeons. Or salvaged a harvest!

Well....what's it all about? Don't keep us in suspense
The Discworld Novels comprise 50 odd books written by Sir Terry Pratchett, a uniquely creative genius. It's classed as comic fantasy, but it's acerbic, witty, punny, LOL funny philosophy & social commentary. The first few books are still a bit clumsy, but when he hits his stride... boy, oh boy. A number of other loonies like myself go completely nuts over this author & his books, and go to special events where we get to dress up & be geeks.
I dressed up as a sarcastic, chain-smoking bitch. There were also: witches, wizzards, DEATH, the Death of Rats, gods(i.e. Billious, the oh-god of hangovers and Annoia, goddess of things that get stuck in drawers), a clan of kilted tartan wearing red-headed warriors, the tyrant, blah blah you get it.)
We did karaoke, sing-a-longs, treasure hunt, food (yup, themed), lucky draw, ultimate knowledge quiz (we came 2nd overall!!! Yay!), costume competition, mock battles...
Geek nirvana.
Hi there you there! I've not read any of the books... might have to now...

This looks super fun! Do you have your ticket already? When is it?

How's the garden? Hope you've dealt with your Pigeons. Or salvaged a harvest!

Hi, Amy. It was today. Sooooo fun to geek out completely. If you like Star Trek, this isn't too much of a stretch... i find the first few books a bit silly these days, but then i remember 1) it was published in 1983 2) he was still working out the kinks, sorting stuff out in his head 3) the first guy EVER to attempt this.
I just love the way his mind worked - respect for his knowledge of history, science, philosophy, and his insight into human nature astounda me. Anyway, there are a few things that turns me into a complete bore:
1) Weed & my garden
2) Language & Linguistics
3) Terry Pratchett
4) food, & food tv.
I could (and unfortunately for other people) and usually do not shut up about any if them EVER.
Anyway, garden is a-okay, birds were after the (unwanted) seeds my neighbours' males caused. Did a small, hysterical chop, couldn't get around to the girls for a while, then saw the new budgrowth on the "birded" buds, so it's all good here. Chopped a 5' girl who went hermie, which sucked, but all the pretty new budlets sticking their necks out of the ground... beautiful!
How are things on your side of the world?
Hi, Amy. It was today. Sooooo fun to geek out completely. If you like Star Trek, this isn't too much of a stretch... i find the first few books a bit silly these days, but then i remember 1) it was published in 1983 2) he was still working out the kinks, sorting stuff out in his head 3) the first guy EVER to attempt this.
I just love the way his mind worked - respect for his knowledge of history, science, philosophy, and his insight into human nature astounda me. Anyway, there are a few things that turns me into a complete bore:��
1) Weed & my garden
2) Language & Linguistics
3) Terry Pratchett
4) food, & food tv.
I could (and unfortunately for other people) and usually do not shut up about any if them EVER. ��
Anyway, garden is a-okay, birds were after the (unwanted) seeds my neighbours' males caused. Did a small, hysterical chop, couldn't get around to the girls for a while, then saw the new budgrowth on the "birded" buds, so it's all good here. Chopped a 5' girl who went hermie, which sucked, but all the pretty new budlets sticking their necks out of the ground... beautiful!
How are things on your side of the world? ������

Totally not unfortunate for me. I love it! The other likes food and food TV also, and that works out well for me as well :love:

SO glad to hear you'll get some buds after all the bud killer pigeon and naughty neighbour events. Did you make anything edible out of the hermie? I keep thinking about what the hell one would do about that situation - I thought your earlier take on the possible scenario was pretty funny ("...hi. so, about that illegal plant in your garden that I just happen to know all about...") :laughtwo:. But the more i think about it it seems like the only option other than ignoring it and hoping it doesn't get your girls in 4-5 months! Unless you want to get stealthy and dangerous, or dastardly. Neither seem worth it really.:hmmmm::scratchinghead:

That geek fest sounds super fun. I spent the saturday geeking out too. I was meant to be resting and finding it hard (resisting a'rest :cheesygrinsmiley:) so I racked up numerous episodes of Next Generation and that worked. Had a very restful day in the end, might do the same today. It's a bit rainy here.

Happy gardening, and great Sunday to you! :circle-of-love:

P1 phenotypes the plant is nothing special but I'm going to make it something special my goal this time is to break over 31% this time but we will see how that goes I am really pumping her full of nutrients

Man that sounds exciting - 31% :cheer: I'm thinking that could make some killer pain cream... Thanks for sharing your plans :thumb:

Great day all!

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