MerryAnna's Swazi Adventure

Hi, everyone. Sorry for the long time no see!
Busy, busy, i'm like a bee in spring. Thanks for dropping by while i was away. I've been at the day job, spending time in the garden and trying to sort out some stuff. First, the bad news: all my girls have flipped into flower. The girls i'm journalling on all turned out to be girls (yay), but for many reasons (weather has been weird, but i also didn't pay enough attention to them) all 6 are fully in flower and rather small. Believe it or not, this kinda thing happens every time i try to show off, so i wasn't overly surprised.
The good news: i had a few girls sprout today. So i'm shifting the focus of this journal over to the new sprouts, just because i want to chronicle a good season of outdoor growing. I planted a fair bit of Durban Poison around the garden, just to study up on its optimal growing conditions. In other good news, it rained last night. The whole garden was so alive today, it felt like a new place.
Hope everyone is well, i've been dreaming of sitting on a beach in Hawai'i, smoking some local herb & eating fruit. Anyone been somewhere nice recently? ✌
Book a chair for me next to you on that Hawaiian beach, sounds freekin awesome.
Hi, all.
Just a quick update:
Weather has been strange & changeable lately. We've been having every conceivable combination of hot, cold, dry, wet, windy, stifling, overcast & harsh sunlight you could imagine. Also, my barely ripe mj is being bombarded in aerial raids by stoner pigeons. I'm serious, the damn pigeons are stealth-harvesting my buds, then they raid the bird feeders & dog bowl in a munchie frenzie. I have no concept of how to deal with that - does anyone have an idea?
6 lil swazi's popped up on 01 Oct. They are on to their 2nd set of true leaves, i'll start regular foliar feedings with FPJ as soon as i see 3 fingered leaves. As summer progresses, the seedlings will gradually get more hours of sunlight per day as the arc of the sun changes position over time. Fingers crossed, by late summer the gradual decrease of h/d sunlight should make for lovely resin formation (like a natural change in lighting schedule). .
Working off-site 4 days next week, then 2 days each week for the next month. It's fun being busy, but it keeps you, well, busy.
Happy weekend, off to a bridal shower tomorrow, wondering if i should spot the bride some j's, her being overrun by the groom's lovely (but overwhelming) family. To j or not to j...
Hi MerryAnna .

I just logged on and here you are!

Great news your new babies are up and beginning their long journey to the end of summer, and beyond.

As for stealthy dive bombing stoner pigeons - I have no idea .. It's almost funny, but if they're stealing your buds that's not funny at all. You might have to cage them eh? Or surround them with those whirly gig things you get at a fair , or at a party shop, and see if that deters them. Although they have a taste for it now so they might be hard to stop .

Bridal shower...? Overwhelming family ...? Sounds like j is an imperative .

Thanks for the update
Hope you can still find a little time to rest & relax in your garden amongst all that business.

This is going to sound retarded but I'm going to say it anyways

I am having issues with a badger at the moment the way I am dealing with him is with my electronic Hunting Calls every time he comes in the yard it triggers a bear call and freaks him out and he takes off running back into the woods it's a little funny but it's kind of retarded I got tired of yelling at him and running him off so now he runs himself off it's nice to have you back I understand the being busy part 18 hour days 8 hours in store 10 hours in Greenhouse really sucks

I hope everyone is having a great the week and now we'll have a great weekend I say give her a J everybody needs one every once in awhile especially if he gets cold feet I hope not but it happens it did happen to me at one point
This is going to sound retarded but I'm going to say it anyways

I am having issues with a badger at the moment the way I am dealing with him is with my electronic Hunting Calls every time he comes in the yard it triggers a bear call and freaks him out and he takes off running back into the woods it's a little funny but it's kind of retarded I got tired of yelling at him and running him off so now he runs himself off it's nice to have you back I understand the being busy part 18 hour days 8 hours in store 10 hours in Greenhouse really sucks

I hope everyone is having a great the week and now we'll have a great weekend I say give her a J everybody needs one every once in awhile especially if he gets cold feet I hope not but it happens it did happen to me at one point
Hiya, High! Long time no see, how were your trips?
I love the bear call thing, it's hilarious. I'd probs get couch-locked & just watch the badger running away for a whole afternoon, it would crack me up every time. .
I'm pretty much doing nothing about the pigeons. They're leaving the lower colas alone (they can't get to them), and i don't have time to construct a cage right now (can't afford a pre-fab type thing, i'd need a 8'x8'x8' at least). I can't see any new damage, so i'm just doing nothing. For now.
It sucks when real life interferes with my ciminal activities. Sigh.
It is funny to watch him run away as he turns his little head backwards to see if you can find the bear I got bored last night so I change the call on him I changed it over to a cougar every time it goes off a jump and takes off running

I still have not made it back yet still in Ohio setting everything up neuehouse new stores
It is funny to watch him run away as he turns his little head backwards to see if you can find the bear I got bored last night so I change the call on him I changed it over to a cougar every time it goes off a jump and takes off running

I still have not made it back yet still in Ohio setting everything up neuehouse new stores
That's brilliant. The most fun i've had recently, was about 2 weeks ago when i got very medicated and had a staring contest with a baby tortoise. (It's a lot better than it sounds). Man, how long are you going to be in Ohio? How long does it take to set up a shop and greenhouse from scratch? Have you got people you trust who are going to run it? Do you need to train up new people to work there? How does it work?
Nice to chat to you again! What have you been getting up to? ✌
It will probably take me four or five full years to do everything that I plan on doing here the guy that was running the greenhouse I fired him and every one of his crew when I showed up it was the most pitiful product I have ever seen I was pissed so now I brought in a guy that has absolutely no prior experience growing not even a houseplant this way I can train him the exact way that I want I don't have to worry about old bad habits that I have to break people of the new guy that I hired in I will spend however long it takes to teach him every bit of the knowledge that I have stored in my head so he can get a master Growers license by time I'm done so I can move on to the next

Wednesday I was making wax all day so I smoked wax all day I went home and did not have to smoke at all woke up the next morning did not have to smoke at all that day it was still plenty enough in my system

Right now I am running an experiment with my old lady it's her Fox Farm soil against my Coco

And yes she's old older than me
I am quite frustrated at present. I have so very much to do, and no time to do it in. I'm never around anymore, i missed a male, which means a lovely crop of seeds.
Pigeons are still at it, i need to build some sort of a protective structure as deterrant.
I need to empty out my phone storage, so i can take pictures, so i can post some effing pictures on the thread.
I want to augment soil to increase my grow area.
I need to transplant a 4' tall girl that will never flower, because the too bright street light keeps her in veg. But she's directly in the soil, and i'm scared of damaging the tap root.
I need to do a top & trim on my bigger vegging girls.
Also, my feet hurt & i'm flu-y, so of course life is a nightmare at the moment . Woe is me.
Now that i have that out of my system:
Spent a great hour educating an (interested) person about the various joys of weed. She left with 2 jars of canna anna pain cream, 20 reg swazi seeds & a half-grown potted girl. She went to uni with my mother - same F1 generation brainwashing my ma got, i mentioned to her once cannabis works for more than cancer. She went & researched, complete canna convert in less than a month.
She kept sticking her nose in the plant, unbelieving of how good it smells. So, yay, even with my loooong to do list & achy feet & congested nose, i still had a brilliant day. She had such a serene expression on her face when she smelt that plant, like she finally found something that's been missing from her life, i won't ever doubt that we physically NEED to ingest weed in order to be healthy, happy, complete humans. I mean, why do we need an endocannabinoid system unless we're supposed to ingest cannabinoids? Why do dogs & other animals have it? (Our old dog is 14 years old. He loves breathing my smoke, also nibbles on bud. Cataract in one eye, took him to the vet about it in May, she would not believe his age. Nothing wrong with him AT ALL.He medicates himself, as does the other dog, as do the effing pigeons. But why am i preaching to the choir? )
Anyway, have a good one!
Subbed my chickadee! :blunt: Thanks for the info!

Welcome, bud!
Hope you like it here, everyone except me, is rather relaxed, but i'm a very intense person. (You wouldn't believe how uncomfortable i can make my dates. It would be hilarious if it weren't the actual, sad, truth.)
Journal update (at last):
I finally got into the garden today to take some pics. Here are the new girls who popped up on 1 October:


They are 24 days old today. I was watching strain hunters: Jamaica, and felt the need to grow in an old tyre.
I like to feed twice in the first month- at 3 weeks (21 days), then again at 28 days. After that, every second day for the second month.
I feed with Fermented Plant Juice, i'll post the recipe for it in a minute (i'm just going to copy & paste from a post i made on another thread, ta Amy). ☺
Here are some seeds i threw on the compost heap, where they germinated without my interference. They vegged over winter, and as the sun's arc changed with the coming of spring, they shot up. I can see little pistils & pre-flowers on the big one, but i'm letting her grow out until she's good & ready to flower. I want to see what she can do, you know? Also, i'm curious to monitor what the sun does in this location over summer.

Here are some 6 week olds. Stems are the girth of my index finger:


Lemme see what else:
The weather has been hot & humid, mid summer temps, and we've barely started. This gets alternated with gusty, cold, wet spells. The girls are LOVING the heat & moisture, and the cold spells are great for a little stress (yay, resin!)
I planted Durban Poison pips all around the garden with the waxing moon over the weekend - curious to see the results for myself. I have those few swazi's going, but i want to grow some DP for breeding, so trying to get a few beauties going. The seeds are from the harvest i just grew out, pollinated some stable as can be DP landrace girls with a pretty, pretty DP boy. Some of the seeds are going to be some sort of hybrid - i found the @#$& male pollinating my girls only crop. It seems i'm not the only jackass growing ganja in my neighbourhood. Saw some familiar looking plants 4 doors down... So i took the doggies for a walk so i could spy a bit. 4 plants, 1 pollen-heavy, 2 dead males & 1 heavily pregnant girl. I don't know what strain, couldn't get too close, but it looks local.
What do i do about this? I don't want to go knock on the door, saying "Excuse me, but would you mind terribly chopping down those illegal plants that i (for some reason) know all about & would like them to stop effing up my harvest?"
Anyhoo. Long post, keen to hear your thoughts.
Hahaha cant help but laugh at that :) Sorry.
But you are in a sticky situation. Not actually too sure what i'd do.. Definitely a growers worst nightmare

On a more positive note your babies are looking healthy and strong.. :thumb:
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