Mother of Berries, M.O.B. Maine Strain

Ordering new light by end of Next week. Is there any difference between the standard veg bulbs that come with the kits you sent me a while back and the enhanced $11.99 bulbs?
After this grow I’m going to stay predominantly an indica guy however, I had thought about trying my hand at a tropical sativa not the whole batch maybe just one or two but I’m wondering if environmental conditions would make it difficult for them to grow together as it’s my understanding that tropical like more heat. Going forward I plan to reduce my pale size to 10 gallons. My big reason for going so big was to force myself to stay within the legal medical limit but found a way to legally go higher than 6 and don’t want to waste the soil by means of using 10x5 gallons and having to waste the rest of it.
I was talking about never hearing of the coco pads. I know what HID is and I should have addressed that you would have had stronger growth probably with a better light. You are welcome to do things however you see fit and a lot of people do not care for the cost of electricity when using HID lighting. You asked for a cheap effective light though and you will not find a cheaper light than HPS or MH, especially right now. By all means you can keep buying LED panels but it adds up. I suggest that if you want to stay LED that you look into cobs or board tech and that if you go that route you should build one yourself. Check out Growmau5 on youtube if you want a crash course hon how to build lights. Two of my panels would probably be plenty of light for your grow but they still pull 520 watts as opposed to the 600 I was suggesting you grab, but they cost 4+ times what that package I suggested does up front. Since I started using them though I have happier plans that are getting larger and yielding more. If we are going to spend months of our lives growing these plants shouldnt we try to get the most back from them as we can?
I’ll check out the YouTube videos and see what I can do but I think in the interim I’ll get the HID so I can at least give my flowers a boost this go round and keep up on the extra power while i begin understanding the COB assembly concept.
Just making sure I have the facts . I wasn’t questioning you so much as looking for clarification. I’ll have to look for the mention of pad use at the bottom the pot.
I saw a guy name clobberwatts mention getting some for his set up but I think he runs hydro. he mentioned it in buckshots DIY thread. i will give you a link. It was in the last 2 pages if not the last page. Lots of info on building lights in the thread as well bud.
I will have to check that out. Trying to learn all I can. I guess a lot of people say specifically my crappy LEDs obviously allow growth but cause a ridiculously slow growth rate. That was given to me in “ask is anything” . I appreciate all the help!
I will have to check that out. Trying to learn all I can. I guess a lot of people say specifically my crappy LEDs obviously allow growth but cause a ridiculously slow growth rate. That was given to me in “ask is anything” . I appreciate all the help!
We are all learning bud. I try to give any help I can though I do not claim to have all the answers. I just go off of past experiences or what I have rad. Here is a link to that Buckshot journal: Breaking Brix - Buck's DIYs With Doc Bud's Soil
We are all learning bud. I try to give any help I can though I do not claim to have all the answers. I just go off of past experiences or what I have rad. Here is a link to that Buckshot journal: Breaking Brix - Buck's DIYs With Doc Bud's Soil

I’ll be ordering the HID on Monday sometime. I can’t imagine that the hood will impede headspace on indicas even if I grow giant bushes as I aspire to do (but LEDs won’t let me because they don’t penetrate canopy and cause lower parts of plants to suffer throwing whole plant out of wack)
I’ll be ordering the HID on Monday sometime. I can’t imagine that the hood will impede headspace on indicas even if I grow giant bushes as I aspire to do (but LEDs won’t let me because they don’t penetrate canopy and cause lower parts of plants to suffer throwing whole plant out of wack)
You can start lollipopping and doing a bunch of lst. Duggan shows in a few of his journals how he gets the canopy to be super even. He fills his room with 3 to 4 plants when he does his training. It can be quite the sight to see.
You can start lollipopping and doing a bunch of lst. Duggan shows in a few of his journals how he gets the canopy to be super even. He fills his room with 3 to 4 plants when he does his training. It can be quite the sight to see.

I’ve seen a little of Duggans work. I’ll have to follow more thoroughly to see what’s going on and how I can improve my plants growth and training. I really should develop as many new skills as possible.
I have noticed that my flowering sites in my 25 gallon buckets are enormous (almost a bigger than a quarter) compared to my tiny 5 gallon which are about the size of a penny or a nickel. I’ve always been told that bigger roots equal bigger fruits and that appears to be the case. I’ll probably stay in these buckets and stay at 4 plants so they can grow way out and not block others. Put HID in center and LEDs 1 on each side of that. Have the exhaust go out the top of the window and an AC blast into the vent. I asked over on ask us anything about AC size necessary for light with supplemental LED and awaiting a response.
I do not believe bleaching will be an issue you run into with the HID. Heat stress would be my biggest concern and if you are getting an AC to fight that then you should not have to worry about that either.

If using an AC wouldn’t that warrant, almost necessitate a dehumidifier especially for late stage flowering?
I think the AC acts as a dehuey as well. Would need to look into that.
I’ve been trying to figure out the A/C bit and I got this on “Ask Us Anything” from Slinks.

“I had temps at 35c+ without cool tube... im in 4x4 but was way cheaper than running ac in my opinion.”

I guess I don’t understand what he means. You always seem to have a better means of conveying info than most on here.
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