Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power

Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !


Is this the first time you've clipped the leaves on the clones?
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Is this the first time you've clipped the leaves on the clones?

First time for these clones. I did it before with success. Do you see a problem with what I did?
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Flowering Day 7. Watered and fed Ogre and Master Kush.


Master Kush
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Very nice Munki!

Thanks. I'll try to get pics of the cuttings tonight. I had a pretty strong case of wilt happen and am in the process of recovering them. RH% had gone to 50% over the first night. I went an bought a better dome for my tray that can encompass the wick cloner and then misted the insides of that really good and the plants. RH was 80% this morning.
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Here are the cuttings a couple of days in. Still wilted. I'm working hard to keep the RH up.


Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Flower Day 8. Identified Satori 3 as female today. Satori 1 should show in a day or two I figure, but no real reason to think it is male. :bravo: to DocBud for his suggestions on germinating seeds as I could be looking at 5 out of 5 seeds being female. That's from 4 different sources and I am just not that lucky.

Doc, you Rock! :theband:

Watered and fed all plants. Will be taking clones from both Satori tomorrow. Soaking rockwool in acidified water right now.

Master Kush


Blueberry Wowie


Satori 1


Satori 3 (now confirmed female)






Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Damn possibly five outa five. That's nice. BTW how did u germ? I have six from seed now. Don't want all females because lack of space and lighting but I sure wouldn't mind :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Munki asked me to share my germination method on his thread, which I am happy to do!

First, a couple of botanical facts:

1.)roots don't like to be handled, neither do they like to be exposed to light.
2.)seeds and emerging seedlings exhibit gravitropism....which means the tap root grows down, according to gravity.
3.)the most important time in a plant's life is the first 24 hours after it emerges, followed by the first week or so.

It is during the first few hours of life that sex and overall health is determined. Stress the seedling and it's more likely to be a male, or a hermie.

Here are some facts about how to germinate a greater ratio of females, taken from Cervante's book as well as other reputable sources:

Higher levels of N favor females
Temps in the low to mid '70's favor females
Highish RH (60%) favor females
A stress free environment favor females
Strong light from day one favor females

So, how to keep the roots happy, and the plants stress free and get a good germination rate?

1.)Soak seeds in H2O for 12-18 hours to soften them up, but not to pop them.
2.)Make a germination cup---intructions below
3.)Get bright light on the seedlings, keeping in mind the temps and RH.

So, make a germination cup out of a 16 oz solo cup. If you're growing hempy, the bottom half of the cup should be perlite, the top half a mix of soil/perlite, with the top 1/4 inch pure soil.

The soil provides nutes and darkness for the seed. The perlite teaches the roots to form in a way that prepares them for a hempy bucket. If growing in soil, the whole cup should be soil/perlite mix.

Get a T5 light one inch above the emerging seedlings....don't be afraid of the light...they love it.

So, here's a step by step:
1.)soak seeds for 12-18 hours
2.)Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep into a well wetted medium in the germcups
3.)Get the light right down on 'em
4.)Make sure temps and Rh are in range: mid to low 70's and 60ish on RH.

Here's a common misconception:

People seem to get clones and seeds confused and want super high RH for seedlings.....BAD IDEA! The high moisture could easily lead to damping off, a fatal fungal infection that will kill the seedlings. Keep the top of the medium slightly moist....not soaking wet, not bone dry....just mist lightly with a sprayer. The tap root is going down to the bottom seeking moisture....that's what you want.

Also, using a good quality soil will provide enough nutrients for the first few days/weeks of the seedlings life. Just add water if needed.

I had a very high ratio of females to males on my last grow....shockingly high...using this method. (I also had quite a few hermies....but that was genetic)

A word about the paper towel method:
The roots get light, you must handle them, you interrupt gravitropism....lot's of reasons to not use this method. It seems to me the paper towel method is more of a testimony to how hardy our plants are, rather than a good way to germinate seeds. (Also good for 4th grade science class, so the kids can see the process.)

I'm currently using Light soiless mix from Fox Farms, designed for germinating seeds. If I was growing hempy style, I'd use my mini-hempy germination cups.

Details can be found in my MK Ultra Journal, first and second page.
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Thanks Doc. For the bagseed plants, I had the cups in the dark near the house heater until they broke the soil. Then I had the T-5 lighting up about 7 inches over the cups for the first few days. For the Satori, I got the cups under the lights sooner and right away with the lights within a couple of inches.
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

That info is very helpful and also proves to be very true. I can attest to the paper towel methods germ/seedling ratio being not very good. Meaning they pop but don't grow. I now start em in a cup with this hempy style method for soil grow and last time it yielded 90% germ/sprout. We'll see if they are female.

All of my paper towel germs were female I might add. 6 for 6 on ones that grew, but I germed about 20 and only sprouted 6 so there is an issue and the gravitropism explains it.
Re: ! Munki's 576 Watt LED & Hempy Style Flower Power !

Flower day 9. Satori 1 hasn't definitively showed sex yet, but I went ahead and took cuttings from both Satori and one more from the Master Kush as its first cuttings got the most wilted. Watered and fed Ogre and Master Kush.

Removed the washing machine flood tray as it was too small to contain all 5 plants in its footprint. I'll use individual wash tubs for catch basins from here on out.


Master Kush

Satori 1

Satori 3

Blueberry Wowie

Latest cuttings

Finally the garden with the flood basin removed to allow more space for the canopy. Lights have been spread out a bit to cover more of the floor.
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