My 1st grow

I just found out what 2 stars mean's and Ur calling my journal bad when then go to hell, dont stop by anymore I dont give a fu*k. U just wait untill you see these babies in a couple weeks/months. I know my set up is not the best or the most impressive but it's what I got. One thing I have learned in my life is to work with what you got.

To every 1 that has helped me Thank You, to every1 that doughts me Fck

Ignore the haters, bro. Sometimes long-time growers seem to forget that their momma's didn't squirt 'em out with the knowledge that they may have now.

You also have to take into consideration the fact that there are a lot of kids and lurkers here who DON'T grow, just come to look at all the pretty pictures, and read other people's journals so when they're out with their little buddies they can act like they actually KNOW something.

With limited knowledge, equipment and resources, it looks to me like you're off to a pretty good start.

You'll figure out pretty quickly that most people here will give good, useful advice, and someone who just clicks on a thread rating is most likely just some pretender who DOESN'T grow, but is always first in line to smoke the fruit of someone else's labor. :allgood:
Ignore the haters, bro. Sometimes long-time growers seem to forget that their momma's didn't squirt 'em out with the knowledge that they may have now.

You also have to take into consideration the fact that there are a lot of kids and lurkers here who DON'T grow, just come to look at all the pretty pictures, and read other people's journals so when they're out with their little buddies they can act like they actually KNOW something.

With limited knowledge, equipment and resources, it looks to me like you're off to a pretty good start.

You'll figure out pretty quickly that most people here will give good, useful advice, and someone who just clicks on a thread rating is most likely just some pretender who DOESN'T grow, but is always first in line to smoke the fruit of someone else's labor. :allgood:

Welcome to my grow Anubis, Thanks for your comment and thoughts. Yes their are alot of haterz, but I dont let-em get to me!! As you have read I always speak my mind..

:peace: & Love from the Glove have a rockin start bro. Looking very healthy indeed. By the looks of it, you will have your hands full with transplanting soon! Keep em green!

Yes I will have my hands full. :grinjoint: When should I transplant them? I'm thinking maybe another week or two at the most.

Thanks 4 ur comment buddy..
Yes I will have my hands full. :grinjoint: When should I transplant them? I'm thinking maybe another week or two at the most.

Thanks 4 ur comment buddy..

From the looks of them, I wouldn't wait much more than a week. I think they're just about ready to move into bigger pots.
Thanks for ur info guys, I did transplant a lil1 2day and will do the others over the next few dayz. When I do I'll post some more pics. The one I did transplant went from being almost 2 1/2 inches to about 1 and a half. Her name is U-K#3. She looks so small and ready to explode. The roots were looking great but not over grown at all for those 16 oz cups. I think I have at least a good week on the others..:bong: I'm gonna transplant them on Sunday while I'm watch some football and see if the Loins can win their 2nd game in two years, or see if the Rams will whoop dat azz!!! whoop de Sad but true, I hope they will win but I know they'll do some dumb thing to mess it up!! They always do!!:rollit: The only good part is, I'm gonna be transplanting, drinking beer and smoking a couple blunts!! :ganjamon: I finally got a day off of work and time to myself!!! :joint:

Well here are a couple pics to tease ur thirst on how our 1st grow is going..



This lil beauty's name is U-K #3 and she went from a 16 oz cup, to a 1 gal. pot. I plan on keeping this short and bushy. I'm calling all my plants females until they show me Wishful thinking I guess..

All their names are gonna be U-K#1 through U-K#10. My strain of herb is called UK because It's Un-Known. Over the next couple weeks I wonder if any of you Pro's or Rookie's out there could swing through and help inform me what strain of maryjane I got. That would be very helpful I think.

Well untill next time

:peace: & love from the Glove
New pics!! Check-em out

Week 2




:peace: & Love from the Glove

I refer back to the 1st photo and U-K#3 is the 2nd from the right in the row of 4, if any1 every1 was wondering!!.. Just to clear up any speculation on which plant I was speaking of.. I have no reason why i picked her, I just did.. UR :welcome:
MI-Grower, hope you have better luck with getting females than Det winning another game! Are you going to stay with 1 gallon containers? I my opinion, you will find they will get root bound quickly. Even if you FIM and LST, you will find that the roots will continue growing, even if he plants are short. Our shortest autoflowers used up every available inch in 3 gallon pots in 9 weeks of growth. I would go at a minimum with 3 gallon pots. Just a suggestion bro.
I refer back to the 1st photo and U-K#3 is the 2nd from the right in the row of 4, if any1 every1 was wondering!!.. Just to clear up any speculation on which plant I was speaking of.. I have no reason why i picked her, I just did.. UR :welcome:

She was the smallest one right? Getting her in the bigger pot will help her catch up.

In a previous post you mentioned her roots look good. Just curious, when you tranplant do you remove the soil from around the roots or try to keep it as intact as possible? Wondering how you got a look at the roots.
I just looked up the FIM method, that keeps the plants short and bushy right! Well what is the difference between doing that and the wire may I ask. Its seems to me that the only difference is the wire, other than that both methods top their plants right.

Just stick with LST. Topping is mostly hype, and in my opinion stresses the plant too much, and slow things down while the plant heals. I know that there are many people here who would disagree with me, but from my experience, the "secondary growth" that occurs after topping is going to occur anyway! In a manner of speaking, you're actually losing a top. I've found a happy medium of a combination of LST and FIM works best at increasing yield, but that's just my opinion.
I transplanted 3 more lil 1's today numbers 2, 4 and 5. Yes I kept the rootball in tact when they were repotted. They were transferd into 3gal buckets this time. I found them for a dollar at the dollar tree..LOL

Here is a couple pics of U-K#2 the 1st one is the overview and the 2nd a side shot. B4 she was transplanted she was 3inches and after was only 2inches



Photos of U-K#5 same order as before.She was 3 3/4 inches before and after was only 2 7/8


As she gets bigger I'll top off the pot with soil. She'll have branches from the ground up....

U-K#4 she was 3 and a quarter inches before and 2 inches after. Pics in the same order as before.



:peace: & Love from the Glove
MI-Grower, hope you have better luck with getting females than Det winning another game! Are you going to stay with 1 gallon containers? I my opinion, you will find they will get root bound quickly. Even if you FIM and LST, you will find that the roots will continue growing, even if he plants are short. Our shortest autoflowers used up every available inch in 3 gallon pots in 9 weeks of growth. I would go at a minimum with 3 gallon pots. Just a suggestion bro.

I hope so too damn that would suck... I do hope my ladies will be all ladies!! I understand what you are saying about the 1 gall pot, I am gonna try to grow a bonsi weed plant. I dont think I spelt that right. Well we'll all see how that one turns out..All advice will be welcome..

Thanks again for checking in..
She was the smallest one right? Getting her in the bigger pot will help her catch up.

In a previous post you mentioned her roots look good. Just curious, when you tranplant do you remove the soil from around the roots or try to keep it as intact as possible? Wondering how you got a look at the roots.

To answer ur question Mmmick, no she wasn't the smallest one out of the bunch, but it was the 1st one I grabed or looked at. I personally try to keep the rootball in tact if you know what I mean. I fill the new pot just about all the way to the top and make a big enough hole to fit the whole plant up to her bottom set of leaves. Then just cover her up. They were growing along side the cup when I sliced the it four ways and peeled it like a banana. They were nicely developed. That's why I like to use stirofoam cups... when I do the others I try to take a pic so every one can see as well.
Just stick with LST. Topping is mostly hype, and in my opinion stresses the plant too much, and slow things down while the plant heals. I know that there are many people here who would disagree with me, but from my experience, the "secondary growth" that occurs after topping is going to occur anyway! In a manner of speaking, you're actually losing a top. I've found a happy medium of a combination of LST and FIM works best at increasing yield, but that's just my opinion.

Thanks for your opinion bro, Their still little so I got some time to decide..
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