My 1st Grow



very nice (knock on wood)...

can you elaborate on the enclosure you are using? also i didnt see a description of the device dangling in the center of the room, what does it measure?

I built the room out of plaster board and wood, and the devise is just a weight on a peice of cotton so i know how high the light is from the plants i know its a simple thing and eyes would easily do it but im simple
well im 7week in now and im goin to add some PK to the feed as a boost ill post b4 and afder pk .. piks so u all can c wot go,s on
not much to report put the pk 13/14 in the feed and iv not noticed much of a difference theve got a bit biger but i think they would of any way but who knows
Hi allrounder

I used hammer head pk 13/14 and noticed my buds swelled up loads in week 6-7 like u Sao this may of happened regardless. It's prety cheap stuff so not much lost.

Ladies are looking well nice good crystal formation going on :bravo:
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