Greenthumbs42019 1st Journal, Blueberry LED DWC

Hey what are you using for your photo shots? I got a crappy clip on. Need something better.
My iPhone 11 for the standard shots and a WiFi usb microscope for the close ups of the trichomes. Think it was the amazon choice product when I searched for usb microscope, cost like $38 I think. I connect to it with my cell over WiFi and took the close ups that way. Works well enough for me.

Amazing plant, congrats
Thanks for the support and interest.
Thanks for the answer, going to look for one as I was using this XD very frustrating to work with,
Dope, was eyeballing something similar or might be the same product on amazon. I just wasn’t sure if it was iPhone XR compatible. Does it pair directly to your phone?
Dope, was eyeballing something similar or might be the same product on amazon. I just wasn’t sure if it was iPhone XR compatible. Does it pair directly to your phone?
Ya it has its own WiFi built in, so turn it on and then connect to the new WiFi network it creates called maxsee* and then use the free app to take pics that store right in your camera roll. Once powered off the WiFi network goes dead and connect back to your normal WiFi. Works pretty well, I also then make sure to delete pictures metadata so my location isn’t tagged in the pic details.
Looks great! Congratulations! How much did you get?
Thanks Emilya, I don’t see a reason to weigh until cured for a few weeks at least, so no idea on yield yet. Maybe 5/6 zips, but purely a guess. But compared to my previous grows I think this is my best yet, haven’t had these size colas with the burpule lights that I used previously. Buds are really thick and hard so should be nice.
looks like you did a great job with them... and I was guessing about the same, maybe less depending on how tight the buds became. Your harvest came right at the right time too, now that we all have to isolate ourselves.

I generally weigh mine wet, because once they are dried to that perfect RH and cured, I tend to want to leave them in the jars, so at that point I just guestimate, knowing that my big jars will hold roughly 5oz tightly packed. It's all a guestimation anyway, since my (harvest weight - 10% for sticks)/4=dry weight formula doesn't always work out either. This harvest I estimated from that formula that I had 18 oz here, yet now in the cure, they have dried and compressed down into two 1800 L / 7 cup Ball Jars, and I know without weighing that I am looking at less than 10 oz. Hmmm.

Speaking of drying and curing... what's your method?
looks like you did a great job with them... and I was guessing about the same, maybe less depending on how tight the buds became. Your harvest came right at the right time too, now that we all have to isolate ourselves.

I generally weigh mine wet, because once they are dried to that perfect RH and cured, I tend to want to leave them in the jars, so at that point I just guestimate, knowing that my big jars will hold roughly 5oz tightly packed. It's all a guestimation anyway, since my (harvest weight - 10% for sticks)/4=dry weight formula doesn't always work out either. This harvest I estimated from that formula that I had 18 oz here, yet now in the cure, they have dried and compressed down into two 1800 L / 7 cup Ball Jars, and I know without weighing that I am looking at less than 10 oz. Hmmm.

Speaking of drying and curing... what's your method?
Interesting, just hang dry for week or however long until they feel crispy/dry and stems snap. Then into mason jars for cure, burping 2x a day for the first 2 weeks or so then down to 1x a day for another week or 2. Also use a mini temp/Rh meters in the jars and throw in a bovida 62% pack sometime around when the meters show Rh around 60%. The weighing before is good I guess but I live with family members that don’t know I grow so keeping the smell and “what u doing” questions to a minimum is good.
Interesting, just hang dry for week or however long until they feel crispy/dry and stems snap. Then into mason jars for cure, burping 2x a day for the first 2 weeks or so then down to 1x a day for another week or 2. Also use a mini temp/Rh meters in the jars and throw in a bovida 62% pack sometime around when the meters show Rh around 60%. The weighing before is good I guess but I live with family members that don’t know I grow so keeping the smell and “what u doing” questions to a minimum is good.
wow... that has to be super difficult to keep it all away from other people in the same home! I am not sure how I would accomplish that. Double kudos to you then for a job well done!:adore:
It sounds like your cure method is right in there with what I do too.
Rock on my friend... enjoy your harvest!
Great harvest dude!! I’ve never tried washing my buds before... I guess I could call it, being too lazy! One day I perhaps may try it.. might have to pawn the daughters off at grandmas for a day so I have the time for that. The one isn’t born yet, but the oldest follows me around like a puppy. She loves her daddy! :battingeyelashes: Having two of them running around scares me... what have I gotten my self into!
Great harvest dude!! I’ve never tried washing my buds before... I guess I could call it, being too lazy! One day I perhaps may try it.. might have to pawn the daughters off at grandmas for a day so I have the time for that. The one isn’t born yet, but the oldest follows me around like a puppy. She loves her daddy! :battingeyelashes: Having two of them running around scares me... what have I gotten my self into!
I hear ya man, my 2 boys are older now (15 & 19) and trying to hide my grow activity is challenging to say the least. And thanks, guess I’ll see how the washing turns out. So far so good, didn’t really add too much time to the harvest. More of just setting it up and then letting them drip dry for a while.
Been checking on her drying every day, today the smaller stems started snapping and buds felt dry, almost crispy so I jarred everything up with some mini temp/Rh meters. Just checked on them after being in there a couple hours and had to open them back up. Thinking will leave it like that over night and make sure I don’t get any mold etc, then resume normal cure..... couple top cola pics....

Mason jars closed up this morning, smelling like a fresh picked bunch of blueberries. Took a small nug to smoke, not cured yet, but tastes really nice has a nice high. I will wait to give a better report once it’s cured for a while.

Nice looking nugs Jim. I harvested yesterday and the day before and did some bud washing so I am drying and will be curing too. I hope I don't mess it up
Thanks PC, your harvest looked great, bunch of happy guys with new supply of fresh buds!
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