PCaddict's 1st Grow Journal

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Hey PC, thanks for the invite man. I'm here and will help whenever u need it ok...even when ya don't ask for it , if that's cool. One thing i have a bit of a pet peave for is growers who don't fill up their pots . Those are big pots you got your cuttings in . i'm gonna say 10's or 15's...problem is they look like they can hold much , much more soil. How long have they been in those pots like that. TBH, if they were mine i would dig down deep and get em outta there,...fill the pots right up , then put them back in. They will be fine and will thrive much better with all that extra soil u add ok. Just my thoughts PC. Cheers and enjoy your day.
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I seen in a few videos of planting on a 45* angle I did it with the ones we are flowering now and it seems to be doing good so I will plant these on a 45* angle. Does anyone else do that ?
Hey PC, thanks for the invite man. I'm here and will help whenever u need it ok...even when ya don't ask for it , if that's cool. One thing i have a bit of a pet peave for is growers who don't fill up their pots . Those are big pots you got your cuttings in . i'm gonna say 10's or 15's...problem is they look like they can hold much , much more soil. How long have they been in those pots like that. TBH, if they were mine i would dig down deep and get em outta there,...fill the pots right up , then put them back in. They will be fine and will thrive much better with all that extra soil u add ok. Just my thoughts PC. Cheers and enjoy your day.
I filled it with the Oly Mountain Mix so that's as far as it filled it. I don't want to mess with the soil it was a complete mix so I dint want to add anything kind of like the Doc Buds High Brix they say don't add to it which is why I didn't fill it up more. I will fill my other pots though to with in around 1 inch from the top maybe an inch and a half. Its driving my OCD crazy too...……... :surf:
Wat is your reasoning behind doing that PC?
A tip for filling your pots. Fill them right up to the top WITHOUT compacting or pressing down on it while filling...leave it nice and fluffy in the pots. It will settle down over the first couple weeks and give you that 1 to 1.5 inches u desire for watering , top dressing etc. I can tell u that planting in loose , fluffy soil will greatly benefit your grows . All kinds of O2 will be available for the roots and they will develop quicker and 'hardier' ok.
Wat is your reasoning behind doing that PC?
Its kind of like LST and pulling the top over it helps with more side branching and more bud sites
I can tell u that training them yourself for that "side branching" is very easy and quite rewarding when you do it properly. You will develop the skills to LST and the results will have u wondering why u even thought of that 45Degree business.
Get yourself some pipe cleaners from the dollar store and LST them yourself. Most of us that LST are using them..they are some easy to use and work with. Bin using them for many , many yrs. with no heartaches or trouble.If u need a longer 'tie' , then just twist two together...bingo. Anyhow , just my thoughts bud.

Oh that stinks eh. Another tip,...before you do anything to or for your girls, drop us a line on here and let us know wat your thinkin and we will make sure u do it right without missing anything OK.
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