My cannabutter is yellow


New Member
My cannabutter looks alot like normal butter. I used 1 oz of dry buds and about 1/2 oz of trimming for 1 lb of butter. I boiled boiled some water, added the butter, lowered the temp and then added the weed. I let it simmer for about 90 min, was that enough? (some people say 6 hours and some say that 15 min is good). I then strained it and put it in the fridge overnight.
Will this butter lack potency? In that case, what did I do wrong? And if so, can I reboil the water and butter (I threw away buds)
My cannabutter looks alot like normal butter. I used 1 oz of dry buds and about 1/2 oz of trimming for 1 lb of butter. I boiled boiled some water, added the butter, lowered the temp and then added the weed. I let it simmer for about 90 min, was that enough? (some people say 6 hours and some say that 15 min is good). I then strained it and put it in the fridge overnight.
Will this butter lack potency? In that case, what did I do wrong? And if so, can I reboil the water and butter (I threw away buds)

It depends on the temperature your butter is cooked at and the method used. 15 minutes is for cooking at a higher temperature with finely ground buds. This method is good for infusing pesto and marinara sauces. For a more delicate flavor butter for use in baked pastries, the water/butter method is used to slowly leech the medicinal properties of cannabis into the butter while leeching the dark bitterness into the water.

You'll need to bake your brownies at 300f for about 15-20 minutes longer as a higher temperature is likely to degrade the potency.

Good luck with your brownies:cheer:
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