Mystery Strain, Soil Indoor Grow


New Member
Hey everyone
At the moment I have a small tent with a 115w cfl light these babies could be male or female but are all in veg
Any tips would be great :)
Hey there saint! I will follow along with your journal, I always like a good mystery grow haha, not knowing what you're going up against can be interesting some days. Plants are looking fairly healthy so far, how old are they now? How about some more info on your grow setup and supplies being used? There is a sticky post at the top of the journal section on how to start a journal and it gives some good ideas on things to include about your grow from the beginning so everyone has a better idea of what you're using, doing and the conditions of the environment.

Good that you lowered your lights down, you can get them tubes within inches of the plants without burning them, same with cfl bulbs. The farther away the light is from the plants, the less light they are actually getting, but need to be careful with HID and incandescent lights as they are very hot bulbs and will need to be farther away.
Hey there saint! I will follow along with your journal, I always like a good mystery grow haha, not knowing what you're going up against can be interesting some days. Plants are looking fairly healthy so far, how old are they now? How about some more info on your grow setup and supplies being used? There is a sticky post at the top of the journal section on how to start a journal and it gives some good ideas on things to include about your grow from the beginning so everyone has a better idea of what you're using, doing and the conditions of the environment.

Good that you lowered your lights down, you can get them tubes within inches of the plants without burning them, same with cfl bulbs. The farther away the light is from the plants, the less light they are actually getting, but need to be careful with HID and incandescent lights as they are very hot bulbs and will need to be farther away.

Not sure exactly how old they are maybe 2 weeks? The grow setup is a small seedling/veg tent at the moment comes up to about waist height, I'm using a 115w cfl light but have a grow tent coming soon and will put them all under a 300w led.
I'm using normal potting soil from the local hardware store, using tap water left out for a bit to get rid of the chlorine
Every couple of times I water I'm adding power feed plant food 14/1/9 (NPK)
Thinking about breeding them to get seeds aswell as cloning
Any tips so far?
Not sure exactly how old they are maybe 2 weeks? The grow setup is a small seedling/veg tent at the moment comes up to about waist height, I'm using a 115w cfl light but have a grow tent coming soon and will put them all under a 300w led.
I'm using normal potting soil from the local hardware store, using tap water left out for a bit to get rid of the chlorine
Every couple of times I water I'm adding power feed plant food 14/1/9 (NPK)
Thinking about breeding them to get seeds aswell as cloning
Any tips so far?

ok, always good to keep track of how old your plants are when it comes to feeding nutrients and it will help if you decide to grow more perpetually and start planting other seeds while these ones are growing. It will make life a lot easier.

Getting your plants under that led panel will help a lot. I normally leave my seedlings under the T5's for a week and then move to the led panel. Once they get a few nodes growth they are ready for it. So whenever is good for you to use it, your plants are ready.

Is there a name for the potting soil or is it just a seedling mix? Some soils come premixed with some sort of nutrients in it already so it's always good to check on this. Also, what is the soil mix made up of? Did you add any perlite to the mix for air and drainage.

Have never heard of those nutrients before but the nitrogen values seem pretty high for such young plants, hopefully you're only feeding at 1/4 strength to start out to ensure there's no nutrient burn?

Anything else about your grow? Such as temperatures and humidity levels? Do you have any fans or exhaust set up?
I think they popped up on the second of june, got 3 seeds same strain in paper towel inside of a zip lock bag ready to go, have to wait for the big tent to arrive to use the 300w led
I'm using searles premium potting mix no vermiculite
I've only fed once and that was at a half strength and they seemed fine with that
Don't have a temp/humidity reader would be good to get one
And no exhaust but I've got a fan inside and leave all the holes open for ventilation
ok, always good to keep track of how old your plants are when it comes to feeding nutrients and it will help if you decide to grow more perpetually and start planting other seeds while these ones are growing. It will make life a lot easier.

Getting your plants under that led panel will help a lot. I normally leave my seedlings under the T5's for a week and then move to the led panel. Once they get a few nodes growth they are ready for it. So whenever is good for you to use it, your plants are ready.

Is there a name for the potting soil or is it just a seedling mix? Some soils come premixed with some sort of nutrients in it already so it's always good to check on this. Also, what is the soil mix made up of? Did you add any perlite to the mix for air and drainage.

Have never heard of those nutrients before but the nitrogen values seem pretty high for such young plants, hopefully you're only feeding at 1/4 strength to start out to ensure there's no nutrient burn?

Anything else about your grow? Such as temperatures and humidity levels? Do you have any fans or exhaust set up?

Will 300w be enough for this tent and these plants? I'm thinking about doing a short veg then flower to determine sex, seperate male and female and collect the pollen and impregnate just one plant
I think they popped up on the second of june, got 3 seeds same strain in paper towel inside of a zip lock bag ready to go, have to wait for the big tent to arrive to use the 300w led
I'm using searles premium potting mix no vermiculite
I've only fed once and that was at a half strength and they seemed fine with that
Don't have a temp/humidity reader would be good to get one
And no exhaust but I've got a fan inside and leave all the holes open for ventilation

Ok, use that as your start date then since you figure that's when broke ground. Always good to keep dates and notes.
So you've got 3 more beans soaking I see, I know there are people out there that use ziploc bags to germinate but I personally don't like this idea.. A seed needs oxygen to grow, and with a closed ziploc bag moisture can build up and start to create bacteria when it doesn't have any oxygen. I normally set the paper towels on a plate and then cover that about 75% with another plate to keep it dark and moist but while still allowing air to get in.
K, I have heard of that name before for the potting mix but haven't used it. Did you read the back of the bag to ensure there was very little to no nutrients already in the soil? Seedlings don't need any nutrients really until they reach the 3 true leaf set, there is enough stored in the seed to keep a plant going 2 weeks roughly. Unless I am growing an autoflower strain I don't give any nutes first 2 weeks except a root additive, or unless they show signs of needing some before then.
Temp and humidity are a big thing to watch, you can get digital readers made by accurite on amazon for pretty cheap which is what I use as well as many others on this forum.
An exhaust fan is always a good thing to have but is not necessary. Plants love air exchange though! You may need it once you are in the flowering stage depending on your temps and humidity levels. Vegging plants like 65-80% Rh and flowering plants like 45-60%. These are things that you will start learning over time though as well.

Will 300w be enough for this tent and these plants? I'm thinking about doing a short veg then flower to determine sex, seperate male and female and collect the pollen and impregnate just one plant

Depends on how many plants you actually intend to grow under this light.. You have to remember, it may be a 300W panel but those particular ones I think only draw about 130-140W from the wall. These panels can be good for up to about 4 smaller plants but I wouldn't expect a huge yield from them. I think if you had 2 of those panels it would be more ideal, but sometimes we need to work with what we've got. I personally would use the 300W panel in the smaller veg tent and find something bigger for the flower tent, then you can use your 115W cfl for sprouting plants. Once sprouts are 5-7 days old you can throw them under the 300W in the small tent about 18" above the plants.

If you want to determine sex on these plants you can either wait until they are big enough to take a couple of clones from each (be sure to label them carefully to not mix them up) and then once you have rooted clones, put the clones into the flower tent under 12/12 and see what they do. A clone will always be the same sex as the parent plant. That... or once they are bigger you can change the lights to 12/12 for a couple of days (until you see the sex) and then revert them back to 18/6 and they will keep vegging, then pick out the males.

new photo update :)

Ok, so they are about 2 weeks old now.. What are your plans for up-potting? They are likely ready for it now. Are you going to use the same potting mix? If so, be sure to add in a mix about 25 or 30% perlite into that dirt to help with drainage and air flow.. If you don't have good drainage then your roots aren't getting good oxygen when watered. What size pots do you plan to put them in? It's usually good to do this in stages such as.. solo cup - 1 gallon - 3/5 gallon OR solo cup - 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon.. Always remembering to up pot into the final container just before going into the flower tent so the roots have room to grow with the flower stretch and when your up potting try to double the pot size each time you do so.

Hope all of this helps.. That's quite a bit of info in there, not trying to confuse or scare ya lol. It all takes time and can be overwhelming at times. Just remember to use the KISS method (Keep It Stupid Simple) lol :)
2 of my seeds have popped, they are born into this world on the 16th of June

Also added
Added perlite to the soil for these as you suggested, going to hold of transplanting untill my tent comes and I can see what will fit in her
Welcome to the new seeds! May they grow big and strong :)

Good that you added the perlite to the mix this time, it will really help you out, it's almost a necessity in most mediums aside from coco coir. Depending on what size containers you plan to put in there will determine how many you can fit lol. Going from the solo cups, I would put them into a 1 gallon container for now and then not transplant again until you know the sex of these plants. After you know the sex of them all, you can either transplant into 3 gallon from there and continue vegging or go into flowering depending on their size and how many females you get. If you keep vegging in the 3 gallon for a while, be sure to up-pot once more before throwing them into flower. I normally go from solo cup or 1/2 litre pot to a 1 gallon and then either into a 3 or 5 gallon.
Sometimes it's hard to tell this early on. But I would think these are a hybrid leaning a bit more towards sativa. Some of the leaves look long and a little skinny. Once they get older you will be able to tell a bit better. Even though they are all the same strain they may show different traits, sometimes strains that are bred out will still have more than 1 phenotype
Am I right in saying these are indica?
Hi, Saint.
Reading this with interest - also doing a bit of a mystery grow. As to type: depends on where you're at. I know my girls are sativas cause i live in Africa. Bagseed here is def sativa (or very sativa dominant). This is one if my fully sativa girls, looks a bit similar to what you have.

Anyway, good luck!
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