Need some advice on a sad plant


420 Member
Hey folks,

Hoping someone can chime in with some advise.

I have a sad plant :(

The plant in question a Northern Lights female. She's been vegging for a few months in a 4x4 under a mix of some cheap LED and quantum boards. Moved to LED + CMH a few weeks ago.

Soil is promix HP. Gaia Green dry amendments have been added at slightly below the recommended feed rate.

I've got a lot of clawing, twisted and canoeing leaves. The leaves are small.

I thought it may be a N deficiency and top dressed with a bit of feed. It almost looks like an N deficiency AND toxicity. I'm perplexed.

Any thoughts?

The clones I've cut and have been running in the same soil blend look fantastic, big plump green leaves.

I've got a few grows under my belt but this one is is fighting me lol.


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What are you temps/rH like? That strain looks like it probably prefers a warmer environment. That claw could be from N or it could be from too cold and windy. How much wind do you have going on?

I’m not sure where you got your seed or clone, but that is a very odd looking NL. It doesn’t look like an NL to me at all. It looks like a landrace Sativa. NL is a heavy indica strain. If it is a landrace Sativa... you should have flipped about 6 weeks ago unless you’ve got like 5 feet of headroom and a couple more scrog nets.
From the look of those plants, it looks like O2 and nutes have been choked off at the roots at some point.
I'm using Promix HP as well, but doing a modified hempy type setup with it.
What's your watering routine look like?
Is promix DTW? I dunno, it's my first time using it.
When I'm unsure about something, I'll flush and then setup a conservative routine I know has worked in the past.
Then you have a reference point moving forward as you adjust over time
Temps are hovering in the 26 degree range
Humidity in the 60 degree range.

I'm unsure of where the seeds came from. I was gifted them from a friend. That said, the clones look great. Fantastic even. This plant looked great 3 weeks ago!

I was thinking N toxicity. Im hopping a few good flushings will fix them. I feed them about 2 weeks ago, but have gone overboard ... If not, ive got plenty of veg plants I can use to replace it.

As far as watering goes, I do let them dry down, not to the level of stress, but the soil is well dried between waterings. That said, I use well water which is a bit high in iron. Unsure if that's related (lots of very successful grows on said water).

Boo.. definetly user error, but it's painful to see a plant that looked so good for months take a sudden nose dive :(
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