Need some cloning help


New Member
Heres what I have to work with.

Grodan grow cubes, 5 clonable plants, a clone grow tray(for lack of a better term) Can I clone with just this? I have no cloning solution. Is this totally necessary? Something I can make myself with proper ingredients at home? I just want to get a few clones going. I only can do outside. Unless clones can go into camper under t5 with no temp or ventilation control? Is it possible to clone outside? I know humidity is a must and here outside there is plenty of humidity.

I know Im going to cut clone at 45 degree angle shave some of the outer layer off and.... see what happens?

Any feedback or input would be great! Thanks guys :Namaste: :thanks:
You should pick up a bottle of rooting powder or jell. Either will work. You can clone outside but it would be best to have some sort of a greenhouse setup to keep temperatures from fluctuating too much till they get established roots. You could build a simple cover to throw over them at night.
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