New grower


420 Member
Hello guys, so i'm growing weed for the first time and i need some advice.

What strain is it? I have no idea. I found a seed in my weed.
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? i believe she's still in veg. 26days old.
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? peat mixed with sand. PH 6.0
If soil... What size pot? 1 gallon
Temp of Room/cab? 24-26C
How often are you watering? It depends on how fast my soil dries up. 3-4 days.
Lights : i'm using 80w LED.

My question is : when can i start feed her and what should i use?

Here is some pic of my plant.

I would appreciate for any kind advice. Thanks.


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Yes she is in veg, your temps are spot on. Howcome she’s not center of the pot? There always reasons behind everything and I was just curious.

With the nutrients I use, I would hit them with an early veg dose of nutrients. That’s just me and my systems though.


These are the nutrients I use, it gives me directions on how much to use per gallon of water from seedling all the way to late flower, super easy. I normally wait till they have been up potted to there first pot before I give them nutrients.


I picked these up at peavey mart, been a super easy feeding schedule.
She's kinda in the middle. This photo been taken couple days ago. Maybe it looks like that because i took pic from a different angle. Where can i buy these nutrients? i was wondering can i find something similar in my local grow store. What should i look for?


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Oh wow! That’s a better picture lol, that first picture was playing mind games with me.

I bought these at peavey mart. Pretty easy on the wallet as well.

There are many many, many to choose from! Yes you can find good nutrients in any local hydro store, or shop for them on Amazon. There will be more to choose from on Amazon, as the local hydro store only carries the brands they sell.
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