New Guy With Indoor - Outdoor Dreams

Bangkok, the name has SO MANY MEANINGS!!!:high-five: That I do not want My Wife to know, as My Nephew is Planning his wedding there for September 2013, and if She Knew about, well lets say, it's other favorite visiting Spots, She would definitely say HELL NO to going. My Nephew is planning His wedding there because He is Marrying an Iranian Girl, and her family wants it to be in a Neutral Spot. Plus since they are Royalty(NO BS), I think they figure most of His family will not be able to come because of Prices(THEIR PRETTY SMART ON THAT ONE,BECAUSE IT IS TRUE). But if I can come, I will, as I am supposed to be a Groomsman. I hear Ya about the Thai Police, do not want to mess with those Guys, they have shoot to KILL orders against all Drug Sellers, and Users Too, I think??? Take Care Jimmy. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Users iono about orders to always shoot to kill. But I know of some people who ended up serving years in thai jail for 1 single joint of weed. no shit.

If you are a dealer, its not uncommon to get death penalty. I am not talking about drug kingpins with hundreds of kilos either. Just small time street dealers can get such penalties. Users can get many years.

Thailand is loads of fun, especially for bachelors. :) But it is NOT the place to do drugs or associate with drug use at all!
Muahahahahahahahah ITS ALIVEEEEEEEE.

The Mega Clone lives!

It has multiple half inch roots popping out all along its stem.

I also built a DIY repeat timer and now have the aero going 1 min on 3 or 4 min off, over n over. I made it because I noticed a lil bit of black along the mega clone stem, figured it could be the start of rot so I should make a timer to keep temps down and increase rooting speeds.

But yeah it looks like the Mega Clone will be a sucess :D. I will take pics later to show yall.
I hear of a bit faster rooting and less chance of root rot with the timer. Plus I suppose it saves a few cents on electricity. I just put the timer on a few minutes ago. It was surprisingly easy to modify one of those 24 hour timers to make it around an hour.

I wonder how long it will be until it has nice 3 or 4 inch roots and can be put in the soil.
also with the pump on a timer your water won't get too hot...speaking of temperature...cutting without roots need warm water to make roots...,cuttings with roots need cooler water to prevent root rot...what i need to know is do you take the cutting out of the cloner when it roots and put it into a DWC ???or another cloner with lower water temp...anybody know???
Well from what I have read if you just keep everything in the upper 70s its a great temp for stopping most rot and also its good for root growth.

So I am trying to get all scientific with my timer and will adjust this accordingly as time gos on. But I timed each segment on my timer and it is 45 seconds per notch and I have 48 notches total to work with.

it is currently like this:
3 min off / 45 sec on / 5 min 15 sec off / 1 min 30 sec on / repeat

My reasoning for varying is kinda like weight lifting, or also plant growing :D.

If you keep doing the exact same thing over n over things get stagnant and you dont try as hard to survive. Just like how a little stress at the right times helps plants grow stronger and more potent. I figured the varying rotation would help keep the plant on its guard and by letting it dry off for 5 minutes occasionally the plant would feel the need to try and grow the roots out to try and seek moisture. Then finally it gets a nice blast of water for a min and a half, then does a light 3 min drying followed by a light 45 second watering.

Whether or not this will actually work is another story lol.
Glad it Re-rooted for You!!! I leave my Plants on 24 hour schedule like miwa, when I am getting my seedlings ready and big enough to move them outside, or if growing indoors, I do the same thing, till they are ready to Flower(SIZE WISE OBVIOUSLY), and then I use the timer, and obviously switch to a 12-12 schedule. Good To Hear things are GOOD with You(AS ALWAYS), and i am BAKED OFF MY ASS RIGHT NOW, FROM SOME ORANGE KRUSH, not ORANGE KUSH, as a lot of people seem to think I mean. Pretty weird being stoned again, only took 2 hits, and am still on Mars!!! Wrote about doing it in My Journal, but got interrupted by My poor Wife in agony. But HAPPY as HELL to be stoned again, feels like it did, when I first actually got High, at 15. Had tried to smoke before that first time of being High, but I guess I was always afraid to actually inhale, that is till I did:high-five:!!! Then I became a Pot Head, in like one week!!! Not Addicted(I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS ADDICTING,AT ALL, OR WITHDRAWLS FROM IT EITHER), but a Pot head nonetheless. Take Care My Jimmy Buddy! SINCERELY, JAMESTHRGREEN.:thumb:
My first time I did inhale, and I inhaled way too much rofl.

It was some super chronicy Maui Wowie, probably grown outdoors cause I was in Maui at the time. I ended up running off into the rain forest on a adventure. Chopping my buddies boogie board into many tiny pieces with a machette and doing all sorts of silly shit :D.

I took like 2 or 3 hits and I wasent even baked. I was FRIED, well done, put a fork in me. I was either 14 or 15 too.

BTW, why have you not been smoking for as long as its been James?
I got some buddies in Hawaii who could maybe get some legit seeds. I know my clone store doesn't carry it.

I will say this though. Maui wowie was CRAZY dank. I remember the tricombs were the size of small pebbles. Plus it apparently when growing wild gets to be like 25 feet tall.

I mean all these new strains like OG this, Cheese that, are all fine n dandy. But I find it amazing that the dispensaries around here don't carry things like chocolate thai, maui wowie, alcopolco gold, white widow, and other big time super kind buds.

Maybe its just because nobody grows it. But I hear they only like to promote the newest named shit like "wiz kalifha" and other stupid shit. I know id rather have some maui wowie or cchocolate thai any day of the week over some lame wiz inyourpantslifha stuff.

I bet my climate would be too dry for maui wowie and choc thai though. Both would be used to very wet humid conditions.
BTW all the Chem D clones have a couple tiny cm long roots popping out, with a few white bubbles on the stem too. Havent noticed any Helix with roots, but I have not checked them all, just a couple.

Dug a bunch of holes tonight in the yard tomorrow night my Chem D and OG Kush are all going in the ground :D. The Helix and XXX I am probably just going to keep in their 5 gallon pots.
hell ya deege thats another one these damn cali coffee shops need to carry.

BTW my NYCD one of them is like 9 inches tall and the 2 NL/ blueberry are both getting bushy as fuck.

I also noticed that the XXX is growing again. Hopefully the Chem D and OG Kush I got outside start to speed up like they were growing before I put them outdoors. Perhaps once I get them in the ground.
makes a lot of sense. might have to try this out!
Well from what I have read if you just keep everything in the upper 70s its a great temp for stopping most rot and also its good for root growth.

So I am trying to get all scientific with my timer and will adjust this accordingly as time gos on. But I timed each segment on my timer and it is 45 seconds per notch and I have 48 notches total to work with.

it is currently like this:
3 min off / 45 sec on / 5 min 15 sec off / 1 min 30 sec on / repeat

My reasoning for varying is kinda like weight lifting, or also plant growing :D.

If you keep doing the exact same thing over n over things get stagnant and you dont try as hard to survive. Just like how a little stress at the right times helps plants grow stronger and more potent. I figured the varying rotation would help keep the plant on its guard and by letting it dry off for 5 minutes occasionally the plant would feel the need to try and grow the roots out to try and seek moisture. Then finally it gets a nice blast of water for a min and a half, then does a light 3 min drying followed by a light 45 second watering.

Whether or not this will actually work is another story lol.
Lol didn't realize my $5 timer was going ultra high tech :D.

I just planned on leaving the XXX and the Helix in the pots because frankly they are not very big. Digging 3 foot wide 2 feet deep holes in hard ground is a pain lol. Iono maybe I will dig them some holes within the next week. I definitely planned to put my 6 newer clones from the clone store in the ground in about 2 weeks, rather then transplanting them into a bigger pot and vegging them more indoors. Although 2 weeks might be too long judging how fast the first batch of 8 outgrew their pots of them same size.

First things first though. The Chem D and the OG Kush gotta get in the ground tomorrow! They are just too big of plants to be cooped up in a little 5 gallon bucket.

Oh BTW I did grab some 40-50 gallon tubs at walmart for 6 bucks each :D. Gonna use them as mega pots when needed. They are about 2.5 feet wide 2 feet tall.
Jimmy, I know people HERE that Grow Maui-Wowie, I could check for you, and see if they are still doing it, and check for You if they have Seeds(THEY WOULD JUST GIVE THEM TO ME IF THEY DID, SO NO $$$), or I could find out where they got them from, if I remember right, they got them from a Reputable Club, and I know they made their own Seeds from it, wherever they got it from!!! If Your Interested Jimmy, let Me Know, or Pm Me!!! Your Friend, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
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