Newbie needing help please: Aussie female needs help

Iv got em under a 400 hps i do have also a 600 and temps been around 20- 25 degrees and iv the light above the recommended.. again i got scared lol.. keep as is? Or ?

Now ya all opened a can of worms and aussie ole mate mel here is brain farting thoughts out loud like i just had bad indian cuisine thats caused diarrhoea of the mouth
Now I feel he has all the backup he needs to do great run best of luck !!
er .. mel is a she ..

hi mel. i know a number. we actually have to refer to them by different nicknames within my friends. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I’d leave the lights alone for now, keep those temps down.

this ^
Just having a coffee with ole mate here who decided to grace me with his 6ft self ..


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He thinks he is fabulous with his 5 females ... .. and have a koala lounging in a tree but to high to get in pic and yes he high on eucalyptus lol.. then there the bandicoot digging bloody holes in the paddock but getting all the grubs that i dont need to kill with chemicals but hells bells thems must be big grubs lol
Life on acerage in straya mate whats not to love .. oh snakes yeah dont love em ...
Free accomodation next time ya all down under ., cheers for all the help


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I would love to visit Australia but would have to go without the wife she is deathly afraid of snakes and would never go there. last summer when camping we we're walking along the trail at the edge of the lake. There was a sign stating that garter snakes which was totally harmless winter in the face of the cliffs. We took about three steps past that sign she got hysterical crying and screaming and ran all the way back to the campsite. She mistook a stick for a snake. Took me a half an hour to calm her down and get her to go back down to lake. On the way back to the lake she saw a mop handle laying under the bridge. Look a snake catching stick. Well here we go again hysterically crying and screaming runs back to the campsite again. Well that was it no swimming this weekend.
I would love to visit Australia but would have to go without the wife she is deathly afraid of snakes and would never go there. last summer when camping we we're walking along the trail at the edge of the lake. There was a sign stating that garter snakes which was totally harmless winter in the face of the cliffs. We took about three steps past that sign she got hysterical crying and screaming and ran all the way back to the campsite. She mistook a stick for a snake. Took me a half an hour to calm her down and get her to go back down to lake. On the way back to the lake she saw a mop handle laying under the bridge. Look a snake catching stick. Well here we go again hysterically crying and screaming runs back to the campsite again. Well that was it no swimming this weekend.
Iv not seen ine snake yet and been here 4 years now love it
Thought id give an update... EXCELLENT thats life in the tent at mo


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Iv had to invest in a bigger tent lol, which im setting up tomorrow and thinking of also adding the 600 hps light? Iv tipped em all and added white shark to the diet which seems to be booming the growth... wondering tho how long do you leave ya all go before flower ?
I would love to visit Australia but would have to go without the wife she is deathly afraid of snakes and would never go there. last summer when camping we we're walking along the trail at the edge of the lake. There was a sign stating that garter snakes which was totally harmless winter in the face of the cliffs. We took about three steps past that sign she got hysterical crying and screaming and ran all the way back to the campsite. She mistook a stick for a snake. Took me a half an hour to calm her down and get her to go back down to lake. On the way back to the lake she saw a mop handle laying under the bridge. Look a snake catching stick. Well here we go again hysterically crying and screaming runs back to the campsite again. Well that was it no swimming this weekend.
.. anytime dude... im on 10 acres here plently of room... loads roos, now 8m hand feeding 2 possums and 1 bandicoot lol
Ok packing bags now :rofl: that sounds like a great place to live. Your question on when to go 12/12 that's personal preference. As a rule of thumb they will double in size or more after the flip so be prepared for that. Alot depends on your space. I usually veg for 60 days or so some people do it in 30.
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