Northern Lights: Already In Progress

Only the super soil home mix of worm castings, hp potting soil and Gaia Green dry amendments. And when they went to flower top dress with Gaia Green. For watering just ph'd water. I am very all natural. I tend to shy away from chemicals.
Hey GH. I've been looking at rotating composters. I just found your journal and I see in one of your pics you have one. If ya don't mind me asking, what kind is it? How do you like it? By the way, nice looking plants.
Homehardware is where I purchased it. I didn't find it that great but thats because of location. I have better luck with compost heap on ground.
Day 20

Watered GDP right before lights out. I believe she is root bound and/or soil all used up as water drained right through plant.

Being in flower now for almost a month not sure what to do. There is enough room in bucket for a good top dressing but don't know if this will help issue at all. Suggestions anyone...
Also put in supports for NL (from seed) growing outdoors and spread apart branches some.

Day 20

Watered GDP right before lights out. I believe she is root bound and/or soil all used up as water drained right through plant.

Being in flower now for almost a month not sure what to do. There is enough room in bucket for a good top dressing but don't know if this will help issue at all. Suggestions anyone...
Hey GHEMPSTER. I would top dress it if you think the bottom is root bound. She getting big, so im sure she is pretty thirsty.
Plants always look great and I like how far you bury the base of your plants so they could be hitting the bottom for sure.
Yes thanks Sparkey224 i do have catch trays so i gave her full watering and gonna let her soak up from bottom. I wiil take your advice (always good) and top dress tonight when lights on.

Thanks a lot
Did a top dress and light watering on GDP. Thanks again all for the help with this issue. She did drink up all her plate so roots are still in good shape and she is looking much better.

The NL Clones are good and so they don't get jealous...
Day 22

NL Clone #1 & #2 both needed watering so it was time for top dress Gaia Green dry amendments and watered (ph'd to acceptable level)


Pics taken directly after watering.

And so no jealousy between plants, heres pic of GDP

Day 23 July 23 2019

I think they are doing good. Buds developing nicely.

Had to stretch apart GDP arms, they are very competitive and all want to be growing in the very middle.

NL #1 Is slightly behind this is due to the light ( it's cheap ). I am gonna swap positions with #2 tomorrow.







Outside with NL Mother...

Removed all lower growth and got a couple candidates for a few more clones.


14 here but I will be happy to get one, so whatever takes is bonus.
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