November Seed Giveaway at Herbies - Competition Time

Bought your Blue Dream Seeds to fulfill my needs; I used watery Silver to knock up a breed.
But I'm a total turkey; I used the pollen too early and now I'm devoid of seeds.
Please have my back and help me get back on track so that I can have another shot.
Cos yeah your deals are aces but I can't afford laces; this is why I grow my own pot.

Humboldt Blue Dream Feminised
I have met Masters and OGs
within joint commissions.
While my dear, Granddaddy Purple’s
spending my tuition.

But, it was merely a Blue Dream
at blunt ceremonies.
While Hindus and Afghans breed in
holy matrimonies.

Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Feminised Seeds
Herbies can the winner change his or her choice to the new Heavyweight's you guys came out with ? I didn't realize they had some new seeds but they look rather taste.

u can just enter again and choose those seeds .
! Barneys CBD Blue Shark Feminised Seeds - Herbies Seeds

There is no plant on this Earth called Marihuana
it was a term created from racism
so don't believe the pushers from Big Pharma
the intolerant ones thought the word sounded Mexican
and still today they arrest by the color of skin
but its the Authority instead that should be in a prison

so we call it by its true name of Cannabis
which is Greek for the material canvas
everything before was made from Hemp
then they told us that we needed a stamp
but they decided not to give them away
so it is time for us now to erase those laws today

"The M-Word"
Wish I could enter. Good Luck everyone!!!
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