Outdoor grower in need of advice

Ozi Hoocher

420 Member
Hello fellow hoochers..
Im in the last month or so of my grow and i have been hit with a lot of pollination, leading to a large seed development.
The plant itself is very healthy and should yield well.
My problem is the seed pods developing... can i remove these whilst in grow??
Is there any issues in removing the seeds by hand??
She is all organic and did get exposed to a mafi.
What should i do?
Me personally, I’d eliminate the male, and live with the results (seeds). I have a feeling you might do more damage than good trying to remove individual pods. But, you could try it on a bud or two and then decide if it’s working for ya. Regardless, I doubt you’ll get them all, they’re sneaky little devils!
Im in the last month or so of my grow and i have been hit with a lot of pollination, leading to a large seed development.
The plant itself is very healthy and should yield well.
My problem is the seed pods developing... can i remove these whilst in grow??
Is there any issues in removing the seeds by hand??
Interesting problem. Not sure how you would go about removing all those seeds by hand while the plant is still growing.

How about a photograph of one of the worst spots on the plant showing a bud or two which has a lot of seeds.

A photograph like that would give us an idea of what you are seeing. And, maybe someone else was in the same sort of situation before and now has suggestions based on how they were able to do about the problem.

She is all organic and did get exposed to a mafi.
What is a "mafi'?
Hey Hooch - If it is any consolation....I pollinated a couple of extra plants a couple of K back in my bush and I let them dry out really well and just kind of rolled everything around until the seeds separated. I seemed to have a lot of chaff so I kept it and have been vaping it for quite a while. Does a darn good job!!!!
Interesting problem. Not sure how you would go about removing all those seeds by hand while the plant is still growing.

How about a photograph of one of the worst spots on the plant showing a bud or two which has a lot of seeds.

A photograph like that would give us an idea of what you are seeing. And, maybe someone else was in the same sort of situation before and now has suggestions based on how they were able to do about the problem.

What is a "mafi'?
Not a maffi.
but thanks for advice..
its not to lagal ova here so i got to keep pics to a min, but i have put a pic thru.
kindest regards ozi hoocher
Not a maffi.
but thanks for advice..
its not to lagal ova here so i got to keep pics to a min, but i have put a pic thru.
kindest regards ozi hoocher

Relax brother point them in my direction if you like. The Uniforms arent trolling these pages for a little grower.

Been Aussies like us here for years, worst I saw has been rippers.

If you have 10 or under they usually want to put you on diversion in my parts.
its not to lagal ova here so i got to keep pics to a min, but i have put a pic thru.
It took awhile but I found your photograph somewhere else.

I hope I am wrong about what is going. Everything makes it sound like you are in Australia. Your plant should have started going into the flowering stage in the last 2-3 weeks. That makes it really hard to get buds mature enough to start trapping pollen and developing seeds and then start showing the mature seeds.

I was thinking of a photograph of one of the worst spots on the plant showing a bud or two which has a lot of seeds. It is hard to see what you are looking at.

Below is a photo from my collection. I have circled several areas and I am wondering if those look similar to what you are seeing or what you are calling "..seed pods developing...".

our season over here in the west of oz starts on the first full moon of september to plant seedlings. usually 2 3 weeks of age. our flower starts in mid January and will finish by the end of march. plenty ready for pollinating.
i will send though a macro tomorrow and we'll go from there..
Cheers for the pic wings. :peace: appreciate all the help i can get..
I don't know why but I thought it was a mid February start with the finish by the end of April.
its a big place over here massive temp variations and moisture differences.. hence closer to the equator n stuff
were im at is quite mild and can be very cold in our standards..
do u do outdoor as well Smokingwings?? i would also be interested in your pics.. hopefully you have had a productive one..:Namaste:
i would also be interested in your pics.. hopefully you have had a productive one..
I am in the middle of a suburban area with a 'see through' fence along the back and along one side. Behind me is a parking lot and the driveway to the parking lot is on the other side of the see through fence. While it might be legal here I keep all those people driving by in mind when I have outdoor plants. I don't want someone to recognize the back yard and decide to jump over the fence to see what I have going.

The photo in the earlier msg is a male plant that I kept for a couple of weeks so I could get the photos. I posted it because it was the closest thing I could think of for something that looked like 'seed pods'. Plus it might help new growers who wander by to see what male flowers look like before they start to open.

But, I do have a thread I started several years ago about why new growers should not worry about a night or two or three of frost and cold weather. It is not a journal but more of a photo story since I waited until I had most of the photos before I started putting it together. You might have to click on each photo to get it to open up larger. That is how many of the photos were inserted into the threads back then. Not big plants like yours, grown in 5 gallon or smaller containers and not as much sunlight as they should have gotten.

The link.......

Now I understand what you were asking about. I was getting worried that male flowers were starting to show up all over the plant since they look like seed pods to some growers.

I get a few swollen calyx that will look like those and most of the time there will not a be a ripe seed inside. Mostly it is like a false alarm. There is the start of a seed but it never gets ripe. Instead it stays soft and moist and white.
Sativa are known for hermi. Shouldnt get the whole plant then you have seed for next year.

I wouldn't worry about it unless you're doing this for $$ then its an issue.

Can spray the plant with water that will get rid of any stray pollen.
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