Ozi grower in need of advice

Ozi Hoocher

420 Member
Hello fellow hoochers..
Im in the last month or so of my grow and i have been hit with a lot of pollination, leading to a large seed development.
The plant itself is very healthy and should yield well.
My problem is the seed pods developing... can i remove these whilst in grow??
Is there any issues in removing the seeds by hand??
She is all organic and did get exposed to a mafi.
What should i do?
Welcome Hoocher!
:ganjamon:- If your plant was pollinated there is not anything you can do about it now. Treat her well and you can harvest some nice seeded bud. Trying to remove developing seeds will only stress the plant. I have smoked some great seeded bud.
Bonus Seeds!!! Grow some of them out next season! Just don't forget to cull out the males before they do the nasty...

Welcome to 420 Magazine @Ozi Hoocher

Sounds like you are getting close to harvest?
Do you have any images to share?

I know you said this grow is almost over, but on you next grow start a grow journal so we can follow along.
How to Make a Grow Journal

Also, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
i sent a pic if yu wanna looksie thanks for the support btw.. pce

Hello fellow hoochers..
Im in the last month or so of my grow and i have been hit with a lot of pollination, leading to a large seed development.
The plant itself is very healthy and should yield well.
My problem is the seed pods developing... can i remove these whilst in grow??
Is there any issues in removing the seeds by hand??
She is all organic and did get exposed to a mafi.
What should i do?
Mate. Also had problems. Temps. So made seeds. I just rode it out. You have seeds. Let them grow for later and your buds will also fatten. Taking seeds out now won’t work and will ruin the bud.
Hi Ozi welcome, enjoy your seeded bud. If your young you won't remember but that's all we had back when. Let it dry and enjoy a bit of nostalgia by using an album cover or game box cover to de seed. Be well.
I'll 'second' that ! All we had in OZ in the early days was big heads with lots of seeds that had to be 'de seed' by crushing and using the 'Tally Ho' rolly papers packet to 'push up' to separate the good stuff from the seeds. I'm still very good at that !.
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