Pineapple Express auto indoor


New Member
Hey guys, i think i need some help since it's my first grow.So...i've got a pineapple express auto flower into an indoor grow box under 3 lamps (75w each). My problem is that in the seeds banks strain information is written that it will take about 8-10 weeks for harvest..Well, i am already at the 8th week and as you can see at these pics i think that my buds are not enough fat Especially if you consider that in about 2 weeks i am supposed to harvest plus leave tips are a little bit yellow as you can see. .I would be much appreciated if there is any advanced grower to help me and tell me if my buds size are normal and if they're not what am i supposed to do to save them! Thank you very much



Great job:thumb:

Seed banks are usually overly optimistic. Harvest when the plants are ready. You've got nice pistil growth going so they're a couple weeks away at least from harvest.

Most determine readiness for harvest based on the color of the trichomes which cover the leaves. They go from clear, to cloudy to amber. The THC is most potent when the trichomes are cloudy, just before turning amber. Amber is when trichomes reach peak and starting to decline.

I think your relatively low light source is one of the reasons your buds are not bigger and tighter. Lower light levels will have airy type buds and not as dense.

Congrats on your first plant - so far so good!:Namaste:
More light / less nute's.
what does nute means my friend? :)

:sorry: nute's = nutrients.
The plants look to have an excess of 'N' (= nitrogen). I think with the amount of light available, the metabolism isn't high enough to need the amount of fert's given.
so you suggest me to place more lights or stop using nutriets for a while ?

More quality light = always.
Less nute's = yes in your case. IMO, it is too late to improve the yield from this grow. Finish this round. Learn from it. Go for better yield next time around.
Improving the environment certainly won't hurt for your current crop, but IDK that you'll see a lot of improvement this far along.
so do you think that in this grow i wont take any yield? or i will just take less yield? do you think my yield is already lost?

You'll get something from her. Not a lot, but don't give up on her.
Don't go by the published flowering times. It appears to me you have way more than 2 weeks left before she's ready to harvest. It could change a LOT by the time it is actually ready.
Keep on keepin' on. :thumb:
I really think lack of light is the main problem with getting bigger, denser bud production. 18/6 sounds perfect.
Looks like you are using a 5 gal bucket - correct? Hopefully you have plenty of drainage holes in the bottom.
I don't grow autos but I'm surprised that almost all the leaves I see have three blades, or less. Very few with 5 fingers or more. That seems odd to me but maybe it is a trait of PE (?).
Well, I've seen many people in forums and many of them have lights less than 200+ watts so i don't think than lights are the biggest problem i guess that i used more nutrient than i should. My pot is almost 1,5 gallon and yes i think i've made a lot of drainage wholes in bottom.I don't know about fingers on leaves i was surprised too!!
I really think lack of light is the main problem with getting bigger, denser bud production. 18/6 sounds perfect.
Looks like you are using a 5 gal bucket - correct? Hopefully you have plenty of drainage holes in the bottom.
I don't grow autos but I'm surprised that almost all the leaves I see have three blades, or less. Very few with 5 fingers or more. That seems odd to me but maybe it is a trait of PE (?).
Hey seeing this makes me wonder is that why my plant went from growing solid seven finger leaves to growing 3-5 finger leaves out of the nodes because it is just some dimebag seeds... genetics are funky

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Ganga, what type lights are you using? You said 75w, but are they incandescent, CFL, LED? Depending on the type of light, actual wattage output could be much less. When I was only growing with CFL's, I was using rather large 23w bulbs. Those labels say they represent 100w incandescent. Three of those would only be 69w to the plants, not 300.

As Major mentioned, you probably won't see a dramatic turnaround if you added more lights but it would help.

Do your best with these but get some seedlings going so you've got one a few weeks along by the time you finish these.

Those leaves have trichomes so you should get some usable smoke and for your first grow - that's a success :high-five:
yeah i think that my lamps are considered as CFL's but i am not pretty sure. I didn't get why you say that 100w would be 69w to the plants
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