Pineapple Kush - Perpetual - 1000w

This is one of the most debatable topics on here. To defol or not to defol, that is the question.

I have a personal preference that I will share but take it with a grain of salt. I would clip off just the lower bud growth and leave the fan leaves. The plant will put valuable energy and resources into forming lower buds that will never be close to the potency of the tops (unless you harvest just the tops then keep flowering the lowers which wastes time IMO). I make the plant put its growth energy where I want it by leaving the best tops and buds. By keeping the sun or fan leaves you'll still allow the plant to create the maximum level of energy through photosynthesis. I only clip fan leaves if they are more than 50% dead or yellowed until the final weeks of flower. During the final weeks of flower I slowly defol the major fan leaves as the plant actually will switch to resin production and not much photosynthetic energy is needed.

Well that pretty much sums it all up for me. Thanks for that. I think I'm gonna go trimming later today.

Most of my fan leafs are dying or yellowing now. Strain finishes 8 weeks on the nose for me it seems. ( I'm going to ask second opinions this time to be sure). Usually they yellow on week 7 and by the end of week 8 there almost all gone naturally. This time they started yellowing at week 5 and by next week there won't be much left. I guess the plant is naturally doingnwhat it should for me.

Thanks again.

Thanks for clarifying.

I haven't inhaled in days, so I have no ready excuse for not "getting it."

I can't imagine you'd get much benefit or loss from trimming the lower popcorn, but more learned members may know a trick or two.
I didn't imagine a snip on the tip of a bud would matter much either:)

Thanks for taking the time to straighten me out. Maybe I need to inhale more to communicate in a 420 kind of way
Thanks for clarifying.

I haven't inhaled in days, so I have no ready excuse for not "getting it."

I can't imagine you'd get much benefit or loss from trimming the lower popcorn, but more learned members may know a trick or two.
I didn't imagine a snip on the tip of a bud would matter much either:)

Thanks for taking the time to straighten me out. Maybe I need to inhale more to communicate in a 420 kind of way

Haha I'm stoned 24/7 I guess that's my excuse lol. I'm a firm believer to try everything at least once. I'm trying back building on 2 plants and I trimmed up 4 plants bottom, 2 of the back built ones. 2 left in touched. See if it actually does make a difference in the end. Not that I don't trust what some of these more expirenced tell me. I just enjoy the comparison. Might get something u expected or might be wasting time lol I guess I'll find out.

Cheers man!
Grab them binoculars, zoom your camera in as far as it will go and put it up against the eyepiece and snap us some trichome pics!
pretty badass find dude. I can't wait to test it tomorrow on some trichs.
Getting a headache looking through these things so long hahahah. Dunno why I thought backwards they made things far away lol stoner moment.

Cheers man
Small update with pics. I did remove some bottom growth to help with bud production on 4 plants. Just to compare .

Here they are a few days before and then after the defoil



The plants on the left are almost done stretching and caught upo with the right side as I expected. On day 16 since flip.

Group shot with and without flash.


And bud porn.

I think I'm doing OK, not sure if my goal is there on the right. What do you guys think?
Thanks for watching :)
Thanks guys!

Hard to believe the 6 on the left are not even 3 weeks from the flip. started at about 4 inch.

Next round you'll all get to see from day one. Pretty fast growing strain.

Wonder if seed trading is allowed on here. I'd love to share this strain.
Researching doc buds high brix soil.
Sounds simple and very effective. After the next 6 I might try 3 in high brix. Also considering putting a Hempy bucket in the mix with hydroton instead of perlite. I did this when I was trying DWC perpetul, I would use solo cups as a mini Hempy for the first month of veg before dropping in the dwc for flower.
Vegging worked breast. Flower went to shit because of my temps lol.
Ba dum psst. Lol

Looking up on this doc earth now, got some info? I'm getting ready for outdoor next week.
If an outdoor guy swears by it. Must do good outside to say the least.

Google. Dr earth and you get a bunch of organic pet stuff.
Add in. Potting soil. And that should get you the list.

I believe it's mostly a pet store brand. I never heard of it before.
He does full outdoor grows with feminized seeds. In an undisclosed location he will never share.
Molasses day today. I don't measure anymore. I just put a fair amount in a 1 gallon water jug, add a cup or so of hot water. Shake the fuck out it. Mix it in my 5 gallons of water. PH then feed.

Right before lights on today I'm gonna try for some budshots. 5-10 min early won't hurt them. There starting to pack on some resin now. Looks like frost in there with the lights out lol
Some of the trichs are amber now. Went in for a closer look with the binoculars. Damn near impossable to take a pic through them lol
All this time I've been taking pics of a small bud off to the side. Not even one of the big colas in the back because I simply can't reach them with the camera. Still didn't get a good pic of one lol.
Can see the frosty look. Another week or 2 and they will look almost sandy and ready to chop! Love how fast this strain grows and finishes.



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